"A beacon of hope shining light on the truth"? | |
"And the Lord said, "Whackye all the serpents which crawl on their bellies... and thy town shall be a beacon unto others." | |
"Elusive, a lone beacon guiding me nowhere" | |
"Holly Hamilton was a flower in a sea of gravel, a beacon to lost ships..." | |
"JackTalk" will remain the beacon of integrity it's always been. | |
"A beacon of hope shining light on the truth"? | |
"And the Lord said, "Whackye all the serpents which crawl on their bellies... and thy town shall be a beacon unto others." | |
"Elusive, a lone beacon guiding me nowhere" | |
"Holly Hamilton was a flower in a sea of gravel, a beacon to lost ships..." | |
"JackTalk" will remain the beacon of integrity it's always been. | |
"The fine little train went on through the fields of heavenly marsh grass waving in the breeze, on through the faint blue light of the triangular beacons, on by the water of the great river..." | |
- A 15-foot beam and no beacons. | |
- Going up like moral beacons. - White phosphorous again? | |
- Locator beacons. | |
- Radio range is weak, but you can see the beacons. | |
"The fine little train went on through the fields of heavenly marsh grass waving in the breeze, on through the faint blue light of the triangular beacons, on by the water of the great river..." | |
- A 15-foot beam and no beacons. | |
- Going up like moral beacons. - White phosphorous again? | |
- Locator beacons. | |
- Radio range is weak, but you can see the beacons. | |