Kaksiktornide ehituseks kasutati 200 000 tonni terast, 325 000 kuupmeetrit betooni, 103 lifti, - 43 600 akent, - 60 000 tonni jahutusseadmeid ja 110 meetrine TV-antenn. | The Twin Towers were composed of 200,000 tons of steel, 425,000 cubic yards of concrete, 103 elevators, 43 600 windows, 60 000 tons of cooling equipment, and a 360 foot television antenna. |
Kaksiktornide ehituseks kasutati 200 000 tonni terast, 325 000 kuupmeetrit betooni, 103 lifti, - 43 600 akent, - | The Twin Towers were composed of 200,000 tons of steel, 425,000 cubic yards of concrete, 103 elevators, 43 600 windows, |
Kui me just betooni otsa ei komista. | If we don't hit concrete. |
Kuid hõõrdumist betooni lihvitakse vaheplaat, paljastades keevisliited. | But the friction with the concrete ground down the back plate, exposing the welds. |