Tumpah (to spill) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of tumpah

Present tense
I spill
Past tense
sudah tumpah
I spilled
Present perfect tense
sudah tumpah
I have spilled
Future perfect tense
akan sudah tumpah
I will have spilled
Future recent tense
tumpah nanti
I will spill
Future distant tense
tumpah kelak
I am going to spill
Present continuous tense
sedang tumpah
I spill
Past distant tense
dulu tumpah
I (a long time ago) spilled
Past recent tense
tumpah tadi
I (recently) spilled
Past very recent tense
baru saja tumpah
I (just now) spilled

Examples of tumpah

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia tidak tumpah.It did not spill.
Darah tumpah karena nilai kristen Terbaring dalam reruntuhan.Blood is being spilled because true Christian values lie in ruins.
Karena jika setetes Dark darah ... tumpah di mana saja , Aku akan merobek Gencatan Senjata terpisah !Because if a single drop of Dark blood... is spilled anywhere, I will tear the Truce apart!
Hal-hal dari lingkup bukan-kerjaku tumpah ke lingkup kerjaku.Things from my non work sphere spilled into my work sphere,
Sebab kopimu tumpah.Because your coffee spilled.

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