- He voisivat avioitua keskenään. | They certainly are. Perhaps they should get married. |
- Minulla on tarkoitus avioitua, sir. | It's just that... I'm supposed to get married, sir. |
-Mikseivät he saisi avioitua? | -Why shouldn't they get married? |
-Ymmärrän. Se Aidan-fiaskohan vei halusi avioitua. | I thought that after that big mess with Aidan, you'd never wanna get married. |
Aioimme Rogerin kanssa avioitua ja adoptoida heidät. Sitten hän näytti todellisen karvansa. | And Roger and I, we were gonna get married and adopt them before he showed his true colors, which is evidently brown and not red. |
Ellet halua, että avioidun... | Aria, if you don't want me to get married... |
Haluat, että avioidun. | - No, but, Lisa... - Listen, Daddy, I know that you want me to get married, but |
Jos ikinä avioidun, pidän sen yksinkertaisena. | If I do ever get married, I'm keeping it simple. |
Kun avioidun, haluan mahtua hääpukuuni. | Because, when I do get married, I kind of want to fit in... my dress. |
Mitä ihmiset sanoisivat, jos avioidun tässä iässä? | People's talk, when an old man like me get married now, what would people say? |
Kun avioidut ja hän huutaa, koska et pidä Peer Gyntin uudesta versiosta, älä tule... | When you get married and he yells at you for not liking the new unabridged edition of Peer Gynt, don't come-- |
Kun avioidut, tajuat että vaimo on kuin herpes. | Vinnie, when you get married, you realize that a wife is like a herpes sore... |
Tietysti avioidut linnassa. | You have to get married in your family's castle. |
Hän ei saa mitään ennen kuin avioituu. | He gets nothing unless he gets married. |
Mutten halunnut olla sellainen, joka avioituu pakon edessä, joten kieltäydyin. | But I didn't want to be one of those women who gets married out of need. So I said no. |
Betsy sanoi, että joko eroamme tai avioidumme, joten menimme naimisiin. | I got married because Betsy said we had to break up or get married... so we got married. |
Emme voi olla täällä, muttajos avioidumme siellä, pitää olla vaatteet. | We know now we can't be here, but if we get married there, it has to be clothed. |
Jos avioidumme pian, - voin ottaa johtamisen taakan häneltä. | I feel if we get married sooner, then I can take the burden of running the city off his shoulders quicker. |
Jätämme heidät ja avioidumme. | But then we ditch them and we get married. |
Vien Emilyn Pariisiin, avioidumme ja elämme elämää, - johon ei kuulu Grayson Globalia eikä muutakaan Graysonia. | I'm taking Emily to Paris. We'll get married and stay there until we choose the life we want to lead, one that doesn't involve Grayson Manor, Grayson Global, or anything Grayson. |
"Olette hulluja kun avioidutte." Se vain lipsahti. | "You're crazy to get married." It just came out. |
Ja törmäsin Kihoon... Sanoin: "Olette hulluja kun avioidutte." | And I bumped into Big and I said that you two were crazy to get married. |
Jos avioidutte kirkossani, lopetatte 9. käskyn rikkomisen. | If you two want to get married in my church, you'll stop breaking the ninth commandment. |
Nyt vain avioidutte uudelleen. | - You just get married again. |
Olette hulluja kun avioidutte. | You two are crazy to get married. |
Chandler ja Monica avioituvat ja rikastuvat, mutta liitto ei toimi. | Well, first Chandler and Monica will get married... ...andbe filthyrich,bytheway. But it won't work out. |
He alkavat pitää toisistaan ja avioituvat? | Let's say he meets her,he likes her,they get married. |
Ihmiset avioituvat toisten ihmisten kanssa. | Things change. - Yeah. - People get married to other people. |
Kun he avioituvat, yhdistämme kauppamme. | After they get married, we'll combine stores and have the first plant-lamp shop. |
Lhmiset avioituvat ja muuttuvat. | People get married; they move on. |
Lähdin täältä 22-vuotiaana, kun avioiduin. | l left here at 22 when l got married. |
Minä avioiduin mielijohteesta, eikä kasvainta ole. | I got married on the spur of the moment, and I don't have a brain tumor. |
Minä taas löysin vihdoin täydellisen tytön, avioiduin ja sain kaksi tytärtä. | As for me, I finally found the perfect girl, I got married and had two great daughters. |
Siinä iässä perustin Kabletownin, avioiduin ja sain valkoisen lapsen. | That's the same age I was when I started Kabletown, got married, and had my first white child. |
Hän avioitui nuorena. | He got married very young. |
Ihmisiä avioitui, ihmisiä kuoli, lapsia syntyi. | Folks got married, people died, babies were born. It was the wheel of life. |
Kanadalainen ystäväni, joka avioitui aivan liian nuorena... Heidän täytyi vannoa vihkivalat kahdesti, kerran ranskaksi. | My friend in Canada who got married way too young, they had to do their vows twice, once in French. |
Kun tyttäreni avioitui, elämäni on tuntunut tyhjältä. | Since Catherine, my daughter, got married, my life has been empty. |
Millaista mahtoi olla, kun hän avioitui ensimmäisen kerran? | Can you imagine what she was like the first time she got married? |
- Koska avioiduimme. | It's wesen. - Why? - It's because we got married. |
- Miksi? Koska avioiduimme. | It's because we got married. |
Kun avioiduimme, vannoin aina kertovani totuuden. | And when we got married, I made a vow that I would always tell you the truth. |
Niinpä me sitten - avioiduimme seuraavalla viikolla sairaalassa. | So what he proposes is... which is what we did... is we got married the next week at the hospital. |
Tapasin Jamien, avioiduimme ja saimme Caran. | I just wanted to get into a good law firm. I met Jamie, we got married, we had Cara, and that was it. |
- Omani avioituivat vesiputouksella. | My parents got married next to a waterfall. |
Alin päässä he avioituivat. | So in Ali's manic mind, they got married. |
Ehkä he avioituivat tai murhattiin. | I don't know if they changed their names, got married, got murdered. |
Harryn kuoltua Sid ja Elsie avioituivat ja muuttivat pois. | And apparently, after Harry died, Sid and Elsie got married and then left the area. |
He avioituivat 12. elokuuta 1989. | They got married on August 12th, 1989. |
Ei pikkusiskoni joka päivä avioidu. | It's a special occasion. I mean, my baby sister doesn't get married every day. |
Emme avioidu joka päivä. | We don't get married every day; |
Ensi kerralla en avioidu leikilläni. | And I promise, next time I get married, it won't be a joke. |
Hanki työ, avioidu ja hanki elämä. | Get a job, get married, get a life, what are you waiting for? |
Hän ei avioidu. | Never get married. |
Emme ole avioitumassa, - mutta se merkitsisi loppuelämää ilman jaettuja aterioita, - joissa on naudanlihaa, kanaa, sianlihaa tai mustekalaa. | Not saying we're getting married or anything, but theoretically, it would be an entire life of never going splitsies on any dish with beef, chicken, pork, or octopus. |
Emme ole avioitumassa. | Look, it's fine. We're not getting married, okay? |
Hän oli avioitumassa. | Oh, mr. Cavendish was getting married. |
Mike on avioitumassa ihanaisen Sarah'n kanssa. | - Hi. Mike works down the hall from me, and Stuart's his brother-in-law. He's getting married to a very lovely young lady named Sarah. |
Olimme avioitumassa. | We-we... we were getting married. |
En tiedä. Ehkä avioituminen on nyt vain turvallisin vaihtoehto. | I don't know, I guess... getting married just is a safer bet at this point. |
Kaikki miehet pelkäävät avioitumista, koska se tuo mieleen kaiken, mitä he eivät saa tehdä. | All men are terrified of getting married, because it reminds them of everything they're never gonna get to do. |
Välitän sinusta todella mutta en voi ajatella avioitumista nyt. | I really care about you... ...butIcan 'tthink about getting married now. |
Koska hän on jo avioitunut. | Because she already got married. |
Marshall, tiedäthän hänet, hänen mielestään et halunnut - ostoskeskukseen sinä päivänä, koska olet avioitunut ostoskeskuksessa - ja sinulla on aviomies Kanadassa. | Marshall, you know Marshall. He thinks that the reason you didn't want to go to the mall the other day is because you got married at a mall and have a husband in Canada. |