Plantar (to plant) conjugation

94 examples

Conjugation of plantar

Present tense
I plant
you plant
he/she plants
we plant
you all plant
they plant
Present perfect tense
tenho plantado
I have planted
tens plantado
you have planted
tem plantado
he/she has planted
temos plantado
we have planted
tendes plantado
you all have planted
têm plantado
they have planted
Past preterite tense
I planted
you planted
he/she planted
we planted
you all planted
they planted
Future tense
I will plant
you will plant
he/she will plant
we will plant
you all will plant
they will plant
Conditional mood
I would plant
you would plant
he/she would plant
we would plant
you all would plant
they would plant
Past imperfect tense
I used to plant
you used to plant
he/she used to plant
we used to plant
you all used to plant
they used to plant
Past perfect tense
tinha plantado
I had planted
tinhas plantado
you had planted
tinha plantado
he/she had planted
tínhamos plantado
we had planted
tínheis plantado
you all had planted
tinham plantado
they had planted
Future perfect tense
terei plantado
I will have planted
terás plantado
you will have planted
terá plantado
he/she will have planted
teremos plantado
we will have planted
tereis plantado
you all will have planted
terão plantado
they will have planted
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha plantado
I have planted
tenhas plantado
you have planted
tenha plantado
he/she has planted
tenhamos plantado
we have planted
tenhais plantado
you all have planted
tenham plantado
they have planted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have planted
(if/so that) you will have planted
(if/so that) he/she will have planted
(if/so that) we will have planted
(if/so that) you all will have planted
(if/so that) they will have planted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver plantado
I will have planted
tiveres plantado
you will have planted
tiver plantado
he/she will have planted
tivermos plantado
we will have planted
tiverdes plantado
you all will have planted
tiverem plantado
they will have planted
Imperative mood
let's plant!
Imperative negative mood
não plantes
do not plant!
não plante
let him/her/it not plant!
não plantemos
let us not plant!
não planteis
do not plant!
não plantem
do not plant!

Examples of plantar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
" Um tempo de plantar e um tempo de colher o que plantámos.A time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted.
"Há um tempo para nascer... " tempo para morrer, "um tempo para plantar...A time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, a time to pluck that which... is planted.
- Até que tenhamos de plantar uma árvore.Even if we have to plant a tree! Fulton.
- Claro que não. Mas temos de as plantar.- But we need seeds to plant trees.
- Foi idéia do Frankie plantar a faca?-Frankie's idea to plant the knife?
# Eu planto a velha semente, filho ## I plant that big old seed, son #
Bom,faz um bom tempo que planto nessa terra,acho que sim.Well, it's been a while since that land's been planted, so, yeah.
Corto, aparo e planto.I will weed, prune, plant.
Depois planto com cuidado a minha semente no solo.And then? Then I carefully plant the seed in the soil.
"A nostalgia é uma emoção que só sinto pelo meu país, mas nunca esquecerei os meus passeios pela praia e pelas pedras, onde minúsculas plantas e flores crescem exactamente da mesma forma que num grande jardim"."Nostalgia is an emotion I can feel only for my own country... but I will never forget... my strolls along the beach and among the rocks... where tiny plants and flowers grow... exactly the same way as in a large garden composition."
"Algumas destas plantas podem crescer em terrenos devastados. ""Indeed, some of these plants may thrive on devastated ground."
"As plantas coloridas e fragrantes são polinizadas por insectos, as simples e secas, pelo vento."All colourful and good-smelling flowers and plants get fertilized by insects All other plants are fertilized by the wind.
"As plantas testemunham os túmulos vazios perdidosThe plants have witnessed the astray empty tombs,
"Come plantas secas e matéria animal,"Eats dried plant and animal matter,"
- Fuma marijuana na tua frente, planta drogas num homem inocente e ainda é uma boa miúda?Smokes weed in front of you, plants meth on an innocent man, but still she's a good girl?
- Ninguém planta árvores em Janeiro.- Nobody plants trees in January.
A Janet planta a faca e então, acusa o Sean dos crimes.Janet plants the knife and then frames Sean for the crime.
A minha teoria: duplo homicídio, o assassino planta a arma, e enterra-os.My theory-- double murder, killer plants the gun, buries them.
A partir daqui, as plantas podiam enganar os insectos para transportar o pólen de uma planta para a outra numa espécie de serviço porta-a-porta.So now plants could trick insects into transporting their pollen directly from one plant to another with a door-to-door service.
- Estava verificando o computador do Al-Zarian, conferindo tudo o que plantamos.- I was checking Al-Zarian's computer, - double-checking everything we planted. - And?
A cidade vai colocar um novo banco e nós plantamos os canteiros e vai haver um caminho de azulejos decorativos.And we'll plant the flowerbeds, And there's gonna be a pathway of art tiles.
Construímos uma latrina e uma cabana e plantamos uma horta.We built a latrine and a hut and planted a vegetable garden.
Depois plantamos outra, está bem?We'll plant another, OK?
E aqui, plantamos algo diferente todos os anos.And over here, we plant something different every year.
"Crescem mais coisas no jardim do que o jardineiro sabia ter plantado.""More grows in the garden than the gardener knows he was planted."
- Deixaste-me plantado aqui em cima...- You planted me up here...
- Devia ter plantado milho como todos nós.He should've planted corn like the rest of us.
- Então... o sangue - foi plantado.So... the blood evidence was all planted.
- Foi plantado.It was planted.
"As escutas não se plantam sozinhas."bugs don't plant themselves.
- Plantar uma árvore no pátio também. - Todas as turmas plantam uma.However, so is planting a nice tree in the quad.
- Porque as pizzas não se plantam.Cause you don't plant pizza...
- Quando se plantam cenouras...- You plant carrots...
Após cada colheita, agricultores têm mantido e limpo sementes naturais e plantam-nas na temporada seguinte.Farmers used to save and clean natural seeds after each harvest and then they'd plant them again the next season.
"e plantei-os em longos e direitos sulcos, "como filas de soldados."and planted them in long, straight furrows, like the ranks of soldiers...
- Acha que plantei tudo isso?- What, you think I planted all of this?
- Achas que plantei aquilo?You think I planted that thing?
- Está dizendo que eu plantei?-Are you saying I planted this?
- O sinal do rastreador... que plantei no Ceifador... quando estava a meter-me nos negócios da SHIELDThe signal from the tracer I planted on the grim reaper, when I was sticking my nose into shield business.
A cifra já não estava onde a plantaste.The cipher was no longer where you planted it.
Assim como plantaste a tua semente na terra, eu irei plantar a minha semente em ti.And just as you have planted your seed in the ground, I am going to plant my seed in you.
Estava destinado, por causa das sementinhas que plantaste.You thought it was bound to happen because of the little seeds that you planted.
Filho, todas as sementes que plantaste, tudo o que puseste no solo, incluindo a tua mãe, não deu em absolutamente nada.Son, every seed you've planted, everything you've ever put in the ground, including your mother, hasn't yielded a single thing.
Foste tu quando plantaste as cassetes do Treadwell.You did this when you planted Treadwell's tapes.
"É semelhante a um grão de semente de mostarda que tomou e plantou no seu jardim,""It's similar to a mustard seed, that a man took and planted in his garden."
- Ele plantou isso.He planted that!
- Então estamos a dizer que o Simon Rose não matou o Will Sutter e plantou o seu sangue nele, mas um dos associados do Rose mandou aqui o Will para roubar provas?Simon Rose didn't kill Will Sutter and have his blood planted on him, but one of Rose's associates sent Will in here to steal evidence?
- Marotta plantou aquela arma. - Isso é uma questão de opinião.- Marotta planted that gun.
- O Dave plantou-a.- Dave planted it.
Encontrei o item que plantastes pouco depois da vossa visita.I found the item you planted soon after you visited.
Como é que sabemos que a plantaram?How do we know they planted it?
Deram-lhe drogas e plantaram as provas, só tens que me dar uma oportunidade de provar isso.They gave him drugs, got him high, and planted the evidence. You just got to give me a chance to prove it.
E depois plantaram árvores.And then they planted trees.
Eles adiantaram-se a nós e plantaram a prova na casa do Vass.They got to Vase's apartment ahead of us and planted the evidence.
Eles plantaram planos falsos por todo o país, e ficaram à espera de apanharmos algum.They planted fake plans all over the country And then just waited for us to take one.
Aí plantarei a minha bandeira.There I will plant my flag.
Brevemente plantarás a tua semente.Soon you will plant your seed.
E lá plantarás a tua semente no Jardim de Éden.And there you will plant your seed in the Garden of Eden.
Cada tubo plantará um nanite na cabeça de alguém.Each tube will plant a nanite into someone's head.
O EDI plantará a punção.- EDI will plant the truncheon.
Operador para Garras, repito, EDI plantará a punção.Operator to Talons, repeat, EDI will plant the truncheon.
Por isso ao aliviar o fardo da divida pública, plantarias as verdadeiras sementes de crescimento económico.So by helping the public debt burden, you would plant the true seeds of economic growth.
Pedirei ao Jackson que plante umas árvores.I'll ask Jackson to plant trees.
Se precisas que alguém plante drogas num lugar, a chantagem é a forma mais fácil.If you need this guy to cop to planting drugs on your friend, blackmail is the easiest way to go.
Talvez consigamos que o Marky Mark plante uma árvore de estrela.We might get Marky Mark to plant a celebrity tree.
Talvez plante até uma figueira.l might even plant a fig tree.
cozinhe as batatas com casca e plante cebolas!it cooks potatoes with rind e plants onions!
- Não as plantes onde eu estaciono.- Don't plant 'em where I park.
E acho que ela talvez tivesse plantes.And I think maybe she had plants.
Quero que os plantes.I want you to plant them.
Melhor será que plantemos as sementes de cabaça em seguida.Guess we'd better get those gourd seeds planted right away.
E eles matarão o inimigo se puderem, queimem as colheitas que os possam alimentar, e plantem de novo quando eles partirem.They will kill the enemy if they can, burn the crops that might feed him, and plant again when he has gone.
Sou um ulmeiro, não me plantem de mais* I am an elm tree, don't overplant me *
É bom que plantem mais para amanhã.You better tell them to plant some more for tomorrow.
Enterrai a desatinada dor no túmulo do falecido Eduardo E plantai vossas alegrias no trono de Eduardo vivo.Drown desperate sorrow in dead Edward's grave... and plant your joys in living Edward's throne.
Achas que me vences plantando um traidor?You think planting a mole in us will do us in?
Bem, em primeiro lugar, que tal você me diga o que você está plantando dentro do meu caminhão, ali, vice-Mooney?Well, first off, how about you tell me what you're planting inside my truck, there, deputy Mooney?
Desde que continuemos plantando as flores, as abelhas as acharão.So if we keep doing our job and planting the flowers, the bees will do theirs and find them.
Então cruzei-me com o porco Bubu, plantando nabos no campo.Soon, I came across Bubu the Pig, planting turnip seeds in a field
Estava plantando carvalhos.He was planting oak trees.
- E é por isso que precisamos de si, e de outros como o senhor, para se infiltrarem nas monarquias, e plantarem a semente da discórdia a partir do seu interior.And others like you, to infiltrate the monarchies, and plant the seeds of discord from within.
- Não é muito sensato... estes ambientalistas plantarem árvores quando eles não sabem o que estão a fazer.- Now, it's very stupid... for these environmentalists to plant trees... when they don't know what they're doing.
Então, se eles plantarem isso lá, crescerá?- If they plant this thing there, it'Il grow ?
Gostamos de deixar espaço para que aceitem um suborno e plantarem provas.Yeah, well, we like to give you fellas a little space to take bribes and plant evidence.
Para os seus amigos... plantarem o corpo da Lenore... e fazer parecer que eu a tinha morto.So that your pals... could plant Lenore's body... and make it look as if I killed her.
As lâminas cortaram as artérias plantares e ele sangrou até à morte.The blades severed the plantar arteries, and he bled out.
Então o que tu queres é voltar, falares contigo, como criança e plantares a ideia para ficares com ela?So what, do you want to go back, talk to yourself as a kid and plant the idea to woo her again?
Morre comigo todas as noites e renasce comigo na manhã seguinte quando plantares a tua espada no coração dos nossos inimigos.Die with me each night and be born again with me each morning... as you plant your sword into the hearts of our enemies.
Não peço para plantares provas.I'm not asking you to plant evidence.
O local perfeito para plantares um jardim.The perfect place for you to plant a garden.
- Por falar em adiar, como sabe, todos os anos para celebrar o feriado de Tu Bishvat, pedimos às crianças para doarem dinheiro para plantarmos uma árvore em Israel.Speaking of rain, as you know, every year to celebrate the holiday of Tu Bishevat, we ask the children to donate money to have a tree planted in Israel.
- Se plantarmos milho...- Maybe if we plant corn...
A semente que plantarmos na cabeça deste homem dará origem a uma ideia.Now, the seed that we plant in this man's mind will grow into an idea.
Sim, mas se as plantarmos numa carpete ou num chão de madeira, elas não crescem.The seeds of hope. Yeah, but the seeds won't grow if you plant them on the carpet Or a hardwood floor.

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