Obrigar (to force) conjugation

97 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: oblige, to oblige, compel

Conjugation of obrigar

Present tense
I force
you force
he/she forces
we force
you all force
they force
Present perfect tense
tenho obrigado
I have forced
tens obrigado
you have forced
tem obrigado
he/she has forced
temos obrigado
we have forced
tendes obrigado
you all have forced
têm obrigado
they have forced
Past preterite tense
I forced
you forced
he/she forced
we forced
you all forced
they forced
Future tense
I will force
you will force
he/she will force
we will force
you all will force
they will force
Conditional mood
I would force
you would force
he/she would force
we would force
you all would force
they would force
Past imperfect tense
I used to force
you used to force
he/she used to force
we used to force
you all used to force
they used to force
Past perfect tense
tinha obrigado
I had forced
tinhas obrigado
you had forced
tinha obrigado
he/she had forced
tínhamos obrigado
we had forced
tínheis obrigado
you all had forced
tinham obrigado
they had forced
Future perfect tense
terei obrigado
I will have forced
terás obrigado
you will have forced
terá obrigado
he/she will have forced
teremos obrigado
we will have forced
tereis obrigado
you all will have forced
terão obrigado
they will have forced
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha obrigado
I have forced
tenhas obrigado
you have forced
tenha obrigado
he/she has forced
tenhamos obrigado
we have forced
tenhais obrigado
you all have forced
tenham obrigado
they have forced
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have forced
(if/so that) you will have forced
(if/so that) he/she will have forced
(if/so that) we will have forced
(if/so that) you all will have forced
(if/so that) they will have forced
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver obrigado
I will have forced
tiveres obrigado
you will have forced
tiver obrigado
he/she will have forced
tivermos obrigado
we will have forced
tiverdes obrigado
you all will have forced
tiverem obrigado
they will have forced
Imperative mood
let's force!
Imperative negative mood
não obrigues
do not force!
não obrigue
let him/her/it not force!
não obriguemos
let us not force!
não obrigueis
do not force!
não obriguem
do not force!

Examples of obrigar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"para me obrigar a enfiar-te a língua no traseiro.""to force me to thrust my tongue in your behind."
- Muito. Bateram na Maria esta manhã, prenderam o Tuscarora por roubar os próprios cavalos, e foram para o rancho do velho Phillips para o obrigar a ceder.They slapped Maria around this morning, put Tuscarora in jail for stealing his own horses, and they've gone to Old Man Phillips' ranch to force him to give in.
- Nesse caso, tenho de te obrigar.- Then I will have to force you.
- Não quero obrigar-te.Why not? - I don't want to force you to.
- Vai obrigar-nos?-You're going to force us?
- Eu obrigo-te.- I force you.
- Vá lá! Não os obrigo.I don't force them!
15 minutos e então obrigo-o a divertir-se.15 minutes, then forced fun.
Capturo a minha filha ingrata e obrigo-a a dizer-me a fórmula secreta que o Grande usou para a tornar azul.I capture my ungrateful daughter and force her to tell me the secret formula that Papa used to turn her blue.
A sério, porque é que me obrigas a fazer da tua vida uma desgraça?Seriously, why do you force me to make your life miserable?
Agora, obrigas-me a cavar duas sepulturas.Now you force me to dig two graves.
Bom, se me obrigas a pensar nisso... provavelmente diría que, já que tu não tens problemas financeiros... e eu de começo fresco, talvez mos quizesses emprestar.Well, if you force me to think about it... I'd probably say since you're in pretty good shape financially... and I'm just getting started, you might want to front it to me.
E obrigas-me a tentar ler a tua mente?And you force me to be like some kind of a mind reader.
Kramer, obrigas-me a arranjar um bilhete para o teu amigo e, depois, o tipo obriga-me a fazer uma cópia pirata de um filme, apontando-me uma arma?You make me get a ticket for this friend and then the guy forces me to bootleg a movie at gunpoint?
"obriga-me a recordar-vos"forces me to put you in remembrance
- Estás a ver como ela me obriga.- You see how she forces me?
- Ninguém te obriga a nada, Nicky.No one forces your hand, Nicky.
- No dia que a sua mulher desapareceu um miúdo desconhecido entra no seu carro à força e obriga-o a ouvir uma música.On the day that your wife disappears, a kid that you don't know forces his way into your car and makes you listen to his song.
- Porque... Porque a sociedade te obriga.Because society forces you to.
- Não o obrigamos a usar drogas!We didn't force him to take drugs!
- Ouve. Quando o Sheldrake chegar, e que tal se o obrigamos a dividir?Well, as it arrives Sheldrake, forced him to speak clearly.
- Que a obrigamos a confessar?- What, like we forced her to confess? - Yeah.
E, de vez em quando, nos obrigamos a ir.And every once in a while we force each other to go. Cubbies?
Mas não vai aconteceu porque nós o obrigamos.But it won't happen because we forced it on him.
"Fui obrigado a admitir que a natureza coloca em vigor a cósmica dos seres o único pecado que são capazes de... o pecado da clandestinidade."I was forced to admit that nature forces on cosmic beings the only sin they are capable of... the sin of concealment.
"mas se alguém for obrigado por necessidade,""but if one is forced by necessity,
"o Paul Glouski foi obrigado a entrar neste espaço contra a sua vontade numa partida infantil e nunca mais foi visto ou ouviu-se falar dele.""Paul Glouski was forced inside this conveyance against his will in a childish prank and was never seen or heard from again."
- ... o George Sr. era obrigado a visitar alguém que tinha tentado atirar de um carro em movimento.- You'll be missed. - George Sr. was forced to visit... someone he had once tried to shove out of a moving car.
- Fui obrigado a isso.I was forced fed.
- Então por que nos obrigam...-So why'd they force us to...
- Mas obrigam-nos a demitirem-se.- But people have been forced to quit.
Acreditas que me obrigam a jogar com mais dez jogares?Believed that force me to play with ten?
Algemam-te, obrigam-te a engolir a chave Amordaçam-te, põem-te um saco na cabeça e deixam-te assim para sufocares.You're handcuffed, forced to swallow the key.
Alguns agressores obrigam as vítimas a contactar a família e a dizer onde estão.Some offenders force their victims to contact families to explain their whereabouts.
- Diz-lhes que eu te obriguei a isto.Just tell them that I forced you into this.
- Não te obriguei a ficar.- No one forced you.
A culpa foi minha, fui eu que a obriguei.It was me, I forced myself to do it.
Até parece que te obriguei a seguires-me. Disseste, e cito,Please, as if I forced you to follow me anywhere.
Certo. Enchi-o de manteiga e de açúcar durante 50 anos e o obriguei-o a não fazer exercício.I filled him full of butter and sugar for 50 years and forced him not to exercise.
- Tu obrigaste-me a isso.You forced me to.
- Tu obrigaste-me...You forced me...
A única razão pela qual estamos a fazer isto é porque nos obrigaste.The only reason we're doing this is because you forced us to.
Alonso, disse-te para não escreveres à tua tia, e agora obrigaste-me a mandá-la embora.Alonso, I told you not to write to your aunt,... and now you've forced me to send her away.
Bem, obrigaste-me a isto.Well, you have forced me.
! Esqueça, ninguém o obrigou a vir aqui. Não seja mau perdedor.Forget it, nobody forced you to come here.
"A solidão obrigou-me a tornar-me o meu melhor amigo. "Loneliness forced me to be my own best friend.
"E, sem demora, fogo e fumo sairam em tamanha abundância com faíscas e barulhos horrendos, o que obrigou Christian a baixar a espada e optar por outra arma, chamada Oração.""And ever and anon the flame and smoke would come out in such abundance with sparks and hideous noises that Christian was forced to put up his sword and betake himself to another weapon called All Prayer."
"Mike Dexter bateu-te e obrigou-te a beber álcool até desmaiares.""Mike Dexter beat you up and forced you to drink alcohol until you passed out."
"Pior ainda, o ronco de James nos obrigou a tomar medidas drásticas.'Worse still, James's snoring forced us to take drastic action.'
- E obrigaram soldados a devolverem gado roubado ?- And forced troopers to return stolen cattle?
- Ele pode ainda não estar morto, e eles obrigaram-no a fazer essas coisas todas.I ain't risking my life to save his dead ass, and neither should you. He may not be dead, and they forced him to do that.
- Não desde que me obrigaram a sair em 1974.- Not since I was forced out in 1 974.
- Os meus pais obrigaram-me a sair contigo.It was my parents' idea. They forced me into it.
- Reunindo-me com a filha que eles me obrigaram a abandonar?- By reuniting me with the child they forced me to give up?
Levando-os a matar por uma causa que não é a deles, mas a qual ele os obrigará a patrocinar, pervertendo-lhes a mente, com mentiras, acusações desprezíveis e ameaças infames.Getting them to kill for a cause they have no stake in, but which he will force them to espouse by twisting their minds with his lies, his loathsome accusations and his foul threats.
Ninguém vos obrigará a ir para lado nenhum.No one will force you to go anywhere.
O Shredder obrigará esta cidade a viver sob o nosso jugo.Shredder will force this city to live under our rule.
Isto obrigaria o nosso povo a declarar a sua fé, sob pena de morte.This would force our people to declare their faith, under penalty of death.
Os nobres querem que o Francisco assine uma lei que obrigaria todos os súbditos franceses a declararem a sua fé ao Rei publicamente.The nobles want Francis to sign a law that would force all French subjects to declare their faith to the king publicly.
Você a obrigaria a sofrer a mais horrível das mortes?You would force her to suffer the most horrible of deaths?
- Como advogado do hospital, o Dr. Tucker tinha conhecimento dos casos que obrigariam o hospital a pagar.As the hospital's attorney, Mr. Tucker had inside knowledge as to which cases would force the hospital to pay out big, including a salacious rape charge.
Se eles achassem que Daisy... fora trocada por uma fada... então o Halloween seria a única noite do ano... em que a porta entre este mundo e o próximo estaria aberta... e ao queimar a "criança trocada"... eles obrigariam as fadas a trazer de volta sua verdadeira filha.If they thought that Daisy was a a fairy changeling, then Halloween is the one night of the year when the door between this world and the next is open, and burning the changeling would force the fairies to bring back their real daughter.
- Não me obrigue a escolher.-Don't force me to make that choice.
- Não nos obrigue a tomá-la.Please don't force us to take it.
- Não o obrigue a comer assim.- Don't force-feed him like that.
- Por favor, Mrs. Crawley, não me obrigue a ser indelicado.- Please, Mrs. Crawley, don't force me to be uncivil.
A Imperatriz tem apenas três dias até que o Conselho... a obrigue a entregar o Ceptro.The Empress only has three days until the Council... forces her to relinquish her Scepter to them.
- Não me obrigues a isto.-Don't force this.
- Não me obrigues a matar-te.Don't force me to kill you.
- Näo me obrigues...- Don't you force me to.
- Por favor, imploro-te, - não me obrigues a fazer isto.Please, I'm begging you, don't force me to do this.
Então confia em mim agora. Não a obrigues a ir.Don't force her.
Não lutarão a menos qu os obriguemos a isso.They won't fight unless we force them into it.
Pará antes de que te obriguemos a fazê-lo!Stop before I force you to.
- Está bem, não o obriguem.It's okay. Don't force him.
Agradecemos a sua estadia, mas receio que suas acções me obriguem a encurtá-la.We thank you for your stay, but I regret that your actions have forced me to cut it short.
Atenda o meu pedido, e liberte o Sr. Evans imediatamente, antes que a Justiça os obriguem.Grant my request and release Mr. Evans immediately, Before the courts force you to do so.
E nem eu quero, a menos que me obriguem, porque isso poria a França em perigo.And nor do I, unless forced, 'cause that would endanger France.
Ninguém quer que o dispam, e o obriguem a masturbar-se, com um capuz, enfiado na cabeça.Nobody wants you naked and forced to masturbate ... with a hood on his head.
- E tu... eras a cabra esquelética que me roubou a roupa durante a aula de ginástica, obrigando-me a correr pela escola fora para o escritório do Director, completamente nua.And you were the skinny bitch who stole my clothes during gym class, forcing me to run across the entire school to the principal's office completely naked.
A Cúpula meteu-nos à prova, obrigando cada um de nós a confrontar os nossos próprios demónios... Raiva... Dor...The dome has tested our limits, forcing each of us to confront our own personal demons... rage... grief... fear.
A família dele trouxe-o da cidade, obrigando-o a adaptar-se à nova vizinhança.His family uprooted from the city, forcing him to adapt to his new surroundings.
A horda leal retalia, ganhando a vantagem e obrigando os leões à desordem, destruindo a sua confiança e espalhando-os ao vento.The loyal horde fights back, winning the advantage and forcing the lions into disarray, destroying their confidence and scattering them to the wind.
A nave klingon sob comando do Capitao Koloth... está nos obrigando a uma batalha pela custódia de Cyrano Jones... por razoes ainda desconhecidas.The Klingon ship under command of Captain Koloth is forcing us into a battle for custody of Cyrano Jones for reasons still unknown.
Assim que obrigarem o avião a aterrar, podemos expor todos os passageiros...Once they force the plane to land, we can expose everyone on board to it and...
Até os seus superiores descobrirem isso... e obrigarem-na...Until her superiors discovered this and forced her...
Mandaram, para nos obrigarem a ler tudo.They give it to you to force you to read everything.
Não vou deixá-los obrigarem-me a parecer estúpido outra vez.I'm not gonna let them force me to looking stupid again.
Para obrigarem o pai dela a despenhar um avião sobre o Presidente.To force her father To fly a plane into the president.
- Aquilo que me obrigares.- Whatever you force me to.
E vai-te trazer algum bem obrigares o Jimmy a ficar casado contigo?And is it really gonna do you any good to force Jimmy to stay married to you?
Estavas a pensar que esta seria a tua última hipótese de me obrigares a passar tempo com ela?To force me to hang out with her?
Fizeste com que adoecesse para me obrigares a ajudar-te.You made her sick to force me to help you.
Não, só acho mal obrigares a rapariga a tomar a pílula.No, I just think it's wrong for you to force birth control on the girl.
Mas se obrigarmos os pneus da frente do veículo a saírem da estrada, vamos reduzir drasticamente a capacidade de manobra.But if you force a vehicle's front tires off the road, you drastically diminish its maneuverability.
O mundo só faz sentido se o obrigarmos a isso.The world only makes sense... if you force it to.
E as unhas... pensei que estavam roidas, por ela estar nervosa, por me entregar. Por exemplo, ela fosse muito jovem e os pais a obrigassem a entregar-me.I figured they were bitten down 'cause she was all upset about having to give me away, like, maybe she was too young and her parents were forcing her to give me up.

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