Localizar (to locate) conjugation

91 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: circumscribe, to localize, localize, to circumscribe

Conjugation of localizar

Present tense
I locate
you locate
he/she locates
we locate
you all locate
they locate
Present perfect tense
tenho localizado
I have located
tens localizado
you have located
tem localizado
he/she has located
temos localizado
we have located
tendes localizado
you all have located
têm localizado
they have located
Past preterite tense
I located
you located
he/she located
we located
you all located
they located
Future tense
I will locate
you will locate
he/she will locate
we will locate
you all will locate
they will locate
Conditional mood
I would locate
you would locate
he/she would locate
we would locate
you all would locate
they would locate
Past imperfect tense
I used to locate
you used to locate
he/she used to locate
we used to locate
you all used to locate
they used to locate
Past perfect tense
tinha localizado
I had located
tinhas localizado
you had located
tinha localizado
he/she had located
tínhamos localizado
we had located
tínheis localizado
you all had located
tinham localizado
they had located
Future perfect tense
terei localizado
I will have located
terás localizado
you will have located
terá localizado
he/she will have located
teremos localizado
we will have located
tereis localizado
you all will have located
terão localizado
they will have located
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha localizado
I have located
tenhas localizado
you have located
tenha localizado
he/she has located
tenhamos localizado
we have located
tenhais localizado
you all have located
tenham localizado
they have located
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have located
(if/so that) you will have located
(if/so that) he/she will have located
(if/so that) we will have located
(if/so that) you all will have located
(if/so that) they will have located
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver localizado
I will have located
tiveres localizado
you will have located
tiver localizado
he/she will have located
tivermos localizado
we will have located
tiverdes localizado
you all will have located
tiverem localizado
they will have located
Imperative mood
let's locate!
Imperative negative mood
não localizes
do not locate!
não localize
let him/her/it not locate!
não localizemos
let us not locate!
não localizeis
do not locate!
não localizem
do not locate!

Examples of localizar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Desde o seu desaparecimento, no mês passado, "a Polícia de Bayshore não conseguiu localizar "Monica Dunninger, de 43 anos, a secretária acusada de roubar quase um milhão de dólares aos patrões, o Grupo de Impressão Jaffe.""Since her disappearance last month, Bayshore PD have been unable to locate 43 year old Monica Dunninger, the secretary accused of stealing nearly $1 million from her employers, the Jaffe Printing Group. "
- Algo que te permite localizar quem fornece ao Pistoleiro os seus alvos.That's everything you need to locate who's giving Deadshot his targets.
- Como é que alguém os conseguiria localizar? - Não sei.- How would anyone be able to locate them?
- Disse-me que ia tentar localizar a Pratt.He told me he was trying to locate Pratt.
- Eles têm ordens de localizar e destruir o submarino em meia hora, eu sei.Have orders to locate and destroy the submarine. I know.
- Não localizo a radiação.- Unable to locate the radiation.
Cobramos-lhe demasiados impostos, mas é complicado, porque não a localizo.We overcharged her on some property taxes years back but it's tough, I haven't been able to locate her.
Eu localizo a pasta com os documentos e troco-os.I'll locate the briefcase with the documents and swap them out.
Eu localizo engenhos explosivos improvisados, bombas.I locate I.E.D.S, bombs.
Faça-o falar que já localizo a chamada!Keep him talking. I'll locate the call.
Casey, tu localizas o computador central do Bale,You locate Bale's computer vault.
- Tenho 10% de um aplicativo que localiza fontes próximas e eu gostava de discutir...I own ten percent of an app that locates all nearby water fountains. I'd be happy to discuss it with you.
Ela localiza a infestação seguindo o rastro dos óleos voláteis.It locates an infestation by following the trail of volatiles.
Este vale localiza-se nalgum lugar nesta área. aonde ele fez a chamada.That locates vale mewhere in this area when he made the call.
O nosso líder esgueira-se para fora do perímetro e localiza os mortos deles. E começa a gritar-lhes insultos.See, our team leader slips outside the perimeter... and locates their dead... and starts screaming insults at them.
- Ainda não o localizamos.- We haven't located him yet.
Agente Broyles, localizamos o local para a injeção.Agent Broyles, we've located the injection point.
Ainda não localizamos a Barrett.We still haven't located Barrett yet.
Ainda não se moveu desde que o localizamos.Hasn't moved since we located him. Let's hope he's still sleeping.
Apesar dos escudos camuflados, nós localizamos a nave Klingon.Despite their cloaking shields, we have located the Klingon vessel.
"DDT localizado em Tirania;"DDT located in Tirania.
"Em que parte do corpo humano está localizado o quisto de Douglas?""Where on the human body is the Douglas pouch located?"
"Foi preciso uma estratégia dissimulada, "um bando de Girl Squaws, "um estranho retiro de homens localizado por um trooper apaixonado, uma manobra louca e quase ilegal..."It took a cloakroom hookup, a mob of Girl Squaws, a strange men's retreat located by a lovesick state trooper, insane quasi legal maneuvering...
"Genro localizado."Son-in-law located.
"Talvez tenhamos localizado um meio para fuga da câmara funerária.""We may have located a means of escape in the burial chamber."
As fotos de satélite localizam-nos num navio mercante chamado Latanya que se dirige para o Líbano.Satellite photos show them located in a merchant vessel called the Latanya bound for Lebanon.
Copiam as chaves, localizam os objetos valiosos e os alarmes e depois vendem essa informação a outras equipas.They copy the keys, locate the valuables and alarms, and they sell that information to other crews.
Elas ouvem, cheiram e localizam objetos apenas com as antenas.They hear, smell and locate objects with their radar-like antennae.
Ele localizam as presas através de eco localização.They locate their prey using echolocation.
Eu mantenho-a ocupada enquanto vocês localizam os desaparecidos.I'll keep her occupyed while you locate the missing
- Ainda não a localizei.-I haven't located her yet.
- Foi por isso que o localizei.- It was therefore that I located it.
Acho que localizei os pais do Loran.I believe I have located the parents of Loran.
Acho que localizei uma fraqueza.I think I've located a weakness.
Acho que os localizei, os "Vigories de Oden Tal".I think I've located them, the "Vigories of Oden Tal."
- Ainda não o localizaste?- Still haven't located it?
- Porquê? - Dean, localizaste a bruxa?Dean,have you located the witch?
Aquele jovem Mestre do Clã Nórdico, Já o localizaste?Have you located the old man's son?
Deduzo que ainda não localizaste o doppelgänger.How may we be of service? I take it you haven't located the doppelganger yet.
Jenny que localizaste o vosso pai?- Miss Jenny that you located your father?
- A UAT localizou o meu pai e o Josh numa plataforma petrolífera.CTU located my father and Josh on one of the offshore oil platforms.
- Eu não, senhor. O grande Sherlock Holmes localizou o demônio, no velho moinho. E ele está à caminho para capturá-lo pessoalmente.The great Sherlock Holmes located the fiend's hideaway at the old windmill and is on his way there to apprehend him presently.
- Já a localizou?Have you located the woman yet?
- Já localizou o pacote?Have you located the package?
- Já os localizou?Have you located them?
- Já localizaram o Dr. Jackson?- Have they located Dr. Jackson?
- Já localizaram o pai da Sidney?I mean, we certainly don't have any leads. - Have you located Sidney's father yet?
- Senhor, localizaram o barco.Sir, they've located the boat.
-Ainda não a localizaram.- They have not located it yet.
Acham que localizaram Garret Burke.HOME****** Uh,they think they've located Garret Burke.
Novamente Jim, tomarei conta disto, localizarei os fura casamento, e relatarei para a Phyllis.Once again, Jim... I will take care of this. I will locate the wedding crashers
"Por favor, mantenha-se calmo e localize a saída mais próxima."At the Montecito please remain calm and locate the nearest exit.
- Computador, localize o Dr. Jetrel.Computer, locate Dr Jetrel.
- Quer que localize as suas memórias?You want me to locate her memories.
- Quer que localize o advogado dele?- Shall I locate his counsel?
- Quero que me localize isso.I want you to locate it for me. What?
Edgar, preciso que localizes este número.Edgar, I need you to run a locate on this number.
Estou a pedir que localizes e avalies uma possível ameaça.I'm asking you to locate and assess a potential threat.
Preciso que localizes a base dos Stormtroopers,I need you to go there and locate the Stormtrooper base.
Preciso que localizes os colonos togruta desaparecidos.I need you to locate the missing Togruta colonists.
Preciso que localizes um contabilista italiano que falsifica documentos para o teu velho amigo Albino.I need you to locate the Italian accountant who cooks the books for your old friend the Albino.
- A menos que não o localizemos.Unless intel can't locate it.
Damos-lhe uma estimativa mal localizemos a fonte do problema.'We have to locate the source of the trouble. '
Escuso de te dizer o quão crítico é que nós localizemos o quartel general da FRC.I can't stress enough how critical it is that we locate CRF headquarters.
Mal localizemos a sua fonte, o planeta e todos os seres vivos que nele habitam serão destruídos.As soon as we have located its source, the planet and all living things on it will be destroyed.
Oh, não. Porque até que o localizemos, ele continuará a fazer isto.Oh, no. 'cause until we do locate him he'll keep doing that.
A menos que queira ver isto no filme dele, sugiro que localizem o carro imediatamente.Unless you wish to see this in his film, I suggest you locate the car immediately.
E principalmente, localizem o Kateb.More importantly, locate Kateb? Hmm?
Eles que localizem já o Jack.Have them locate Jack now.
Faça com que localizem Reed e que apreendam qualquer prova que ela tenha.Have them locate Reed and seize whatever evidence she purports to have.
Limpem o local e localizem os nossos convidados.clean this place up and locate our guests.
Há alguns anos alguns de nós vêm rastreando, localizando, monitorando... pessoas como você.For many years now, a number of us have been tracking, locating, monitoring people like you.
O dispositivo de destruição do Aquaman deve ser fácil de encontrar localizando simplesmente a sua fonte de energia.Aquaman's doomsday device should be easy for me to find... simply by locating the power source.
Tentámos reduzir a área, localizando o IP do Webcast.Well, we're trying to pinpoint her, or at least narrow the window, by locating the IP address of the webcast.
Você teve alguma sorte localizando o meu binóculo?Have you had any luck locating my binoculars?
Vou provar que o e-mail é um embuste localizando o seu autor.I'm proving the email's a hoax by locating its author.
Assim que localizarem o corpo do Dr. Prince.As soon as you locate Dr Prince's remains.
Atenção a todos os carros patrulha, contactem se o localizarem.License ZZ03 2 4. All cars, report if subject is located.
De qualquer modo, vou enviar dois tipos da equipa forense amanhã para procurarem no escritório e localizarem o diário.Anyhow, i'll send over a couple of forensics guys tomorrow to search his office and locate that diary.
Estão certos que será uma questão de horas até localizarem estes documentos.They're certain that it will only be a matter of hours before they can locate these documents.
Eu detenho-o até eles a localizarem.I'll hold him off till they locate her.
Diz qualquer coisa quando localizares a avaria principal.- Tell me when you locate the damage.
E se a localizares, tira uma foto dela. Só isso.And if you locate her, you will take a photograph of her, nothing more.
Liga-me assim que a localizares.Call the second you locate her.
Se a Pam perguntar o que quero, diz-lhe que te pedi para localizares a tua certidão de nascimento, para o meu trabalho genealógico.If Pam asks you what I want, tell her that I asked you to locate your birth certificate for my genealogical work.
Tens cinco dias para me localizares.You have five days to locate me.
Assim que localizarmos o pacote, digo-te onde colocar o localizador.- Once I've located the package, I'll let you know where to place the tracker.
Assim que localizarmos o planeta Terra, a vossa colónia aqui será extinta.Once we have located planet Earth your colony here will be extinguished.
Bem, se, quando localizarmos a arma, pudermos ligá-la a um indivíduo...Well, if, when we can locate the weapon we can connect it to an individual...
Como é que isso alivia a dor? Bem, quando localizarmos a actividade anormal as sondas normalizam-na.Well, once we locate the abnormal activity, the probes normalize it.
E era por isso que era vital nós localizarmos isto antes.Which is why it was vital that we locate it first.

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