Sandensas sako, kad esi išlepęs, mėgsti prabangiai atostogauti, vaišinti kitus gėrimais ir esi prastas lošėjas. | Sundance says it's cos you're a soft touch, always taking expensive vacations, buying drinks for everyone, and you're a rotten gambler. |
Atsimeni, kai kartu su Eta vykom atostogauti į Denverį? | You remember the time you and me and Etta went to Denver that summer for a vacation? |
Ar jūs kada nors buvot išvažiavę atostogauti ir palikę vaiką? | Tell me, have you gone on vacation and left your child home? |
Aš... atostogauju. | I am on vacation. |
Aš atostogauju su nuteistu nusikaltėliu ir, mm.. oi, man vos nenukando galvos vienas monstras ! | I holiday out with a convicted criminal and, uh... oh, I had my head chewed on by a monster! |
Aš nuolat atostogauju. | I holiday constantly. |
Aš neatostogauju. | I don't take vacations. |
Tu dabar atostogauji, tai galėtum pasirūpinti juo vieną naktį! | You're on vacation, now. You can take care of it for a night. |
Atostogauji? | Are you taking a vacation? |
Maniau, tu atostogauji. | I thought you were on vacation. |
- Jei tau mūsų reikės, savo svetainėje paskelbk, kad atostogauji. | You need us, put on your web site that you're on vacation. |
Jo sekretorė atostogauja, jis apsikrovęs darbais, nagrinėja svarbią bylą Niuarke ir taip toliau. | His secretary's on vacation, everything's all backed up. He's got a big case in Newark, blah, blah, blah. |
Ponia Baisienė atostogauja. | Ms.Fearmonger is on vacation. |
Mes atostogaujame. | We're on vacation. |
Atostogaujame. | - We're on holiday. |
Mes čia atostogaujame. | We're here on vacation. |
Man labai nemalonu jus trukdyti kai jūs atostogaujate bet gal galėtumėte jį apžiūrėti? | I hate to disturb you while you're on vacation, Doctor but could I just get you to take a look at him? |
- Jūs čia atostogaujate? | You all here for a vacation? |
Maniau, kad Jūs atostogaujate? | I thought you were on leave? |
Kai atostogavau, jis mane pavadavo. | When I was on vacation, he was acting in my stead. |
Ar jis atostogavo? | Was he on vacation? |
Žinai, praėjusiais metais ten atostogavo ji su vyru. | She and her husband vacationed there last year |
Ispanijoje. Atostogavome Tolede. | In Spain, when we were vacationing at Toledo. |
Mes atostogavome. | We were on vacation. |
Kas bus, kai mes ,neatostogausime", tu atsibusi ir suprasi, kad tai tikra. | What happens when we're not on holiday and you wake up and realize this is real? |
Jei būčiau žinojęs, vis dar atostogaučiau. | If I had known, I'd still be enjoying my vacation. |
Ką turiu padaryti, kad su manimi paatostogautum? | What do I have to do to take a vacation with you? |