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Strofinare (to rub) conjugation

54 examples
This verb can also mean the following: polish, wipe

Conjugation of strofinare

Present tense
I rub
you rub
he/she/it rubs
we rub
you all rub
they rub
Present perfect tense
ho strofinato
I have rubbed
hai strofinato
you have rubbed
ha strofinato
he/she/it has rubbed
abbiamo strofinato
we have rubbed
avete strofinato
you all have rubbed
hanno strofinato
they have rubbed
Past preterite tense
I rubbed
you rubbed
he/she/it rubbed
we rubbed
you all rubbed
they rubbed
Future tense
I will rub
you will rub
he/she/it will rub
we will rub
you all will rub
they will rub
Conditional mood
I would rub
you would rub
he/she/it would rub
we would rub
you all would rub
they would rub
Past impf. tense
I used to rub
you used to rub
he/she/it used to rub
we used to rub
you all used to rub
they used to rub
Past perfect tense
avevo strofinato
I had rubbed
avevi strofinato
you had rubbed
aveva strofinato
he/she/it had rubbed
avevamo strofinato
we had rubbed
avevate strofinato
you all had rubbed
avevano strofinato
they had rubbed
Future perfect tense
avrò strofinato
I will have rubbed
avrai strofinato
you will have rubbed
avrà strofinato
he/she/it will have rubbed
avremo strofinato
we will have rubbed
avrete strofinato
you all will have rubbed
avranno strofinato
they will have rubbed
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I rub
(if/so that) you rub
(if/so that) he/she/it rub
(if/so that) we rub
(if/so that) you all rub
(if/so that) they rub
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia strofinato
I have rubbed
abbia strofinato
you have rubbed
abbia strofinato
he/she/it has rubbed
abbiamo strofinato
we have rubbed
abbiate strofinato
you all have rubbed
abbiano strofinato
they have rubbed
Imperative mood
let's rub!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei strofinato
I would have rubbed
avresti strofinato
you would have rubbed
avrebbe strofinato
he/she/it would have rubbed
avremmo strofinato
we would have rubbed
avreste strofinato
you all would have rubbed
avrebbero strofinato
they would have rubbed

Examples of strofinare

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
- Avanti, continua a strofinare.Go on, keep rubbing!
- Chinino, strofinare alcool e acqua.- Quinine, rubbing alcohol and water.
- Devo strofinare di nuovo.- I got to re-scrub. - Oh, God.
- Ho passato quindici minuti a strofinare...- I spent 15 minutes scrubbing...
- Non proprio. Mescolare una parte di acido muriatico con quattro parti di acqua. E poi, usare uno spazzolino per strofinare via il cemento.You take one part of muriatic acid and four parts of water, and then you use a toothbrush to scrub it away at the hardened concrete.
# E quando sei coperto di schifezze, # # e' allora che ti strofino!And when you're covered, with goo That's when I'm scrubbing you.
Certo che la strofino.Of course I'm going to rub it.
E fumi di nascosto quando bevi. E ti piace quando ti strofino la schiena fino ad addormentarti.And you sneak a cigarette when you drink, and you like it when I rub your back until you fall asleep at night and...
Eh? Ti piace se ti strofino il pancino?You like it when I rub your tummy?
Ehi, signorina Azir, se si abbassa, le strofino la schiena.Hey, Miss Azir, come on down here and I'll scrub your back.
# Prova a non lamentarti # # mentre strofini via la macchia #♪ Try not to complain as you're scrubbing out the stain ♪
- Anche a tuo marito strofini le spalle?Do you rub the shoulders of your husband? Clearly.
- Beh, no, strofini via la cera e...Well, no, you rub the wax off and... No.
- Chiunque mi strofini il petto deve presentarsi con un anello.- Anybody rubs my chest down better bring a ring.
- E' feticismo! Ecco perche' ti ecciti ogni volta che la strofini con la pelle di daino.That's why you bar up every time you rub it with a chamois.
Basta che non le fai fare il bagnetto da tua madre, la strofina come una patata.Don't let your mother bathe her. She scrubs her like a potato.
Devi aver dormito bene... grazie al balsamo che tua moglie ti strofina sulla fronte.You must have slept well, thanks to the balm your wife rubs on your brow.
E il maiale si strofina la pancia e fa:And then the pig, he rubs on his stomach, and he goes...'
E quando faccio le ore piccole... mi strofina il balsamo sulla fronte, così mi addormento in pochi secondi.Extraordinary. And when I return home in the small hours... she rubs balm on my brow and I am soon asleep.
Il tuo naso mi si strofina contro... in una maniera veramente fantastica.Oh, your nose rubs against me in this really great way.
Ascolta tutto cio' che strofiniamo".Listen to all that we scrub."
Casomai, forse uscirà un genio dalla lampada se la strofiniamo.But, you guys, just in case, maybe a genie will come out if we rub this lamp. Ow!
E noi ce le strofiniamo in faccia?! And we're rubbing it on our face?
Guardala bene... e adesso la strofiniamo tra le dita, cosi'...Look at this. What we're gonna do is we're gonna rub it between our fingers like this.
Perche' non strofiniamo i nostri nasi su qualcosa di piu' divertente?Why don't we just rub our noses into something a little bit more fun?
- Cosa? Sono stato carino con lei, come mi avevi detto, e mi ha detto che mi ama. Ha perfino strofinato il suo naso contro il mio.i was nice to her like you told me to and she told me she loved me she even rubbed her nose against mine real soft... how's that feels like ?
- Si è strofinato l'occhio.He's just rubbed his eye. God!
- Si', avevo circa sette anni e tu quattro e ti ho strofinato dell'edera velenosa dappertutto.Yeah, I was about 7, and you were 4. And I rubbed poison Ivy all over us.
- Ti sei strofinato?Have you scrubbed?
Anche se mi metteva la mano sulla spalla chiamandomi "Figliolo", facendomi sentire come se qualcuno, dopo aver strofinato i piedi su un tessuto ruvido, mi avesse toccato il petto, dando al mio cuore una scossa di elettricita' statica.Although he did put his hand on my shoulder and call me "son" which felt like someone rubbed feet on a rug reached into my chest and gave my heart a pop.
E la mia speranza e' che mentre strofinate, troviate l'orgoglio accademico nei vostri cuori.And my hope is that while you scrub it, you will find the school pride in your hearts.
Io vi strofino la schiena... E voi... la strofinate a me.I rub your backs and you rub mine.
Non strofinate, sentite.- No, don't rub it. Feel. - Ugh.
Ora, strofinate le mani così e ripetete con me:Now rub your hands together like this and repeat after me.
Percio', fate una bella foto, lasciate le vostre lei e strofinate...So, take a picture, leave your leis, and rub...
Allora, li strofinano oppure no?Well, do they rub noses, or don't they?
Andiamo! Sai, la maschera di una faccia, come all'obitorio, strofinano dell'olio su una faccia, ci mettono sopra dell'argilla bianca, e si secca.You know, a mask of a face, like in the morgue, they rub oil on a face, put white clay on, and it dries.
Dopo di che, di solito si rotolano nel fango strofinano contro gli alberi, graffiandoli con le zanne.Afterwards, they generally wallow in the dirt and rub up against the trees, scoring it with their tusks.
E' come un migliaio di Natale che si strofinano sulle mie palle.KEVIN: This is like a thousand Christmases rubbing up against my balls.
E' la prima volta che vorrei fare come nei cartoni, quando si strofinano gli occhi e poi li riaprono per essere sicuri che e' tutto vero.'Cause all I see are beautiful, beautiful men. This is the first time I ever wanted to do that thing they do in cartoons where they rub their eyes and open them again just to make sure what they're looking at is really happening.
Presi delle salviette in bagno... le bagnai e lo strofinai via prima che qualcuno vedesse.I got some paper towels from the bathroom, wet them down, and scrubbed it off before anyone could see.
"La bella e graziosa ragazza, si mise a fare il bucato, lo bagnò nel ruscello, e cantando lo lavò, lo strofinò con una pietra, lo appese di un'albero"."The Beautiful and Charming Maiden Left to Do Her Washing, Dipped lt in the Brook, and With a Song Washed lt, Scrubbed lt On a Stone, Hung lt Up On A Birch Tree".
Su una pietra lo strofinò, e lo appese di un'albero.Scrubbed it on a stone, hung it up on a birch tree.
Vedendo la giovane tremare,... con una pietra la strofinò.Seeing the child trembling,... he scrubbed it on a stone.
Se fate soffrire il maiale o lo fate uscire dalla sua casa, strofinerò la vostra faccia malefica in quel mucchio di sterco.If you distress this pig... or drive her from her home... I will rub your noxious little face in that pile of dung.
Mi mandi a fuoco le pieghe del seno, come quando ci strofinavo sopra il sommacco velenoso.You make the underflaps of my breasts burn... like when I used to rub them with poison sumac.
Da piccola, ti strofinavi il naso e ti succhiavi il pollice per addormentarti.When you were a little kid, you used to rub your nose and suck your thumb to help you go to sleep.
Lemon e' andata alle medie con una Charlotte che si strofinava contro un albero durante l'intervallo.Lemon went to middle school with a Charlotte who used to rub herself against a tree during recess.
Non importa quanto strofiniate, non lo pulirete mai.No amount of scrubbing is ever gonna get it out. Not ever.
- Lo stai strofinando?- You rubbing?
- Stai strofinando fortissimo.You're really scrubbing there.
- Ti stai strofinando al bambino.You're rubbing yourself with a baby.
Continuò a guardarmi, e sa... strofinando i miei capelli.He kept bumping into me, and you know... rubbing my hair.
E 'un po' come accarezzando la testa e strofinando la pancia, allo stesso tempo, ma presto ottenere il blocco di esso.It's a bit like tapping your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time. But you certainly get the hang of it.

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