Intercettare (to intercept) conjugation

62 examples

Conjugation of intercettare

Present tense
I intercept
you intercept
he/she/it intercepts
we intercept
you all intercept
they intercept
Present perfect tense
ho intercettato
I have intercepted
hai intercettato
you have intercepted
ha intercettato
he/she/it has intercepted
abbiamo intercettato
we have intercepted
avete intercettato
you all have intercepted
hanno intercettato
they have intercepted
Past preterite tense
I intercepted
you intercepted
he/she/it intercepted
we intercepted
you all intercepted
they intercepted
Future tense
I will intercept
you will intercept
he/she/it will intercept
we will intercept
you all will intercept
they will intercept
Conditional mood
I would intercept
you would intercept
he/she/it would intercept
we would intercept
you all would intercept
they would intercept
Past impf. tense
I used to intercept
you used to intercept
he/she/it used to intercept
we used to intercept
you all used to intercept
they used to intercept
Past perfect tense
avevo intercettato
I had intercepted
avevi intercettato
you had intercepted
aveva intercettato
he/she/it had intercepted
avevamo intercettato
we had intercepted
avevate intercettato
you all had intercepted
avevano intercettato
they had intercepted
Future perfect tense
avrò intercettato
I will have intercepted
avrai intercettato
you will have intercepted
avrà intercettato
he/she/it will have intercepted
avremo intercettato
we will have intercepted
avrete intercettato
you all will have intercepted
avranno intercettato
they will have intercepted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I intercept
(if/so that) you intercept
(if/so that) he/she/it intercept
(if/so that) we intercept
(if/so that) you all intercept
(if/so that) they intercept
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia intercettato
I have intercepted
abbia intercettato
you have intercepted
abbia intercettato
he/she/it has intercepted
abbiamo intercettato
we have intercepted
abbiate intercettato
you all have intercepted
abbiano intercettato
they have intercepted
Imperative mood
let's intercept!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei intercettato
I would have intercepted
avresti intercettato
you would have intercepted
avrebbe intercettato
he/she/it would have intercepted
avremmo intercettato
we would have intercepted
avreste intercettato
you all would have intercepted
avrebbero intercettato
they would have intercepted

Examples of intercettare

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"Fornire strumenti adatti a intercettare e a ostacolare il terrorismo". Legge del 2001."Providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act of 2001."
(colonnello) l'unico motivo... per cui mi sono rivolto a te per intercettare lo zio è perchè tu eri facile... (colonnello) da manipolare.the only reason I came to you... to intercept the uncle, was because you were easy to manipulate.
- Lo Sceriffo vuole intercettare il Re al momento del suo attracco.The Sheriff wants to intercept the King's landing.
- Ma con la bambola di Rae, il nostro hacker e' riuscito a intercettare la trasmissione, facendo dire a Marla tutto quello che voleva.But with Rae's doll, our hacker was able to intercept communication, making Marla say whatever he wanted. Turning a little girl's imaginary friend into something very real and very dangerous.
- Non farti intercettare.Stop them intercepting it!
Ecco che tocca il suo primo pallone e sembra in forma - intercetto sulla linea di metà campo.He's just gotten his first touch of the game and it looks to be a good'un - interception at the halfway line.
Egli era in ritardo con i negoziati con Crasso, quando intercetto' un messaggio da un rivale che offriva dei termini migliori a Crasso.The man was thick in negotiations with Crassus when he intercepted message from reviled competitor, offering more favorable terms to Crassus.
Erano feci, c'erano feci sulla palla, per questo ho lanciato quell'intercetto.It was feces. There was feces on the ball. That's why I threw that interception.
Hai lanciato quell'intercetto perche' tu fai schifo e io sono un grande.You threw that interception because you suck And I'm amazing.
Il quarterback indietreggia, e intercetto per i Panthers!Vice quarterback back to pass... And intercepted by the Panthers!
- Storicamente, gli intercetti portano... - Adesso basta!Historically, interceptions lead to... no more!
- le ha parlato dei suoi intercetti. - Ah, e' vero!I was the kid after the Denver game who told you about your interceptions.
Co-capitano della squadra. 11 intercetti in sole sette partite l'anno scorso.Team co-captain. Eleven interceptions in only seven games last year.
Hanno totalizzato 21 intercetti, lo capisci?They got 21 interceptions between them,
Non la raggiungeremo prima che intercetti la naVe cardassiana.We will not be able to reach him before he intercepts the Cardassian vessel. Ensign, warp nine.
Falsifica le giustificazioni, intercetta le lettere... anche se lei dice di no.Forges sick notes, intercepts letters, although she says not.
Il nome del progetto è Global Clarity e intercetta 1.7 miliardi di telefonate, e- mail, e messaggi ogni giorno.The project title is GLOBAL CLARITY and it intercepts 1.7 billion phone calls, emails, and texts every day. - Legally?
Jet attacca e Io intercetta!Jet sails in and intercepts!
Li intercetta prima che vengano seppelliti.He intercepts them before they go in the ground.
Nel profondo del circolo polare artico e lontano dalla linea del fronte un avamposto britannico intercetta le trasmissioni nemiche e lavora su scienza proibita per contribuire a vincere la guerra.Deep in the Arctic circle and far from the front line a remote British outpost intercepts enemy transmissions and works on forbidden science to help win a war.
- Lo intercettiamo all'aeroporto.-We intercept him at the airport.
Abbiamo cimici in ogni linea telefonica e DSL della casa e intercettiamo i cellulari.- We got a tap on every phone and dsl line into the house and cell phone intercepts.
Allora intercettiamo lui.Then we intercept him.
Ce la possiamo fare solo se intercettiamo il droide prima che salga a bordo dello shuttle.Our only chance is to intercept the droid before it boards the shuttle.
Come la intercettiamo?How do we intercept it?
"I rivoluzionari hanno intercettato molti dei nostri rifornimenti"."The revolutionists have intercepted most of our supplies."
- Abbiamo intercettato Dembe.We intercepted Dembe.
- Abbiamo intercettato la chiamata.- I was calling... - We intercepted the call.
- Avete intercettato la borsa?You guys intercepted the bag? Yeah, we did.
- Con tutto il rispetto... abbiamo intercettato un Kaiju... e salvato tutti... sulla nave.Respectfully, sir, We intercepted a Kaiju and saved everyone on that boat. Get back to your post, now!
..materiale esplosivo, o armi sovietiche destinate all'Irlanda del Nord e intercettate da noi....assorted high-explosive devices, or Soviet weaponry intended for Northern Ireland and intercepted by our agents.
A tutte le pattuglie, intercettate l'androide.All field units, intercept the android.
Appena intercettate dalle comunicazioni americane.Sir, we need to see your face. DANNl: Just intercepted this on US Comms.
E la spia che le avrebbe intercettate è stata assoldata da te... per persuadere tutti noi a invadere Alamut!And the spy, who supposedly intercepted them, was hired by you, to persuade all of us, to invade Alamut!
E' diventato talmente difficile fargli arrivare le lettere e, il timore che siano intercettate, ha limitato cio' che avremmo voluto dirci.It has become so difficult to get letters through, and fear of interception has limited what we may say to each other.
Colpiscono il quarterback avversario, lo intercettano, e colpisco duramente l'attaccante. Il football e' finito fino al prossimo anno.They hit the opposing quarterback, they make him throw interceptions, they hit the running back extra hard... well, football is over until next year.
Come posso mantenere la disciplina se tengo le truppe in allerta solo perchè due pivelli a berlino intercettano un poema?How can I maintain discipline if I keep my troops on the alert just because a pair of nitwits in Berlin intercept a poem?
Gli Stati Uniti intercettano un telegramma segreto dalla Germania destinato al governo messicano, contenente una proposta... scioccante.The United States intercepts a secret telegram from Germany intended for the Mexican government containing a shocking proposal.
Ha piazzato degli sniffer... hackerando programmi che intercettano dati di pagamento cosi' elevati... che e' riuscito a raggiungere persino Wall Street.He set off sniffer codes... hacking programs that intercept payment data so high up that it chained its way all the way up to banks, creditors and Wall Street.
Le ausiliari della marina intercettano migliaia di messaggi al giorno, ma secondo quelle amabili ragazze sono tutti privi di significato.Our Wrens intercept thousands of radio messages a day. And to the lovely young ladies of the Women's Royal Navy, they're nonsense.
lnterviene il suo telefono ed intercettai una trasmissione.I tagged his phone, and I intercepted a transmission.
Nel 1998 intercettammo un messaggio che... era composto da un'unica parola:In 1998 we intercepted a message. "Blessing. "
Prima del suo arrivo, intercettammo un telegramma che aveva inviato ai suoi soci in tutta Europa.Before he arrived, we intercepted a telegram he'd dispatched to his associates throughout Europe.
"Un giorno intercettarono una sua lettera per la moglie."Then they intercepted a letter he tried to send to his wife. "
La pressione raggiunse il culmine all'inizio di luglio quando gli ungheresi intercettarono dei cablogrammi che chiedevano che chi era coinvolto fosse punito.The pressure reached a peak in early July when the Hungarians intercepted cables demanding those involved be punished.
E' diretto alla camera principale, se proseguirai io intercetterai.Crichton's heading towards the main chamber. Your current vector will intercept him.
Ora, grazie all'aiuto degli ingegneri russi, una tecnologia sviluppata per lanciare armi di distruzione di massa propellerà il razzo che intercetterà l'enorme minaccia per il nostro pianeta.Now, with the help of Russian engineers, a technology designed to propel weapons of mass destruction will power the ship that will intercept the greatest threat our planet has ever faced.
La intercetteremo in 22 minuti.We will intercept it in 22 minutes.
Akman, i miei uomini lo intercetteranno.Akmal, my men will intercept him.
All'attuale Velocità ci intercetteranno entro 10 minuti e 31 secondi.At their current speed, sir the entities will intercept us in... ten minutes, 31 seconds.
Due naVi stellari intercetteranno i mercenari su Yadalla Prime e Draken IV, in caso attaccassero questi pianeti.Two starships will intercept the mercenaries at Yadalla Prime and Draken IV, in case they attack those planets.
Io intercettavo quei libri Perchè mi trovavo tra le loro celle.I used to intercept the books, because I was sandwiched in between their cells.
Vi sto mandando la', affinche' li intercettiate.I'm sending you two to intercept them.
Di' alla Sicurezza di contattare la polizia, voglio che li intercettino.Okay, so tell the DS agents to get in touch with the MPD. I want them intercepted.
DoVremmo aVere 45 secondi prima che ci intercettino.We should have 45 seconds before they intercept.
Dobbiamo arrivare dall'altra parte del campo stellare prima che i Blorgon ci intercettino! Blorgon?We must get to the other side of this star field before the Blorgons intercept.
Quanto ci Vorrà prima che ci intercettino?How long before they can detect us and intercept?
- Stiamo intercettando la sua posta.- We're intercepting her mail. - On whose authority?
Abbiamo introdotto banconote segnate nel traffico di Le Chiffre intercettando pagamenti illegali.We introduced tagged bills into Le Chiffre's money-laundering operation by intercepting illegal payoffs.
E tu pensi che qualcuno, dall'interno, stia intercettando queste e-mail criptate e vendendo i nomi di spie americane. Questa e' la tua assurda teoria.- Okay, and you think somebody there... is intercepting these encrypted e-mails... and selling the names of American spies- that's your bogus theory?
I servizi segreti della marina americana hanno lavorato notte e giorno, intercettando dispacci in codice delle forze armate giapponesi nella speranza di riuscire a capire quando avverra' il prossimo attacco.U.S. Naval intelligence has been working around the clock intercepting encrypted Japanese Military dispatches hoping to get wind of the next attack.
I tuoi piccoli aiutanti stanno interrogando i miei pazienti, rubacchiando le mie cartelle, intercettando prescrizioni.Your little helpers are interrogating my patients, swiping my charts, intercepting prescriptions.

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