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Tertindas (to do) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of tertindas

Present tense
I do
Past tense
sudah tertindas
I did
Present perfect tense
sudah tertindas
I have done
Future perfect tense
akan sudah tertindas
I will have done
Future recent tense
tertindas nanti
I will do
Future distant tense
tertindas kelak
I am going to do
Present continuous tense
sedang tertindas
I do
Past distant tense
dulu tertindas
I (a long time ago) did
Past recent tense
tertindas tadi
I (recently) did
Past very recent tense
baru saja tertindas
I (just now) did

Examples of tertindas

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dan tidak semua dari mereka di tempat tertindas.And not all of them in that downtrodden place.
Miskin, tertindas.The poor, the downtrodden.
Ini seperti lu orang-orang kaya . kapan Anda selesai menggunakan kami tertindas ... penerima hood ...It's just like you rich people. When you get done using us downtrodden... hood recipients... you wanna kick us to the curb.
Kami membantu dengan daya tembak perjuangan dari semua tertindas... individualitas dan kebebasan... dan karena itu menawarkan pembebasan semua gerakan, kelompok-kelompok revolusioner... dan organisasi termasuk orang-orang dari kita Kendali bantuan dan dukungan... mereka perjuangan untuk kebebasan dan keadilan untuk semua bangsa dan ras.We assist with firepower the struggle of all oppressed... individuality and independence... and therefore offer all liberation movements, revolutionary groups... and organizations including the people of our Full help and support... their struggle for freedom and justice for all peoples and races.
Seperti buku, 1984, dengan semua rakyat tertindas dan yang satu percikan besar pemberontakan melawan kejahatan Big Brother yang mengelola semuanya.Like the book, 1984, with all the downtrodden masses and that one huge spark of rebellion against the evil Big Brother who ran everything.

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