Jangan bantu dalam mengawasimu atau jangan bantu supaya lehermu tertimpa beban? | Don't help you as in don't spot you, or don't help you as in let the bar crush your throat? |
Jika kau tak takut tertimpa reruntuhan.. ..yang bisa menimpamu. | If you're not worried about a couple of hundred tons of hillside coming down on top of you. |
Kami punya pohon yg jatuh menembus jendela tadi malam, tepat distudioku dan rumah perahu hancur tertimpa pohon Mr.Norton | We had a tree come through the picture window last night, right in my studio. And the boathouse got all smooshed. Mr. Norton's tree fell on it. |
Ada yang tertimpa masalah./Hei, aku tak melakukan apapun akhir-akhir ini. | -Someone's in trouble. -Hey, I haven't done anything, lately. |
Gadis malng ini datang untuk membantu kami namun malah ikut tertimpa seperti yang lain.. | The poor girl came to aid us but was struck down like the others. |