Terserang (to do) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of terserang

Present tense
I do
Past tense
sudah terserang
I did
Present perfect tense
sudah terserang
I have done
Future perfect tense
akan sudah terserang
I will have done
Future recent tense
terserang nanti
I will do
Future distant tense
terserang kelak
I am going to do
Present continuous tense
sedang terserang
I do
Past distant tense
dulu terserang
I (a long time ago) did
Past recent tense
terserang tadi
I (recently) did
Past very recent tense
baru saja terserang
I (just now) did

Examples of terserang

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
sebuah negara kaget mendengar bahwa presiden nya terserang penyakit jantung... pada 23 september 1955 presiden Amerika Serikat Dwight Eissenhower mengalami serangan jantung dan topik penyakit jantung dikeluarkan ke khayalak publik dipanggil lah ke rumah sakit spesialis jantung terkenal dari BostonA stunned nation hears that its president is stricken with a heart attack at... On September 23, 1955, the US President Dwight Eisenhower suffered a heart attack and the issue of heart disease was thrust into the public domain. Summoned to the hospital, a famed Boston heart specialist...
Karena baru saja sore ini, teman kita Ray Richards terserang dengan virus yang sama.Because just this afternoon, our friend Ray Richards came down with this same virus.
Suruh mereka pergi./ Rakyat menderita kehausan, mereka terserang wabah katak, kutu, lalat penyakit dan barah.They can endure no more. Why do you bring this worker of evil before me?
Aku cuma menunggu bahan kimianya menghilang... jadi aku tidak terserang kanker otak.But I'm just waiting for the chemicals to settle... so I don't get the- the old brain cancer.
Dia terserang flu, cepat sekali. Jadi, ayolah.He came down with flu, very quickly.

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