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Tercantum (to do) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah tercantum
Present perfect tense
sudah tercantum
Future perfect tense
akan sudah tercantum
Future recent tense
tercantum nanti
Future distant tense
tercantum kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang tercantum
Past distant tense
dulu tercantum
Past recent tense
tercantum tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja tercantum

Examples of tercantum

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Label harga berapa yang tercantum?What kind of price tag does that carry?
Tidak tercantum di sini.I don't have you down here.
Sebenarnya, tercantum.Actually, it does.
Bagian 8 dari Kode Etik Bendera AS menyebutkan bahwa bendera Amerika tidak boleh digunakan sebagai pakaian, meskipun bertentangan dengan amandemen pertama dari hak kebebasan berpendapat sebagaimana tercantum dalam keputusan Mahkamah Agung AS tahun 1990, United States v. Eichman.Section 8 of the Flag Code states that the American flag should never be used as apparel, although enforcement of the code conflicts with your First Amendment right to freedom of speech as laid out in the 1990 Supreme Court case United States v. Eichman.
Baiklah. Di datamu tidak tercantum namamu.Now, your, uh, file doesn't have a name.

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