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Merosot (to slump) conjugation

4 examples

Conjugation of merosot

Present tense
I slump
Past tense
sudah merosot
I slumped
Present perfect tense
sudah merosot
I have slumped
Future perfect tense
akan sudah merosot
I will have slumped
Future recent tense
merosot nanti
I will slump
Future distant tense
merosot kelak
I am going to slump
Present continuous tense
sedang merosot
I slump
Past distant tense
dulu merosot
I (a long time ago) slumped
Past recent tense
merosot tadi
I (recently) slumped
Past very recent tense
baru saja merosot
I (just now) slumped

Examples of merosot

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Bahu yang merosot, wajah pucatnya, seperti kura-kura yang mencoba untuk masuk kembali ke cangkangnya.The slumped shoulders, the pallor, like a turtle trying to retreat back into its shell.
Dia merosot lebih, chiffon nya berdandan sekitar lututnya, mengungkapkan sekilas dari garter biru dengan gesper berlian imitasi.She slumps over, her chiffon dress up around her knees, revealing a glimpse of a blue garter with a rhinestone buckle.
Mereka tumbang dengan berat yg mereka banggakan dan merosot kedalam kotoran.They collapse under their proud weight and slump into a heap of nothing.
Kemudian karir ayahmu merosot, akhirnya bangkrut.Then your father's career slumped. eventually went bankrupt.

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