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Melewati (to do) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah melewati
Present perfect tense
sudah melewati
Future perfect tense
akan sudah melewati
Future recent tense
melewati nanti
Future distant tense
melewati kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang melewati
Past distant tense
dulu melewati
Past recent tense
melewati tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja melewati

Examples of melewati

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kami berusaha keras melewati negeri bersemak... setiap ekar per hari dan harus cari jalan keluar.What do you think?
Saya tak bisa melewati orang2 di pintu itu sendirian, Tapi bersamamu Saya akan baik2 saja.I can't get past the men at the doors by myself, but with you I'd be fine.
Bagaimana cara kita melewati mereka?How do we get past 'em?
Mereka tahu senjata itu dikhususkan untuk mereka, namun mereka lari, tertembak sebelum mereka bisa melewati tembok.They knew the guns were trained on them, yet they fled, shot down before they could clear the walls.
Selang plastiknya dimasukkan melalui hidung... melewati tenggorokan dan diteruskan ke lambung.To get the length of the tube that i'm gonna need I measure from the nose... To the earlobe and then down to the cycle part.

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