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Kendur (to slack) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of kendur

Present tense
I slack
Past tense
sudah kendur
I slacked
Present perfect tense
sudah kendur
I have slacked
Future perfect tense
akan sudah kendur
I will have slacked
Future recent tense
kendur nanti
I will slack
Future distant tense
kendur kelak
I am going to slack
Present continuous tense
sedang kendur
I slack
Past distant tense
dulu kendur
I (a long time ago) slacked
Past recent tense
kendur tadi
I (recently) slacked
Past very recent tense
baru saja kendur
I (just now) slacked

Examples of kendur

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Nah Anda hanya mungkin harus memberikan sedikit kendur pada itu, karena ...Well... you might just have to give me a little slack on that, because...
Aku tahu itu sulit , tapi mungkin Anda bisa memotong beberapa kendur .I know it's hard, but maybe you could cut him some slack.
Oke , bisa Anda memotong saya beberapa kendur ?Okay, could you cut me some slack?
Kurang kendur.There's not enough slack.
Potong saya beberapa kendur.Cut me some slack.

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