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Candu (to do) conjugation

3 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah candu
Present perfect tense
sudah candu
Future perfect tense
akan sudah candu
Future recent tense
candu nanti
Future distant tense
candu kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang candu
Past distant tense
dulu candu
Past recent tense
candu tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja candu

Examples of candu

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Rudolf Steiner berkata bahwa gula lah yang awalnya menyebabkan materialisme dan perkembangan dari metabolisme gula tersebut dan budaya candu gula menumbuhkan budaya materialistis kita hidup di jaman kepuasan instant tidak ada yang mau menunggu untuk apa punRudolf Steiner said that sugar essentially causes materialism. And that development of the sugar metabolism and the sugar drug culture developed a materialistic culture. We live in a time of instant gratification, nobody wants to wait for anything.
Kamu mungkin membawa candu sebagai gantinya bir.You might as well take dope and beer instead.
Racun, candu, apalah namanya, sama saja.Poison, Kool-Aid, it all does the same thing.

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