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Surtaxer (to surcharge) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of surtaxer

Present tense
je surtaxe
I surcharge
tu surtaxes
you surcharge
il/elle/on surtaxe
he/she/it surcharges
nous surtaxons
we surcharge
vous surtaxez
you all surcharge
ils/elles surtaxent
they surcharge
Present perfect tense
j’ai surtaxé
I surcharged
tu as surtaxé
you surcharged
il/elle/on a surtaxé
he/she/it surcharged
nous avons surtaxé
we surcharged
vous avez surtaxé
you all surcharged
ils/elles ont surtaxé
they surcharged
Past impf. tense
je surtaxais
I was surcharging
tu surtaxais
you were surcharging
il/elle/on surtaxait
he/she/it was surcharging
nous surtaxions
we were surcharging
vous surtaxiez
you all were surcharging
ils/elles surtaxaient
they were surcharging
Future tense
je surtaxerai
I will surcharge
tu surtaxeras
you will surcharge
il/elle/on surtaxera
he/she/it will surcharge
nous surtaxerons
we will surcharge
vous surtaxerez
you all will surcharge
ils/elles surtaxeront
they will surcharge
Past perfect tense
j’avais surtaxé
I had surcharged
tu avais surtaxé
you had surcharged
il/elle/on avait surtaxé
he/she/it had surcharged
nous avions surtaxé
we had surcharged
vous aviez surtaxé
you all had surcharged
ils/elles avaient surtaxé
they had surcharged
Past preterite tense
je surtaxai
I surcharged
tu surtaxas
you surcharged
il/elle/on surtaxa
he/she/it surcharged
nous surtaxâmes
we surcharged
vous surtaxâtes
you all surcharged
ils/elles surtaxèrent
they surcharged
Past anterior tense
j’eus surtaxé
I had surcharged
tu eus surtaxé
you had surcharged
il/elle/on eut surtaxé
he/she/it had surcharged
nous eûmes surtaxé
we had surcharged
vous eûtes surtaxé
you all had surcharged
ils/elles eurent surtaxé
they had surcharged
Future perfect tense
j’aurai surtaxé
I will have surcharged
tu auras surtaxé
you will have surcharged
il/elle/on aura surtaxé
he/she/it will have surcharged
nous aurons surtaxé
we will have surcharged
vous aurez surtaxé
you all will have surcharged
ils/elles auront surtaxé
they will have surcharged
Present subjunctive tense
que je surtaxe
that I surcharge
que tu surtaxes
that you surcharge
qu’il/elle/on surtaxe
that he/she/it surcharge
que nous surtaxions
that we surcharge
que vous surtaxiez
that you all surcharge
qu’ils/elles surtaxent
that they surcharge
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie surtaxé
that I have surcharged
que tu aies surtaxé
that you have surcharged
qu’il/elle/on ait surtaxé
that he/she/it have surcharged
que nous ayons surtaxé
that we have surcharged
que vous ayez surtaxé
that you all have surcharged
qu’ils/elles aient surtaxé
that they have surcharged
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je surtaxasse
that I would surcharge
que tu surtaxasses
that you would surcharge
qu’il/elle/on surtaxât
that he/she/it would surcharge
que nous surtaxassions
that we would surcharge
que vous surtaxassiez
that you all would surcharge
qu’ils/elles surtaxassent
that they would surcharge
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse surtaxé
that I had surcharged
que tu eusses surtaxé
that you had surcharged
qu’il/elle/on eût surtaxé
that he/she/it had surcharged
que nous eussions surtaxé
that we had surcharged
que vous eussiez surtaxé
that you all had surcharged
qu’ils/elles eussent surtaxé
that they had surcharged
Conditional mood
je surtaxerais
I would surcharge
tu surtaxerais
you would surcharge
il/elle/on surtaxerait
he/she/it would surcharge
nous surtaxerions
we would surcharge
vous surtaxeriez
you all would surcharge
ils/elles surtaxeraient
they would surcharge
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais surtaxé
I would have surcharged
tu aurais surtaxé
you would have surcharged
il/elle/on aurait surtaxé
he/she/it would have surcharged
nous aurions surtaxé
we would have surcharged
vous auriez surtaxé
you all would have surcharged
ils/elles auraient surtaxé
they would have surcharged
Imperative mood
let's surcharge!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie surtaxé
have surcharged
ayons surtaxé
let's have surcharged
ayez surtaxé
have surcharged

Examples of surtaxer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Euh, surtaxe de 10% pour les factures souillés.Uh, 10% surcharge for soiled bills.
J'ai dû payer une surtaxe parce que le timbre n'était plus valable.I know because I had to pay a surcharge for an invalid stamp.
On appelle ça une surtaxe. Si c'était professionnel, t'aurais dû la payer.A surcharge, they call it lf this were a professional job l could just charge you
On surtaxe les papilles moribondes. ...de trente pour cent.Diet foods have an additional surcharge of 30%% .
Pas autant... Pas autant qu'une surtaxe pour cargaison dangereuse, mais quand même...And of course it costs me l mean not as much... not as much as a surcharge for for dangerous goods, but

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