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Se promener (to take a walk) conjugation

9 examples

Conjugation of se promener

Present tense
je me promène
I take a walk
tu tu te promènes
you take a walk
il/elle/on il/elle/on se promène
he/she/it takes a walk
nous nous nous promenons
we take a walk
vous vous vous promenez
you all take a walk
ils/elles ils/elles se promènent
they take a walk
Present perfect tense
je me suis promené
I took a walk
tu t’es promené
you took a walk
il/elle/on s’est promené
he/she/it took a walk
nous nous sommes promenés
we took a walk
vous vous êtes promenés
you all took a walk
ils/elles se sont promenés
they took a walk
Past impf. tense
je me promenais
I was taking a walk
tu tu te promenais
you were taking a walk
il/elle/on il/elle/on se promenait
he/she/it was taking a walk
nous nous nous promenions
we were taking a walk
vous vous vous promeniez
you all were taking a walk
ils/elles ils/elles se promenaient
they were taking a walk
Future tense
je me promènerai
I will take a walk
tu tu te promèneras
you will take a walk
il/elle/on il/elle/on se promènera
he/she/it will take a walk
nous nous nous promènerons
we will take a walk
vous vous vous promènerez
you all will take a walk
ils/elles ils/elles se promèneront
they will take a walk
Past perfect tense
je m’étais promené
I had taken a walk
tu t’étais promené
you had taken a walk
il/elle/on s’était promené
he/she/it had taken a walk
nous nous étions promenés
we had taken a walk
vous vous étiez promenés
you all had taken a walk
ils/elles s’étaient promenés
they had taken a walk
Past preterite tense
je me promenai
I took a walk
tu tu te promenas
you took a walk
il/elle/on il/elle/on se promena
he/she/it took a walk
nous nous nous promenâmes
we took a walk
vous vous vous promenâtes
you all took a walk
ils/elles ils/elles se promenèrent
they took a walk
Past anterior tense
je me fus promené
I had taken a walk
tu te fus promené
you had taken a walk
il/elle/on se fut promené
he/she/it had taken a walk
nous nous fûmes promenés
we had taken a walk
vous vous fûtes promenés
you all had taken a walk
ils/elles se furent promenés
they had taken a walk
Future perfect tense
je me serai promené
I will have taken a walk
tu te seras promené
you will have taken a walk
il/elle/on se sera promené
he/she/it will have taken a walk
nous nous serons promenés
we will have taken a walk
vous vous serez promenés
you all will have taken a walk
ils/elles se seront promenés
they will have taken a walk
Present subjunctive tense
que je me promène
that I take a walk
que tu te promènes
that you take a walk
qu’il/elle/on se promène
that he/she/it take a walk
que nous nous promenions
that we take a walk
que vous vous promeniez
that you all take a walk
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se promènent
that they take a walk
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois promené
that I have taken a walk
que tu te sois promené
that you have taken a walk
qu’il/elle/on se soit promené
that he/she/it have taken a walk
que nous nous soyons promenés
that we have taken a walk
que vous vous soyez promenés
that you all have taken a walk
qu’ils/elles se soient promenés
that they have taken a walk
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je me promenasse
that I would take a walk
que tu te promenasses
that you would take a walk
qu’il/elle/on se promenât
that he/she/it would take a walk
que nous nous promenassions
that we would take a walk
que vous vous promenassiez
that you all would take a walk
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se promenassent
that they would take a walk
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse promené
that I had taken a walk
que tu te fusses promené
that you had taken a walk
qu’il/elle/on se fût promené
that he/she/it had taken a walk
que nous nous fussions promenés
that we had taken a walk
que vous vous fussiez promenés
that you all had taken a walk
qu’ils/elles se fussent promenés
that they had taken a walk
Conditional mood
je me promènerais
I would take a walk
tu tu te promènerais
you would take a walk
il/elle/on il/elle/on se promènerait
he/she/it would take a walk
nous nous nous promènerions
we would take a walk
vous vous vous promèneriez
you all would take a walk
ils/elles ils/elles se promèneraient
they would take a walk
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais promené
I would have taken a walk
tu te serais promené
you would have taken a walk
il/elle/on se serait promené
he/she/it would have taken a walk
nous nous serions promenés
we would have taken a walk
vous vous seriez promenés
you all would have taken a walk
ils/elles se seraient promenés
they would have taken a walk
Imperative mood
take a walk!
let's take a walk!
take a walk!

Examples of se promener

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Chérie, pourquoi ne pas aller se promener et se détendre ?Why not take a walk down and rest a bit?
- Desmond et moi, on va aller se promener.- Desmond and I need to take a walk.
- On va se promener.- We're gonna take a walk.
- Reviens vite, on ira se promener.- Hurry back, and we'll take a walk.
- Tu veux quoi ? - Vous sortez peu, alors on peut aller se promener.Well, I know you don't get out much, so I thought maybe we could take a walk.
Mange avec tes enfants, promène-toi sur la plage.Eat with your children, take a walk by the water.
Venez, promenons-nous.Come on, let's take a walk.
Un autre jeton, promenez-vous.Drop in another token, take a walk.
Oui, mais à ce moment, juste un citoyen lambda se promenant.But right now, just a private citizen out taking a walk.

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