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Recongeler (to refreeze) conjugation

2 examples

Conjugation of recongeler

Present tense
je recongèle
I refreeze
tu recongèles
you refreeze
il/elle/on recongèle
he/she/it refreezes
nous recongelons
we refreeze
vous recongelez
you all refreeze
ils/elles recongèlent
they refreeze
Present perfect tense
j’ai recongelé
I refroze
tu as recongelé
you refroze
il/elle/on a recongelé
he/she/it refroze
nous avons recongelé
we refroze
vous avez recongelé
you all refroze
ils/elles ont recongelé
they refroze
Past impf. tense
je recongelais
I was refreezing
tu recongelais
you were refreezing
il/elle/on recongelait
he/she/it was refreezing
nous recongelions
we were refreezing
vous recongeliez
you all were refreezing
ils/elles recongelaient
they were refreezing
Future tense
je recongèlerai
I will refreeze
tu recongèleras
you will refreeze
il/elle/on recongèlera
he/she/it will refreeze
nous recongèlerons
we will refreeze
vous recongèlerez
you all will refreeze
ils/elles recongèleront
they will refreeze
Past perfect tense
j’avais recongelé
I had refrozen
tu avais recongelé
you had refrozen
il/elle/on avait recongelé
he/she/it had refrozen
nous avions recongelé
we had refrozen
vous aviez recongelé
you all had refrozen
ils/elles avaient recongelé
they had refrozen
Past preterite tense
je recongelai
I refroze
tu recongelas
you refroze
il/elle/on recongela
he/she/it refroze
nous recongelâmes
we refroze
vous recongelâtes
you all refroze
ils/elles recongelèrent
they refroze
Past anterior tense
j’eus recongelé
I had refrozen
tu eus recongelé
you had refrozen
il/elle/on eut recongelé
he/she/it had refrozen
nous eûmes recongelé
we had refrozen
vous eûtes recongelé
you all had refrozen
ils/elles eurent recongelé
they had refrozen
Future perfect tense
j’aurai recongelé
I will have refrozen
tu auras recongelé
you will have refrozen
il/elle/on aura recongelé
he/she/it will have refrozen
nous aurons recongelé
we will have refrozen
vous aurez recongelé
you all will have refrozen
ils/elles auront recongelé
they will have refrozen
Present subjunctive tense
que je recongèle
that I refreeze
que tu recongèles
that you refreeze
qu’il/elle/on recongèle
that he/she/it refreeze
que nous recongelions
that we refreeze
que vous recongeliez
that you all refreeze
qu’ils/elles recongèlent
that they refreeze
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie recongelé
that I have refrozen
que tu aies recongelé
that you have refrozen
qu’il/elle/on ait recongelé
that he/she/it have refrozen
que nous ayons recongelé
that we have refrozen
que vous ayez recongelé
that you all have refrozen
qu’ils/elles aient recongelé
that they have refrozen
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je recongelasse
that I would refreeze
que tu recongelasses
that you would refreeze
qu’il/elle/on recongelât
that he/she/it would refreeze
que nous recongelassions
that we would refreeze
que vous recongelassiez
that you all would refreeze
qu’ils/elles recongelassent
that they would refreeze
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse recongelé
that I had refrozen
que tu eusses recongelé
that you had refrozen
qu’il/elle/on eût recongelé
that he/she/it had refrozen
que nous eussions recongelé
that we had refrozen
que vous eussiez recongelé
that you all had refrozen
qu’ils/elles eussent recongelé
that they had refrozen
Conditional mood
je recongèlerais
I would refreeze
tu recongèlerais
you would refreeze
il/elle/on recongèlerait
he/she/it would refreeze
nous recongèlerions
we would refreeze
vous recongèleriez
you all would refreeze
ils/elles recongèleraient
they would refreeze
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais recongelé
I would have refrozen
tu aurais recongelé
you would have refrozen
il/elle/on aurait recongelé
he/she/it would have refrozen
nous aurions recongelé
we would have refrozen
vous auriez recongelé
you all would have refrozen
ils/elles auraient recongelé
they would have refrozen
Imperative mood
let's refreeze!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie recongelé
have refrozen
ayons recongelé
let's have refrozen
ayez recongelé
have refrozen

Examples of recongeler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Et j'ai lu sur internet que tu ne pouvais pas recongeler l'échantillon donc... à moins que tu veuilles que le sperme meure...And I know from the Internet that you can't refreeze the sample, so... unless you want the sperm to die...
Même si on le recongèle, les tissus ne seront plus jamais pareils.Even if we refreeze it, the tissues will never be the same.

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