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Racheter (to ransom) conjugation

8 examples

Conjugation of racheter

Present tense
je rachète
I ransom
tu rachètes
you ransom
il/elle/on rachète
he/she/it ransoms
nous rachetons
we ransom
vous rachetez
you all ransom
ils/elles rachètent
they ransom
Present perfect tense
j’ai racheté
I ransomed
tu as racheté
you ransomed
il/elle/on a racheté
he/she/it ransomed
nous avons racheté
we ransomed
vous avez racheté
you all ransomed
ils/elles ont racheté
they ransomed
Past impf. tense
je rachetais
I was ransoming
tu rachetais
you were ransoming
il/elle/on rachetait
he/she/it was ransoming
nous rachetions
we were ransoming
vous rachetiez
you all were ransoming
ils/elles rachetaient
they were ransoming
Future tense
je rachèterai
I will ransom
tu rachèteras
you will ransom
il/elle/on rachètera
he/she/it will ransom
nous rachèterons
we will ransom
vous rachèterez
you all will ransom
ils/elles rachèteront
they will ransom
Past perfect tense
j’avais racheté
I had ransomed
tu avais racheté
you had ransomed
il/elle/on avait racheté
he/she/it had ransomed
nous avions racheté
we had ransomed
vous aviez racheté
you all had ransomed
ils/elles avaient racheté
they had ransomed
Past preterite tense
je rachetai
I ransomed
tu rachetas
you ransomed
il/elle/on racheta
he/she/it ransomed
nous rachetâmes
we ransomed
vous rachetâtes
you all ransomed
ils/elles rachetèrent
they ransomed
Past anterior tense
j’eus racheté
I had ransomed
tu eus racheté
you had ransomed
il/elle/on eut racheté
he/she/it had ransomed
nous eûmes racheté
we had ransomed
vous eûtes racheté
you all had ransomed
ils/elles eurent racheté
they had ransomed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai racheté
I will have ransomed
tu auras racheté
you will have ransomed
il/elle/on aura racheté
he/she/it will have ransomed
nous aurons racheté
we will have ransomed
vous aurez racheté
you all will have ransomed
ils/elles auront racheté
they will have ransomed
Present subjunctive tense
que je rachète
that I ransom
que tu rachètes
that you ransom
qu’il/elle/on rachète
that he/she/it ransom
que nous rachetions
that we ransom
que vous rachetiez
that you all ransom
qu’ils/elles rachètent
that they ransom
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie racheté
that I have ransomed
que tu aies racheté
that you have ransomed
qu’il/elle/on ait racheté
that he/she/it have ransomed
que nous ayons racheté
that we have ransomed
que vous ayez racheté
that you all have ransomed
qu’ils/elles aient racheté
that they have ransomed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je rachetasse
that I would ransom
que tu rachetasses
that you would ransom
qu’il/elle/on rachetât
that he/she/it would ransom
que nous rachetassions
that we would ransom
que vous rachetassiez
that you all would ransom
qu’ils/elles rachetassent
that they would ransom
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse racheté
that I had ransomed
que tu eusses racheté
that you had ransomed
qu’il/elle/on eût racheté
that he/she/it had ransomed
que nous eussions racheté
that we had ransomed
que vous eussiez racheté
that you all had ransomed
qu’ils/elles eussent racheté
that they had ransomed
Conditional mood
je rachèterais
I would ransom
tu rachèterais
you would ransom
il/elle/on rachèterait
he/she/it would ransom
nous rachèterions
we would ransom
vous rachèteriez
you all would ransom
ils/elles rachèteraient
they would ransom
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais racheté
I would have ransomed
tu aurais racheté
you would have ransomed
il/elle/on aurait racheté
he/she/it would have ransomed
nous aurions racheté
we would have ransomed
vous auriez racheté
you all would have ransomed
ils/elles auraient racheté
they would have ransomed
Imperative mood
let's ransom!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie racheté
have ransomed
ayons racheté
let's have ransomed
ayez racheté
have ransomed

Examples of racheter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
D'abord, comptons la part pour racheter un esclave aux Turcs.Firstly, though, let's ransom those poor slaves of the murderous Turks!
Il essayait de se racheter avec Boothe, payer votre rançon, tout comme Rico Cruz l'a fait dans " Hard Kill ".He tried to buy out Boothe, pay your ransom, just like Rico Cruz did in "Hard Kill."
Laisse-nous te racheter par le pouvoir de la tombe.Let us ransom you from the power of the grave.
Pu san pao enleva ma grand-mère et laissa un message. Il leur demanda de la racheter avec de l'argent.'Special bald with gun' Shanpao abducted my grandmother and demanded ransom if they wanted her back.
S'il est représentant de comté, on pourra le faire racheter.And if he's an ealdorman, we can sell him for ransom.
Et si je ne veux pas être racheté ?What if I'm against being ransomed?
Il nous a racheté des portes mêmes de l'enfer.He ransomed us from the very gates of hell.
Atassi rachète son rival et récupère le double avec la rançon.Atassi buys out his rival and gets back double the price in ransom money.

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