Täällä on "skinit" ja "mutiaset" vastakkain, lähes kaikki valkoiset kuuluvat arjalaiseen veljeskuntaan... | Then you got the skins and the woods. Nearly all the whites follow the Aryan Brotherhood, who run the show. |
Tunnen ystävän joka tuntee ystävän joka voi saada sinulle lipun Red-skinien otteluun. | Look, I know a friend who knows a friend who knows a friend who can get you a ticket to a Redskins game. |
Kieli skineille. | Tonguey for the skins. |
Pidetään Kieli skineille. | Let's have a tonguey for the skins. |
- He vihaavat meitä. Luulevat, että nain skinin. | They hate us now, think I'm married to a skinhead. |
- Jengi vainoaa entistä skiniä. | Ex-Neo-Nazi skinhead, claims he's being gang stalked. |
En, enkä auta skiniä. | Nope, and I'm not gonna be the one helping out a skinhead. |
Kaksi skiniä antautui. | Two skinheads just turned themselves in. |
Montako muuta skiniä näit siellä? | How many other skinheads did you see? |
Skinit vainoavat entistä skiniä. | Former skinhead and his Latina wife are being stalked by skinheads. Sounds like a woman who likes a project. |
Joku skini kiusasi Angelia. Hän sanoi skinille suoraan: | There was this skinhead that was harassing her and she just walked right up to him and said: |
Niin, Bushmaster taitaa olla - liian iso ase sinunlaisellesi punaniska-skinille. | Yeah, I guess a Bushmaster... would be too much gun for a skinhead rednecks like yourself. |
- Hän on skini! | He's a skinhead! |
- Ymmärrämme, ette ole skini. | You're not a skinhead. |
Eikö uhri ole skini? Ei enää. | Isn't your guy a skinhead anyway? |
Hän on skini, jolla on rikosrekisteri ja kahden skinikaverin tarjoama alibi. | He's got a sheet, but he also has two skinhead friends who swear they never left Manayunk that night. |
Hän teki bänksit - mutta eilen hän sanoi, ettei haittaa vaikken olekaan enää skini. | So he broke up with me, but then yesterday he said it was okay that l wasn't a skinhead. |