Hän näki rahanlainaajien ostavan ja myyvän, kun heidän olisi pitänyt rukoilla. | He found moneylenders buying and selling where they should have been a-prayin'. |
Ei rahanlainaajia voi jahdata. | Cap-in-hand to moneylenders? |
Se on turvassa Luciferin rahanlainaajilta. | Safer here than under the eyes and hands of Lucifer's moneylenders. |
Sadonkorjuuaikaa rahanlainaajille. - Kysy, pomo. | Harvest time for the moneylenders. |
Marleyt olivat olleet... häijyn rahanlainaajan Ebenezer Scroogen liikekumppaneita. | In life, the Marleys had been business partners with a shrewd moneylender named Ebenezer Scrooge. |
Salamurhaajat palkkasi nainen. Ehkä sama, joka tappoi rahanlainaajan. | The assassins were hired by a woman, perhaps the woman who killed the moneylender. |
Vekseli, jonka voi rahastaa rahanlainaajalta - Pariisissa. | A promissory note, to be cashed at a moneylender's in the Rue de Bonnasse... in Paris. |
Anteeksi vain, mutta sinut tunnetaan rahanlainaajana ja parittajana - ei sotilaana. | Forgive me, Lord Baelish, you have a reputation as a moneylender and a brothel keeper, not a military man. |
Ei rahanlainaaja jätä huonetta tyhjilleen. | Not like a moneylender to leave his rooms unattended. |
Sitten vein sattumalta sähkeen rahanlainaaja Finucanille. Ja Pyhä Franciscus hymyili minulle jälleen. | And then, as luck would have it, I had to deliver a telegram... to the moneylender, Mrs. Finucane, and St. Francis smiled down on me once more. |