Mutta lopetan alushousujen käytön. | But I'm going to stop wearing underpants. |
Tungette rahaa miesten alushousujen sisään. | And put dollar bills down guys' underpants. |
Voinko auttaa alushousujen valinnassa? | Need help with some underpants, sir? |
- Auttaisiko, jos en pidä alushousuja? | Excuse me? Sir? Would it help if I weren't wearing underpants? |
-...minulla ei ollut alushousuja. | I didn't have any underpants. Wow. |
Ei alushousuja? | No underpants? |
En ottanut niitä, mutta oli stringejä ja tavallisia alushousuja... | l didn't take 'em, but there were thongs and regular underpants... |
Etsimme tappavia alushousuja | Sounds like we're looking for a lethal pair of white underpants. |
- Olen alushousuissa! | In my underpants, Mom! |
Entä sitten? En ole koskaan nähnyt tyttöä poikien alushousuissa. | So, I've just never seen a girl wearing boys' underpants before. |
Katsokaa itse huulipunaa alushousuissa | I found lipstick on his underpants |
Tai kuten hänet tunnetaan täällä, "mies alushousuissa". | Or as he's known here, "the man in the underpants." |
Väkeä kiinnostaa sielun sijaan alushousuissa tapahtuva toiminta. | People are more interested in what's going on in each other's underpants - than in their soul. Thanks. |
Kyllä. Ja alushousuista. | Yes... and of underpants. |
Löysimme karvoja makuupusseista ja alushousuista. | We found hairs in sleeping bags and a pair of underpants. |
"Mies panee kätensä naisen alushousuihin. | He puts his hands in her underpants. |
Kuin sanomalehti tungettuna alushousuihin. | I can't... there's like a... It's like a newspaper crammed into her underpants or something. |
Ziffcorp on käyttänyt sijoittajien rahoja marmorisista hammasharjoista - kultaisiin alushousuihin. | It seems Ziff Corp. spent stockholders' money on everything from marble toothbrushes to solid gold underpants. |
Saattaisin hirttää itseni alushousuilla. | I just might hang myself by my underpants. |
Mitä tapahtui Niille toisille alushousuille? | # # What happened to those other underpants you had? |
Täällä haisee ihan baristan alushousuille. | Smells like a barista's underpants in here. |
En näe niitä alushousuina vaan näytteenä insinööritaidosta. | It's not so much an underpant as a feat of engineering. It's amazing how much they can do with so little material. |
- En halua tietää, monetko alushousut omistat. | But I don't want to know how many underpants you own. |
- Minulla on vihreät alushousut. | I'm wearing green underpants. Are you? |
- Missä alushousut ovat? | - The underpants, where are they? |
- Muistatko, kun puhtaat alushousut loppuivat? | - I know, Ma. You remember when you ran out of underpants that time? |
- Niin. Hassua vain, että hänellä oli yllään vain alushousut. | Funny thing is, the fellow was just wearing underpants. |