"Nacido bastardo para volverse rey" | "Born a bastard to become a king". |
- Empezó a volverse famoso, realmente famoso. | - It started to become famous, really famous. |
- Está a punto de volverse una locura. | so this is going to become crazy. |
- Lo que tarda un ave en volverse ave. | - The time it takes a bird to become a bird. |
- Mi querida, está para volverse Una madre. | - My dear, you're about to become a mother. |
, por favor vuélvete mas loco. | Please become much more crazy. |
A él le dijo: "Sométete a la muerte por mirar lo que no debías o mata a mi marido, que me puso en vergüenza y vuélvete rey en su lugar". | She said, "Either you must submit to death... "for gazing on that which you should not, "or else kill my husband who has shamed me... and become King in his place." |
Bueno, entonces, vuélvete su amigo, y te vas a casa! | Okay, well, become friends, and you walk home! |
Cambia tu nombre, vete algún otro lado, vuélvete alguna otra cosa. | Change your name, go somewhere else, become something else. |
Compromete sus sentimientos, vuélvete su amigo. | Engage her feelings, become a friend. |
Pero vuélvase un visitante asiduo. | But do become a frequent visitor. |
'Vamos, volvámonos Doctores. ' | 'Come on, let's become a doctor.' |
Primero, vuélvanse alguien que su familia necesite | First, become someone your family needs. |
Si quedan humanos, tienen una opción, vuélvanse vampiros o comida. | Ifthere'sanyhumansleft , youhaveachoice, becomea vampire orbecomefood. |
Váyanse y vuélvanse unos Doctores. | Go and become doctors. |
- Ahora parece que están volviéndose dominantes. | Now it looks like they're becoming dominant. |
- Raj está volviéndose un nuevo padre | Why? - Raj is becoming a father again |
- Ustedes dos terminaron volviéndose muy unidos, ¿verdad? | - The two of you wound up becoming quite close, didn't you? |
...o volviéndose mitad Señor del Tiempo. | ..or even becoming half Time Lord themselves. |
Ahora, estaban volviéndose vitales en la lucha por anularla. Utilizaban los mismos argumentos, ero de una nueva manera: | Now they were becoming central to the struggle to end it, and they were using the same old arguments in a new way. |
"Afuera" de repente se ha vuelto un lugar mucho más peligroso. | "Out" has suddenly become a far more dangerous place. |
"Desde el momento en que el Lord ha estado mirándome me he vuelto fascinante... ¡Fascinante!" | "Since the time the Lord has looked at me I have become enthralling... |
"Deseaba que fuera breve "pues los caprichos secretos de la pasión se habían vuelto ajenos a mí". | I wished it to be brief, for the secret follies of passion had become alien to me. |
"En las últimas semanas, Krill se ha vuelto más hostil con todos". | "Commander Krill has become increasingly hostile to the crew... |
"Ha vuelto, una parte de mis conversaciones". | "You have now become, a part of my conversations." |