Motivar (to motivate) conjugation

75 examples

Conjugation of motivar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I motivate
you motivate
he/she/it motivates
we motivate
you all motivate
they motivate
Present perfect tense
he motivado
I have motivated
has motivado
you have motivated
ha motivado
he/she/it has motivated
hemos motivado
we have motivated
habéis motivado
you all have motivated
han motivado
they have motivated
Past preterite tense
I motivated
you motivated
he/she/it motivated
we motivated
you all motivated
they motivated
Future tense
I will motivate
you will motivate
he/she/it will motivate
we will motivate
you all will motivate
they will motivate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would motivate
you would motivate
he/she/it would motivate
we would motivate
you all would motivate
they would motivate
Past imperfect tense
I used to motivate
you used to motivate
he/she/it used to motivate
we used to motivate
you all used to motivate
they used to motivate
Past perfect tense
había motivado
I had motivated
habías motivado
you had motivated
había motivado
he/she/it had motivated
habíamos motivado
we had motivated
habíais motivado
you all had motivated
habían motivado
they had motivated
Future perfect tense
habré motivado
I will have motivated
habrás motivado
you will have motivated
habrá motivado
he/she/it will have motivated
habremos motivado
we will have motivated
habréis motivado
you all will have motivated
habrán motivado
they will have motivated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I motivate
(if/so that) you motivate
(if/so that) he/she/it motivate
(if/so that) we motivate
(if/so that) you all motivate
(if/so that) they motivate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya motivado
I have motivated
hayas motivado
you have motivated
haya motivado
he/she/it has motivated
hayamos motivado
we have motivated
hayáis motivado
you all have motivated
hayan motivado
they have motivated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have motivated
(if/so that) you have motivated
(if/so that) he/she/it have motivated
(if/so that) we have motivated
(if/so that) you all have motivated
(if/so that) they have motivated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have motivated
(if/so that) you have motivated
(if/so that) he/she/it have motivated
(if/so that) we have motivated
(if/so that) you all have motivated
(if/so that) they have motivated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera motivado
I had motivated
hubieras motivado
you had motivated
hubiera motivado
he/she/it had motivated
hubiéramos motivado
we had motivated
hubierais motivado
you all had motivated
hubieran motivado
they had motivated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese motivado
I had motivated
hubieses motivado
you had motivated
hubiese motivado
he/she/it had motivated
hubiésemos motivado
we had motivated
hubieseis motivado
you all had motivated
hubiesen motivado
they had motivated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have motivated
(if/so that) you will have motivated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have motivated
(if/so that) we will have motivated
(if/so that) you all will have motivated
(if/so that) they will have motivated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere motivado
I will have motivated
hubieres motivado
you will have motivated
hubiere motivado
he/she/it will have motivated
hubiéremos motivado
we will have motivated
hubiereis motivado
you all will have motivated
hubieren motivado
they will have motivated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's motivate!
Imperative negative mood
no motives
do not motivate!
no motive
let him/her/it motivate!
no motivemos
let us not motivate!
no motivéis
do not motivate!
no motiven
do not motivate!

Examples of motivar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Hora de motivar.Time to motivate.
A veces tienes que sacrificar un peón para motivar a tus caballos.Sometimes you have to sacrifice a pawn to motivate your knights.
Así que el propósito de este show es el de educar, de motivar, y de the purpose of this show is to h'educate, to motivate and to... ate.
Ciertamente sabe motivar a las tropas.You certainly know how to motivate the troops.
Creo que la muerte del niño fue una estratagema para intentar motivar la ejecución de Condé.I believe the child's death was a ruse meant to motivate Condé's execution.
"Pero aun así, sabiendo que nuestras bajas, y las del enemigo, siempre serán menores que en un conflicto militar, es motivo más que suficiente para introducir nuevos métodos de defensa en una sociedad cuya realidad hace que las armas parezcan anticuadas y pasadas de moda".The fact that loss of life for us and the enemy would be much greater in conventional warfare motivates our wish to introduce new defense methods in an era when society's development makes military weapons seem antiquated."
- Fue sin motivo, ¿sabes? - ¿De veras?It was unmotivated, you know.
Ataque sin motivo en medio de la noche quién sabe dónde.Unmotivated attack in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere.
De nuevo, completamente sin motivo.Again,completely unmotivated.
El hombre al que maté era afroamericano... y el Fiscal de Distrito dice que el asesinato fue por motivo racial.The man I shot was african-american, and, uh, the district attorney's saying the shooting's racially motivated.
No motivas a nadie.You didn't motivate anybody.
Y cuando alguien fanfarronea en la cancha, ¿no te motivas?When somebody talks trash on the court, doesn't it motivate you?
Y por suerte, una de las más fáciles de superar... si te motivas para ello.And luckily, it's one of the easiest to tackle... If you're motivated.
- ¿ Qué motiva a un ferengi?What motivates a Ferengi?
A las facultades de EE.UU. las motiva la búsqueda del prestigio.A US schools motivates the search for prestige.
A mí me motiva a experimentarlo todo.It motivates me.
A ver si eso la motiva para testificar contra Tino.See if that motivates her to testify against Tino.
Ahora sí es momento para discursos, lo que es loco, pero nos motiva a ser mejores.Now would be the right time for that speech, which is funny, yet motivates us to become better people.
Dice que nuestro verdadero legado no es lo que logramos individualmente, sino lo que hacemos por los demás y como nos motivamos a trabajar por un objetivo común.He says that our real legacy is not what we accomplish individually but what we do for others and how we motivate them to work together for a common goal.
Estábamos teniendo nuestra mesa redonda semanal donde nos motivamos entre nosotros.We were just having our weekly round table where we motivate each other.
La información de las encuestas fue muy pobre, no motivamos a los delegados de los precintos a conseguir los votos, y podemos hacerlo mejor.We had lousy polling information, we didn't motivate the precinct captains to get out the vote, and we can do better.
Prefiero pensar que te motivamos.I prefer to think motivated you.
A los votantes les motivan sus propios intereses.Voters are motivated by their self interests.
Así que esas mismas personas que antes me motivan están ahora sin trabajo y luchando, y me siento mal.So those same people that used to motivate me are now out of work and struggling, and I feel bad.
Aun cuando el trabajo se me hace cuesta arriba, tus cartas me motivan a esforzarme más.Even when the work gets too tough, your letters motivate me to work harder.
Cuando los padres se involucran en la escuela, los chicos se motivan.When parents get involved at school, kids get motivated.
De todos modos, sólo me motivan el temor y la vergüenza.I find I'm only really motivated by fear and shame, anyhow.
De cualquier forma, me motivé mucho cuando salí para finalmente vivir la vida a tope.Anyway, I became really motivated once I got out to finally live life to the fullest.
Lo motivé, William.I motivated him, William.
Lo motivé.I motivated him.
Creo que realmente los motivaste.I think you really motivated them.
Después de todo lo motivaste a estudiar.After all, you motivated Kirby to study.
Los motivaste, tal vez los tengamos mirando en la dirección correcta.You motivated them, maybe got them looking in the right direction...
Me motivaste para perder peso cuando rechazaste mi propuesta.You motivated me to lose weight when you turned down my proposal.
No, pero la motivaste para que lo hiciera, ¿verdad, Pete?No, but you motivated her to run towards it, didn't you, Pete?
(Alex) "Me motivó a hebilla abajo y llegar a ser el tipo de persona(Alex) "It motivated me to buckle down and become the kind of guy
- Me motivó a ir por comida.It motivated me to get food. Well...
- Qué locura. ¿Qué te motivó?- Crazy. What motivated you? - Yeah.
- Y están... seguimos esperando saber exactamente qué motivó a esta multitud, a esta turba, a organizarse en...And they are- we're still waiting for word exactly what motivated this crowd, this mob, to organize in a-
- Y él la amaba tanto, eso motivó la decisión.- And he loved her so much, that motivated the decision.
Dije, ¿qué cosas me motivaron?What were the things that motivated me?
Imagino por las cosas que le motivaron a usted.The same things that motivated you, I imagine.
Las mujeres se motivaron.We got the girls motivated.
Pero en cambio, muchos asesinatos y casinos motivaron mi codicia.But, a lot of murders and casinos usually motivated by greed.
Problemas que motivaron a este grupo que está aquí... a presentar también una candidatura a concejal.These problems motivated this group... to put forward a candidate for City Council.
Diciéndole "imposible" le motivarás más.Telling him "impossible" will motivate him more.
"Pero hace falta un precio, "sino, ¿qué es lo que motivará a la gente?What will motivate people?
Haz que desaparezca, eso lo motivará más.Let the girl disappear that will motivate him more.
Le motivará para trabajar más duro.It will motivate him to work harder.
Que motivará a los aprovechados a conseguir un trabajo.That will motivate the freeloaders to get a job.
Quizás la búsqueda de una conciencia tranquila antes de esa hora motivará la verdad.Perhaps the seeking of a clear conscience before that hour will motivate the truth.
Nunca dudé de que los rumores de mi plan para apoderarme de Piombino motivaría su buena voluntad.I never doubted that rumors of my plan to seize Piombino would motivate your good will.
Pensé que el ambiente la motivaría.Thought the environment would motivate her.
Sabes que eso la motivaría para llevar a cabo una imprudente misión de venganza.You knew that would motivate her to attempt an ill-advised mission of revenge.
Sí, eso motivaría el despido.Yes, that would motivate dismissal.
Alégrate, cariño, quizá esa atención que no recibiste te motive a dejar la vagancia y a hacer algo bueno con tu vida.Cheer up, kitten. Maybe some of that attention you never got will motivate you to get off your lazy ass and do something interesting with your life.
Bueno, no sugiero que lo que nos motive sea algo tan vulgar como los enormes honorarios por su hallazgo, pero pensé que podría gustarte decirle adiós a nuestro 17 mes de invierno consecutivo y venir conmigo a climas más soleados durante una semana.Now, I'm not suggesting we be motivated by anything as vulgar as an enormous finder's fee, but I just thought you might like to bid adieu to our 17th straight month of winter and join me in sunnier climes for a week.
Creo que necesita algo que la motive.I think she needs something to motivate her.
Deberías buscar a alguien que te motive.Well, perhaps you need to find somebody who can motivate you.
Depende si hay algo o alguien que me motive.It depends on if there's something or someone that motivated me.
Así que necesito que te motives.So I need you to motivate.
- ¡Me encanta que me motiven!- I love being motivated!
Dejad que sus insultos os motiven.Just let their insults motivate you.
Me encanta que me motiven.I love being motivated.
No pude conseguir nada, y les suplico que no motiven otro castigo y además traigan toda su ropa a este dormitorio.I couldn't do anything, and please I beg you not to motivate another punishment. And please, bring all your clothes to this room.
Quieren trabajar en proyectos que los motiven y los apasionen.They want to work on projects that they are motivated and passionate about.
"No motivado por compasión.""Not motivated by compassion."
- # Estoy motivado # - # Motivado #- I'm motivated. - Motivated.
- ...pero no suena muy motivado.- but he didn't sound very motivated.
- Entonces está motivado.- That means he's motivated.
- Era un comprador muy motivado.He was a very motivated buyer.
- Te estoy motivando.- I'm motivating you.
El afecto de Siobhan hacia ti sería suficiente para ganarnos su cooperación, lo que está motivando a que Malcolm guarde silencio?Affection for you might be enough to win her cooperation, what's motivating Malcolm to keep silent?
El era bueno llamando la atencion y motivando el mejor de los mejores.He's great with attracting and motivating the best of the best people.
Jugando con las estrellas, motivando a los jugadores, mandado al banquillo a los perdedores para obtener resultados.Playing the all-stars, and motivating the under-performers, benching the losers to get results.

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