Lastimarse (to reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself) conjugation

This verb can also have the following meanings: reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself, hurt, to feel sorry for

Conjugation of lastimarse

Present tense
me lastimo
I reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
te lastimas
you reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastima
he/she/it does reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos lastimamos
we reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
os lastimáis
you all reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastiman
they reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
Present perfect tense
me he lastimado
I have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te has lastimado
you have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se ha lastimado
he/she/it has reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos hemos lastimado
we have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os habéis lastimado
you all have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se han lastimado
they have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Past preterite tense
me lastimé
I reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te lastimaste
you reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimó
he/she/it reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos lastimamos
we reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os lastimasteis
you all reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimaron
they reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Future tense
me lastimaré
I will reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
te lastimarás
you will reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimará
he/she/it will reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos lastimaremos
we will reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
os lastimaréis
you all will reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimarán
they will reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
Conditional mood
me lastimaría
I would reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
te lastimarías
you would reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimaría
he/she/it would reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos lastimaríamos
we would reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
os lastimaríais
you all would reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimarían
they would reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
Past imperfect tense
me lastimaba
I used to to reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
te lastimabas
you used to to reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimaba
he/she/it used to to reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos lastimábamos
we used to to reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
os lastimabais
you all used to to reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimaban
they used to to reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
Past perfect tense
me había lastimado
I had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te habías lastimado
you had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se había lastimado
he/she/it had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos habíamos lastimado
we had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os habíais lastimado
you all had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se habían lastimado
they had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Future perfect tense
me habré lastimado
I will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te habrás lastimado
you will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se habrá lastimado
he/she/it will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos habremos lastimado
we will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os habréis lastimado
you all will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se habrán lastimado
they will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Present subjunctive tense
me lastime
(if/so that) I reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
te lastimes
(if/so that) you reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastime
(if/so that) he/she/it reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos lastimemos
(if/so that) we reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
os lastiméis
(if/so that) you all reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimen
(if/so that) they reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself
Present perfect subjunctive tense
me haya lastimado
I have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te hayas lastimado
you have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se haya lastimado
he/she/it has reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos hayamos lastimado
we have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os hayáis lastimado
you all have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se hayan lastimado
they have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me lastimara
(if/so that) I have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te lastimaras
(if/so that) you have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimara
(if/so that) he/she/it have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos lastimáramos
(if/so that) we have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os lastimarais
(if/so that) you all have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimaran
(if/so that) they have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me lastimase
(if/so that) I have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te lastimases
(if/so that) you have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimase
(if/so that) he/she/it have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos lastimásemos
(if/so that) we have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os lastimaseis
(if/so that) you all have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimasen
(if/so that) they have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Past perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiera lastimado
I had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te hubieras lastimado
you had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se hubiera lastimado
he/she/it had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos hubiéramos lastimado
we had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os hubierais lastimado
you all had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se hubieran lastimado
they had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
me hubiese lastimado
I had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te hubieses lastimado
you had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se hubiese lastimado
he/she/it had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos hubiésemos lastimado
we had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os hubieseis lastimado
you all had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se hubiesen lastimado
they had reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Future subjunctive tense
me lastimare
(if/so that) I will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te lastimares
(if/so that) you will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimare
(if/so that) he/she/it will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos lastimáremos
(if/so that) we will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os lastimareis
(if/so that) you all will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se lastimaren
(if/so that) they will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Future perfect subjunctive tense
me hubiere lastimado
I will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
te hubieres lastimado
you will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se hubiere lastimado
he/she/it will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
nos hubiéremos lastimado
we will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
os hubiereis lastimado
you all will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
se hubieren lastimado
they will have reflexiveed of lastimar to hurt oneself
Imperative mood
reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!
reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!
let's reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!
reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!
reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!
Imperative negative mood
no te lastimes
do not reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!
no se lastime
don't let him/her/it reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!
no nos lastimemos
let us not reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!
no os lastiméis
do not reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!
no se lastimen
do not reflexive of lastimar to hurt oneself!

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