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Entrenar (to train) conjugation

110 examples

Conjugation of entrenar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I train
you train
he/she/it trains
we train
you all train
they train
Present perfect tense
he entrenado
I have trained
has entrenado
you have trained
ha entrenado
he/she/it has trained
hemos entrenado
we have trained
habéis entrenado
you all have trained
han entrenado
they have trained
Past preterite tense
I trained
you trained
he/she/it trained
we trained
you all trained
they trained
Future tense
I will train
you will train
he/she/it will train
we will train
you all will train
they will train
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would train
you would train
he/she/it would train
we would train
you all would train
they would train
Past imperfect tense
I used to train
you used to train
he/she/it used to train
we used to train
you all used to train
they used to train
Past perfect tense
había entrenado
I had trained
habías entrenado
you had trained
había entrenado
he/she/it had trained
habíamos entrenado
we had trained
habíais entrenado
you all had trained
habían entrenado
they had trained
Future perfect tense
habré entrenado
I will have trained
habrás entrenado
you will have trained
habrá entrenado
he/she/it will have trained
habremos entrenado
we will have trained
habréis entrenado
you all will have trained
habrán entrenado
they will have trained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I train
(if/so that) you train
(if/so that) he/she/it train
(if/so that) we train
(if/so that) you all train
(if/so that) they train
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya entrenado
I have trained
hayas entrenado
you have trained
haya entrenado
he/she/it has trained
hayamos entrenado
we have trained
hayáis entrenado
you all have trained
hayan entrenado
they have trained
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have trained
(if/so that) you have trained
(if/so that) he/she/it have trained
(if/so that) we have trained
(if/so that) you all have trained
(if/so that) they have trained
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have trained
(if/so that) you have trained
(if/so that) he/she/it have trained
(if/so that) we have trained
(if/so that) you all have trained
(if/so that) they have trained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera entrenado
I had trained
hubieras entrenado
you had trained
hubiera entrenado
he/she/it had trained
hubiéramos entrenado
we had trained
hubierais entrenado
you all had trained
hubieran entrenado
they had trained
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese entrenado
I had trained
hubieses entrenado
you had trained
hubiese entrenado
he/she/it had trained
hubiésemos entrenado
we had trained
hubieseis entrenado
you all had trained
hubiesen entrenado
they had trained
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have trained
(if/so that) you will have trained
(if/so that) he/she/it will have trained
(if/so that) we will have trained
(if/so that) you all will have trained
(if/so that) they will have trained
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere entrenado
I will have trained
hubieres entrenado
you will have trained
hubiere entrenado
he/she/it will have trained
hubiéremos entrenado
we will have trained
hubiereis entrenado
you all will have trained
hubieren entrenado
they will have trained
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's train!
Imperative negative mood
no entrenes
do not train!
no entrene
let him/her/it train!
no entrenemos
let us not train!
no entrenéis
do not train!
no entrenen
do not train!

Examples of entrenar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"El Führer le está utilizando para entrenar a sus mejores pilotos."The Führer is using him to train his best pilots.
"Pipeline"... e yo acostumbro decir que es mi karma, porque... realmente es muy difícil de entrenar, debido a que siempre está lleno... y sin duda la ola es asustadora.I like to say Pipeline is my karma... cause it 's hard to train here with the crowd and it 's a truly scary wave.
"Requerido entrenar tres años como enfermera dental.""Required to train for three years as dental nurse."
"Vamos a entrenar?"We're going to train?
"Yo, el profesor Severus Snape, le doy permiso al equipo de Slytherin de entrenar hoy dado que tienen un nuevo buscador" .I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team Permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.
"Este es el lugar en donde normalmente entreno a mis hombres.That's the place where I usually train my boys.
"Trabajo con la cabeza, entreno con el cuerpo,""I work with my head, train with my body,
- Espera, aguarda un momento, entreno.- Hold on, hold on a minute, training day.
- Le entreno los caballos.- I train her horses.
- Lo siento, entreno.- Sorry, I'm-I'm training.
- Está tan helado, ¿Por qué entrenas todavia?It's so cold, why are you still training?
- Las entrenas con un palo.- You train them with this stick.
- No si te entrenas así.- Not the way you've been training.
- Uf, es por eso por lo que entrenas.- Ugh, hat's why you train.
- ¿Con quién entrenas?-Who trains you?
"Bendito sea el Señor, mi roca, quien entrena mis manos para la guerra"."Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war."
"Starbuck, un piloto de Viper sólo vuela tres de ellas... la Viper en la que entrena, de la que escapa... y en la que muere.""Starbuck, a viper pilot only flies three vipers - "the one he trains in, the one he escapes from... (Sighs) "and the one he dies in."
"Trane entrena un tren, trágicamente""Trane trains train, tragically."
*Él vive y entrena* *y lucha con los furiosos cinco.*# He lives, and he trains # # And he fights with the furious five #
*ellos lucharon contra un oso, nosotros bailamos con algunos* *compramos una máquina del tiempo usada* *hicimos una enorme guerra de caramelos* *entrenamos un cerdo* *venimos cerderinas* * y mucho, mucho, mucho más...*♪ they fought a bear, we danced with some ♪ ♪ bought a used time machine ♪ ♪ fought a giant candy war ♪ trained a pig
- Al parecer, la entrenamos muy bien.-Apparently, we trained her too well.
- Bueno, para eso entrenamos. - ¡Que alguien le dé a ese hombre un pitillo!Well, it's what we train for. Someone give that man a cigarette!
- Lo entrenamos para ser un perro guía.He's in training to be a seeing eye dog.
- Nos entrenamos como equipo.We train to become a team.
En resumen: contratáis a unos mozos, los entrenáis y colmais sus necesidades.To recap: You have to hire, train and provide for some boys.
Jugad tal como entrenáis.Just play like you're training.
Os entrenáis para ser líderes, guerreros y héroes.You'll train to become leaders, warriors and heroes.
¿Os entrenáis para servir a Apophis con uniformes del SG?You're training to serve Apophis wearing SG uniforms?
"Alto secreto" significa que entrenan para algo... que nunca se ha hecho en la historia de la aviación, y a la que se entra sin saber adónde van.Top-secret means you train for something never done before in aviation history, and you go without knowing where you're going.
"Nena, me entrenan para la guerra", "y no sé lo que sucederá, pero si muriera mañana","Baby, they're training me for war... and I don't know what'll happen... but if I die tomorrow...
- Allí sólo entrenan al béisbol.- The only baseball is spring training.
- Así entrenan los cosmonautas.There you go, that's for you. - It's like... cosmonaut training.
- Bueno, primero que todo entrenan arriba en los Alpes.-Well, for one thing they train high up in the Alps.
- Bueno, yo lo entrené...- Well, they're trained to...
- Claro que lo sabía, yo te entrené.Of course I knew, I trained you.
- Deberían, les entrené yo.- They should be. I trained them.
- La entrené.- I trained her.
- Tú lo entrenaste.You trained him.
- Tú mismo lo entrenaste, ¿no?You trained him yourself, right? I hope you're right.
- ¿Tú entrenaste a El Maníaco? - ¡ !- You trained the ll Maniac?
Así que todo salió como tenía que salir, basado en lo que me dices, y basado en cómo los entrenaste.Dr. Bell: So it all went how it was meant to, based on what you tell me, and based on how you trained them.
Buen hombre entrenaste, una bomba de tiempo esperando dispararse que se disparó.A man in place, you have trained, a time bomb, waiting to burst, which 'broke out.
"Un portador de muerte, que es para lo que el partido nazi me entrenó"."A bringer of death, "For that is what the Nazi party has trained me to become.
'Ali se entrenó para el combate con Foreman en el lago Deer, Pensylvania.'Ali trained for the Foreman fight at Deer Lake, Pennsylvania.
'Se entrenó muy duro para esa pelea, 'y tuvo muy buenos sparrings.'He trained very hard for that fight, 'and had very good sparring partners.
*Nos entrenó a ambos para* *rastrear, cazar y matar*♪ He trained us both to ♪ ♪ track and hunt and kill ♪
- Eran simples aldeanos sin experiencia militar,... - ...pero los entrenó... - ¡Cuatro!They were just simple villagers, with no military experience, but he trained them in all forms of combat.
- ¿Y vosotros lo entrenasteis?And you trained him? We trained him, yeah.
Me entrenasteis para seducir a David Whele como lo hicimos con ella.You trained me to seduce David Whele like we did to her.
Tú y Jane entrenasteis para esto.You and Jane trained for this.
- ...y entrenaron como agentes secretos.- and highly trained secret agents.
- A ninguno. - A Ud. lo entrenaron como paramédico.- Now, you were trained as a medic.
- Aníbal... - ¡Soy un oficial de la Marina! Me entrenaron para eso.I was trained as a naval officer.
- Así me entrenaron ellos. ¿"Ellos"?- I am how they trained me.
- Bien. - Me entrenaron.- Been trained.
Dime que quieres ser alguien que usa su mente y su cuerpo de maneras que la mayoría de la gente nunca tendrá el coraje de hacerlo y yo te entrenaré, Dan para que seas un verdadero guerrero.You tell me you want to be someone who uses his mind and his body in ways that most people would never have the courage to, and I will train you, Dan, to be a real warrior.
Entonces te entrenaré.Then I will train you.
Le entrenaré tan bien que podrá golpear a 10 chicos malos a la vez.I will train him so well" "that he'll beat up 10 bad guys at a time.
Le entrenaré.I will train him.
Lo entrenaré bien.I will train you well.
Los entrenarás en el arte de disparar.You will train them to shoot...
Prométeme que entrenarás al chico.Promise me you will train the boy.
Estos soldados y yo, para proteger vuestras vidas y las órdenes de la nación, os entrenaremos.These soldiers and I, to protect your lives and our nation's bidding, will train you.
Le entrenaremos cómo usarlos.We will train you how to use them.
Aquellos hombres, de allí afuera, te entrenarán.Those men, among others out there, will train you.
Así que beberán agua, se entrenarán... se adaptarán a este desierto y beberán más agua.So you will hydrate, you will train... you will adjust to this desert, and you'll hydrate some more.
Esos 100 entrenarán a los miles que quedan.This 100 will train the thousands that remain.
Los 15 navegantes se entrenarán durante seis meses en los fuertes vientos y los grandes mares cerca de Hawái antes de elegir una tripulación de 11 para ir de California a Diamond Head.- Whoo! The 15 sailors will train for six months in the big winds and big seas off Hawaii before choosing a crew of 11 to race from California to Diamond Head.
Mis miles entrenarán a más miles y ellos, a más todavía.My thousands will train more thousands, and they even more.
'Lo interesante era que Ali entrenaría después de Foreman, pasaría este largo hall donde el entrenamiento tenía lugar. y nunca miró a Foreman golpeando la pesada bolsa.'What would be interesting is Ali, who would train after Foreman, 'would pass this large hall where the training took place 'and he never looked at Foreman hitting the heavy bag.
Dije que te entrenaría... no que me sumiría en nostalgia la contigo.I said I would train you... not wallow in nostalgia with you.
Es decir, pensaba que Tower Prep era una escuela especial que nos entrenaría para usar nuestras habilidades individuales.I mean, I thought Tower Prep was a special school that would train each of us to use our individual skills.
Según lo que estoy oyendo, si yo fuera tú me entrenaría a fondo.From what I hear If I were you I would train them thoroughly.
Y con eso, el entrenador Mellor entrenaría a Barry para que bailara su camino al estrellato de la televisión local.And with that, coach Mellor would train Barry to dance his way to local tv stardom.
Un chico quería ser enfermero y Álvarez le aseguró que lo entrenarían en la Infantería para salvar vidas.One guy wanted to be a paramedic, so Alvarez guaranteed him the corps would train him to save lives.
- Pero no la entrene demasiado bien.- But don't train her too well._BAR_
- Quizas entrene para ello.- I might even train for it.
- Venga, tío, deja que te entrene.- Come on, man, just let me train you.
- ¿Quieres que te entrene?- Like you want me to train you? - Yeah. Ha, ha.
-Si, pronto quizás, ya no necesitemos que nos entrene.Yeah, maybe soon, we won't need him to train us at all.
- Quiero que me entrenes.I want you to train me.
- Te pido que me entrenes una vez más.- I'm askin' you to train me one last time.
A menos que no estudies y entrenes para los X-Games.Unless you want to just quit school and train for the X Games.
Así que, será mejor que entrenes ésa que te queda y que empieces de nuevo.So you better train the hand you still have and start all over again !
Cuando entrenes también.And when you train.
- ¿La entrenemos?- Potty trained? - Exactly.
Como tú me pediste que entrenemos, ¿juntos?Like you were asking, training together?
El Sr. Omura está dispuesto a gastar lo necesario para que entrenemos a su ejército.And Mr. Omura here is willing to spend what it takes... ...tohirewhiteexperts to train their army.
Escucha mientras que entrenemos aquí.While you train here, listen.
Greg, eso hará que no importe lo mucho que entrenemos.Greg, it's not gonna matter how hard we train.
Es genial que tu novia y tú entrenéis juntos. ¿Es así como os conocisteis?It's great that you and your girlfriend are training together. Is that how you met?
Pediré a dos novatos para que los entrenéis.I'm bringing in two replacements for you to train.
- Es común que grupos terroristas... como los talibán secuestren a niños... que han dejado huérfanos, y les laven el cerebro, los entrenen y les den nombres nuevos.It's a common practice for terror groups like the Taliban to take children they've turned into orphans, brainwash them, train them, and give them new names.
Cómo quiere que ellos se entrenen, ¿organizado y provisto?How will they be trained, organized and equipped?
Entrenadores, entrenen.Trainers, train.
He invitado a dos excompañeros de clase para que te entrenen.And I've invited two of my classmates here to train you.
James dice que está en la edad perfecta para que lo entrenen.James says he is the perfect age to put into training.
Puede que lo entrenaran, pero ya no lo controlan.They may have trained him, but they don't own him any more.
"Cuando esta bien entrenado, un puñetazo" "o una patada pueden ser muy peligrosos.""When well-trained, a punch or a kick can be dangerous."
"El mayor logro del arte de hacer perros. Este collie, edición limitada, viene entrenado por el mayor Jonas Fong, ALBDA."The crowning achievement of the dog-maker's art this limited-edition collie comes fully trained by Major Jonas Fong, ALBDA.
"Ni siquiera sabes para lo que estoy entrenado"."You don't even know what I'm trained to do."
"P'al" ojo entrenado, claro, yo fui policía muchos años.To the trained eye, of course. I was a cop for many years.
"Papá, he entrenado toda mi vida para esto."Dad, I've trained my whole life for this.
"Cosa uno" y "cosa dos" han estado entrenando vigorosamente.Thing One and Thing Two have been training vigorously for it.
"Estoy entrenando para una pelea en estadio Rajadanerm"'I am training for a fight at Rajadanerm stadium.'
"Por fin avancé entrenando su sucesora pero nunca la reemplazará.I finally had to take a hand in training your successor... but she'll never replace you.
"Sabes, he estado entrenando mi vejiga durante años "."You know, I've been training my bladder for years."
"Ve a jugar, Thaddicus" mientras padre estaba entrenando al gran Zeddicus?while Father gave his precious time to the training of the great Zeddicus?
Buzzy, contales de esos freaks que entrenás en tu gym. Es muy gracioso.contales of those freaks you train at your gym is very funny
¿Pero entrenás todos los días?- More or less. But you train every day?

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