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Enterrar (to bury) conjugation

128 examples

Conjugation of enterrar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I bury
you bury
he/she/it buries
we bury
you all bury
they bury
Present perfect tense
he enterrado
I have buried
has enterrado
you have buried
ha enterrado
he/she/it has buried
hemos enterrado
we have buried
habéis enterrado
you all have buried
han enterrado
they have buried
Past preterite tense
I buried
you buried
he/she/it buried
we buried
you all buried
they buried
Future tense
I will bury
you will bury
he/she/it will bury
we will bury
you all will bury
they will bury
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would bury
you would bury
he/she/it would bury
we would bury
you all would bury
they would bury
Past imperfect tense
I used to bury
you used to bury
he/she/it used to bury
we used to bury
you all used to bury
they used to bury
Past perfect tense
había enterrado
I had buried
habías enterrado
you had buried
había enterrado
he/she/it had buried
habíamos enterrado
we had buried
habíais enterrado
you all had buried
habían enterrado
they had buried
Future perfect tense
habré enterrado
I will have buried
habrás enterrado
you will have buried
habrá enterrado
he/she/it will have buried
habremos enterrado
we will have buried
habréis enterrado
you all will have buried
habrán enterrado
they will have buried
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I bury
(if/so that) you bury
(if/so that) he/she/it bury
(if/so that) we bury
(if/so that) you all bury
(if/so that) they bury
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya enterrado
I have buried
hayas enterrado
you have buried
haya enterrado
he/she/it has buried
hayamos enterrado
we have buried
hayáis enterrado
you all have buried
hayan enterrado
they have buried
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have buried
(if/so that) you have buried
(if/so that) he/she/it have buried
(if/so that) we have buried
(if/so that) you all have buried
(if/so that) they have buried
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have buried
(if/so that) you have buried
(if/so that) he/she/it have buried
(if/so that) we have buried
(if/so that) you all have buried
(if/so that) they have buried
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera enterrado
I had buried
hubieras enterrado
you had buried
hubiera enterrado
he/she/it had buried
hubiéramos enterrado
we had buried
hubierais enterrado
you all had buried
hubieran enterrado
they had buried
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese enterrado
I had buried
hubieses enterrado
you had buried
hubiese enterrado
he/she/it had buried
hubiésemos enterrado
we had buried
hubieseis enterrado
you all had buried
hubiesen enterrado
they had buried
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have buried
(if/so that) you will have buried
(if/so that) he/she/it will have buried
(if/so that) we will have buried
(if/so that) you all will have buried
(if/so that) they will have buried
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere enterrado
I will have buried
hubieres enterrado
you will have buried
hubiere enterrado
he/she/it will have buried
hubiéremos enterrado
we will have buried
hubiereis enterrado
you all will have buried
hubieren enterrado
they will have buried
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's bury!
Imperative negative mood
no entierres
do not bury!
no entierre
let him/her/it bury!
no enterremos
let us not bury!
no enterréis
do not bury!
no entierren
do not bury!

Examples of enterrar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
! Quieres enterrar el pasado con pasteles!Do you want to bury the past under a pile of cake?
"Decidí enterrar la artillería sobrante para que no cayera en manos enemigas."Have decided to bury excess ordnance lest it fall into enemy hands.
"El peligro de enterrar a los muertos"."Danger... to bury the dead".
"En Atlantic City todos acordamos" enterrar el pasado y olvidar las guerras en el futuro por el bienestar general de todos los involucrados..."we all agreed to bury the past and forget warfare in the future for the general good of all concerned."
"Estoy aquí no para enterrar a César, sino para alabarle! ""I'm here not to bury Caesar, but to praise him!"
"Me entierro en el infinito cielo azul.""I bury myself into the endless sky so blue"
- Roxy, mañana entierro a uno de mis mejores amigos.Roxy, I bury one of my best friends tomorrow.
- Sí. Espero que no venga de un entierro.- I hope you haven't come from a burying, sir.
- Yo los entierro, no los desentierro.I don't dig them up. I just bury them.
- para su entierro, ¿entendido?- ... to bury him in, got that?
- Bien. Asegúrate de que entierras a Sam antes de que empiece a apestar.-fine make sure you bury Sam before he starts stinking up the joint.
- Te lo estoy diciendo, tío, si entierras esta mierda, alguien va a encontrarla.- I'm telling you, man, if you bury it, someone's going to find it.
- ¿Por qué no lo entierras con él?-Why don't you bury it with her?
A veces entierras esa parte de ti tan profundo que te tienen que recordar que después de todo, está ahí.Sometimes you bury that part of yourself so deeply That you have to be reminded it's there at all.
Además, ¿qué esperanza habrá para tí si te entierras en el campo?Besides, what hope will there be for you if you bury yourself in the country?
"Casi lo entierro?" Nadie "casi entierra" nada!Nobody "nearly buries" anything!
"El Departamento de Parques va a al grano y entierra la cápsula de tiempo."The parks department cuts the crapsule, buries the time capsule.
"La criatura es tan astuta, que entierra su corazón.""The creature is so crafty, it buries its heart."
*Ni siquiera es gris, pero entierra a su bebé*♪ Ain't even gray, but she buries her baby ♪
- Bueno, el FBI rastreó la pista de una empresa que entierra gente sin embalsamamiento ni ataúdes, porque es más natural.Well, the FBI traced the land to a company that buries people without embalming or coffins, because it's more natural.
'Ustedes cargan, nosotros enterramos''You carry. We bury.'
* enterramos nuestro amor en una tumba *** ese fue todo un discurso.* we bury our love * in a wintry grave that was quite a speech.
- La enterramos.- We'll bury it.
- Levantese o lo enterramos aquí - ¿Eso es lo que desea?Get up now or do we bury you here? Is that your wish?
- Lo enterramos.- We bury him.
- No enterráis a vuestros muertos:- You don't bury your dead. You cremate them.
Lo enterráis.You bury it!
¿Dónde enterráis a los perdedores?Where do you bury the losers?
¿Entonces enterráis a la gente que amáis, pero a un alce que acabáis de conocer lo disecáis y lo colgáis de la pared?So you bury the people you love, but a moose you just met you stuff and mount on a wall?
¿Por qué no enterráis el pasado antes de que él nos entierre?Why couldn't you bury the past before it buried us?
"mientras hay paz, los hijos entierran a sus padres."in peace, sons bury their fathers.
"¡No me lo entierran aquí sin una orden de exhumación!""Do not bury me here without a exhumation order! "
, ¡Ellos entierran algo en el centro dela Tierra!They didn't just bury something at the centre of the Earth!
- Esta tarde entierran a mi hijo.-This afternoon they bury my son.
- Le entierran profundamente?-You did bury him properly?
, te ven tan hermosa como el día que te enterréYou still look as pretty as the day I buried you.
- Entonces los enterré.So I buried 'em.
- Es lo que enterré.They buried him
- La enterré en el bosque.- I buried her, up in the woods.
- La enterré en el jardín.- I buried it in the backyard.
! Tu ex-esposo. ¡Lo enterraste debajo del garaje!You buried him under the garage.
- El tipo que enterraste.The guy you buried.
- En el bosque donde lo enterraste.- In the woods where you buried it.
- En el bosque donde tú lo enterraste.- In the woods where you buried it.
- Me enterraste.. ¿cómo pudiste enterrarme?- You buried me.. How could you bury me?
"Cao Cao enterró la cabeza de Guan en una ceremonia...!""Cao Cao buried Guan's head with ceremony..."
"Como ella lo montó, enterró la cara en su melena brillante."As she rode him, she buried her face into his shiny mane.
"Dónde lo enterró?"Where's he buried?
"El tuerto Willy" enterró un tesoro lleno de esmeraldas y diamantes...One-eyed willy buried a treasure That was full of diamonds and emeralds...
"Entonces ¿por qué me lo dijo donde enterró su plata preciosos? ""then why would he tell me where he buried his precious silver?" I know.
Le enterrasteis y le desenterrasteis.You buried him and then you dug him up.
Lo enterrasteis ¿quiénes?Who buried her?
No me digas que enterrasteis el dinero.Don't tell me you've buried the dough.
Nos enterrasteis, de la misma forma que a tantos otros fracasos.You buried us, as you would do with so many of your other failures.
"Este es tu hijo. Lo enterraron vivo y después Io sacaron para entregártelo.""This is your son, they buried him alive and took him out to give him back to you."
"La flor que enterraron tuvo que ser transplantada."The flower you two buried had to be transplanted."
"Lo enterraron en glaseado."They buried him in frosting.
"Me enterraron viva y no me gustó para nada"."Hey, I was buried alive, and I'm not that happy about it."
*Y enterraron su nombre en el suelo* *el cura estaba todavía hablando*♪ And they buried his name in the ground ♪ ♪ Well the preacher was still talking ♪
- ¡Te enterraré!- I will bury you!
Compórtate, Kol, o te enterraré en el suelo para que te pudras.Behave, Kol, or I will bury you in the ground to rot.
Convenceré a las víctimas para que se presenten, sólo necesito una chica para los registros y entonces enterraré a Eric.It'll convince victims to come forward. I just need one girl on the record, and then I will bury Eric.
Echaré por tierra la reputación de alguien. ¡Lo enterraré!I will put it down. I will bury it!
Cam, tú los enterrarás a ellos.Ham, you will bury them.
"La verdad te enterrará en un instante".The truth will bury you in a New York minute.
Causarás un corrimiento de tierras que enterrará a este gobierno.You will cause a landslide that will bury this government.
Conservo te enterrará.Conservo will bury you.
Desde este punto la primera división.. enterrará cadáveres.From this point on the first division, will bury the corpses.
El batallón enterrará a su Coronel.The battalion will bury their colonel.
"Los enterraremos", dijo Kruschev, y el público lo creyó."We will bury you, "Khrushchev said, and the public believed it.
- Lo enterraremos como un general.We will bury him as a general.
- Seré tu tortuga marina... y enterraremos nuestros huevos de romance en la arena... olvídalo, ven aquí.- I'll be ***, and we will bury our *** of romance in the sand, ***, come here.
Cuando ustedes se vayan, la enterraremos.When you are gone we will bury it.
En este jardín enterraremos... los perros guías o los perros policías que mueren en cumplimiento del deber... gratuitamente... si es que mueren en acción.And in this garden we will bury... a Seeing Eye dog or a police dog killed in the line of duty... at no cost... if it's killed in the line of duty.
Y si mueren, los enterraréis vosotros.And if they die, you will bury them yourselves.
Algún día nuestros hijos nos enterrarán...One day our children will bury us...
EI tercer día Io enterrarán, vestido con eI pontificaI con una mitra en Ia cabeza y un velo púrpura cubriendo su cara.On the third day they will bury him, clothed in full pontificals with a miter on his head a purple veil covering his face.
Esas fotografías lo enterraránThose photographs will bury him.
He sido mi enemigo en este viaje y he sepultado a muchos santos en nuestra travesía... Pero pronto otros me enterrarán.I've been my own enemy on this journey... and I have laid many Saints to rest as we've gone on... but soon... others will bury me.
Lo enterrarán donde nadie lo encontrará jamás.They will bury it where no one will ever find it again.
"¿Quién en sus cabales enterraría un observatorio astronómico a tanta profundidad?"You might ask, "well, who in their right mind would bury an astronomical observatory so far underground?"
...todolo quecreíste que enterraría para siempre......allthethingsthat youthought would bury forever...
El profesor cogió un saco y una carretilla y salió a por el cerdo, diciendo que lo enterraría en algún sitio.The teacher took a sack and a wheelbarrow and went off for the pig, saying he would bury it somewhere.
Estaba shockeado, pensaba que Andy nos enterraría a nosotros.I was in shock, I thought Andy would bury us all.
La enterraría aquí mismo en la tierra.I would bury him here in the ground.
Pandolfo dijo que sus hijos te enterrarían.Pandolfo said that his sons would bury you.
- ¿Que la entierre?- Bury it? - Yes, bury it.
- ¿Quieres que lo entierre?So you want me to bury him?
- ¿Quieres que te entierre con Joe?- What do you want? You want me to bury you next to Joe?
- ¿Quisieras que lo entierre?- Would you like me to bury it?
A menos que quieras que lo entierre la administración municipal.Unless you want to let the City bury him.
- Hay demasiado tiempo para que te entierres en anotaciones sin valor.Plenty of time for you to bury yourself in worthless scribbles.
- No me entierres todavía, muchacho .- Don't bury me yet, laddie.
..quiero que te entierres muy profundo en la tierra.. ..y que nos hagas casar, ¿entendido?...I want you to bury it deep in the ground and get us married.
Creo que ha llegado el tiempo para que entierres tu hacha.I think it's time for you to bury the hatchet.
Cuando me entierres, Johnny, pon un nombre sobre mi tumba.When you bury me, johnny, put a name with me.
- En cuanto los enterremos.-As soon as we bury these men.
- Propongo que enterremos al tipo... y comamos el postre.I say we just bury the cracker and eat dessert.
- Sugiero que enterremos...- I'll suggest we bury...
...y en cuanto enterremos los paracaídas nos largamos....and as soon as we bury the chutes we're shoving off.
Bueno, sera mejor que los enterremos.Well, we better bury them.
No lo enterréis aún.Don't bury him yet.
No lo enterréis en mis tierras.Don't bury them on my ground.
No me enterréis donde haya barro. ¿Vale?Don't bury me anywhere where there's mud. OK?
Quizás sea momento de que enterréis el hacha.Maybe it's time for you to bury the hatchet.
¿Quién os ha dicho que la enterréis?Who told you to bury her?
"Por favor entierren éste."Please bury this one."
, quiero que tomen esta caja y la entierren en el bosque.You two, I want you to take this box and bury it in the woods.
- Cuando te entierren yo te desentierro.- After they bury you, I'll dig you up.
- Jovencito cuando lleves esto al basurero prométeme que vigilarás que lo entierren.- Young man, when you take this to the landfill promise me you'll watch them bury it.
- No dejes que la entierren.- Don't let them bury her.
Si atacaron al gato, puede que los Jacobi lo enterraran.If the cat was attacked, the Jacobis may have buried it.
Bien, enterrad vuestras cabezas.Fine, bury your heads.
Coged las granadas y enterrad las cajas.Pass out the grenades and bury those boxes.
Dejad sueltos a los caballos y enterrad el equipo.Get rid of the horses, and bury the gear.
Sepultad el negro, enterrad el azul, y a la hoguera con el beis.Banish the black, burn the blue, and bury the beige.
Simplemente enterrad el collar y seguir con vuestras vidas.Just bury the necklace and move on.
! Hay dinero enterrado bajo esas instalaciones.There's treasure buried under that school !
""El recipiente fue enterrado hace años en el Oriente Medio por--""."The container was buried somewhere in the Middle East eons ago by... "
"...conocido y estimado por todos su compañeros, fue enterrado esta tarde en el cementerio militar, un alma alegre a la que tuve el placer y el privilegio de cuidar"."..known and loved by all the boys, "was buried this afternoon in a military cemetery, "a happy soul
"...desearía ser enterrado en Changde"."May I be buried in Changde."
"Aquí será enterrado, y este roble sellará su destino.Here he shall be buried, and this oak tree will seal his fate.
! Me estás enterrando.You're burying me out there!
" ¿Por qué no averigua lo que el buen doctor estaba enterrando en su huerto la noche de jueves?"Why don't you find out what the good doctor was "burying in his garden on Thursday night?
"Estuve enterrando a mi perro. ""I'm burying my dog."
- Estaban enterrando un cadáver.-They were burying a corpse.
- Estuvimos enterrando a nuestros amigos todo el día.- We've been burying our friends all day.
Vos enterrá a tu abuela en este agujero.You bury -your- grandma in this mold.

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