- Hermana Constance, Charlotte se va a desmayar. | - Sister Constance, Charlotte's going to faint. |
- Hermana, Charlotte se va a desmayar. | - Sister, Charlotte's going to faint. |
- Me voy a desmayar con alegría | - And l'm going to faint with joy |
- Me voy a desmayar. | - I'm going to faint. |
- creo que me voy a desmayar! | I believe I'm going to faint! |
"Disculpen, del desmayo. | "Excuse me, to faint. |
"Rodrigo, Rodrigo, sálvame" y me desmayo. | "Roderigo, save me," and faint? |
(Causa del desmayo) | (Cause for fainting. ) |
, ¿Cómo explicaís el desmayo? | How do you explain the fainting? |
- - En el peor de los casos desmayo. | - At worst, fainting. |
- Abuela, ¿por qué no te desmayas? | - Grandma, why aren't you fainting with me? |
- Bien. Si sientes que te desmayas, mírame. | - heaven's sakes if you get dizzy or feel faint, keep an eye on me. |
- Te atraparé si te desmayas. | I'll catch you if you faint. |
Aterrada, gritas: "Rodrigo, Rodrigo, sálvame", y te desmayas. | You cry out in horror, "Roderigo, save me," and faint. |
Bien, si apreto así por 10 segundos te desmayas. | Well, if pressed for 10 seconds and you faint. |
"Ex jefe de pandilla se desmaya en el cadalso. | "Former gang chief faints on scaffold. |
- "Se desmaya". | "He faints." |
Además, no creo que un hombre que se desmaya cuando ve sangre sea capaz de ir apuñalando a mujeres. | Besides, I don't think that a man who faints at the sight of blood... would make it a habit of stabbing women to death. |
Ahi lo tenés, un hombre que se desmaya cuando ve a su bisabuelo... | There you are, a man who faints when he sees his great-grandfather... |
Ay de mí, se desmaya. | Alas, he faints. |
"Porque a su tiempo segaremos, si no desmayamos. " | He said, "For in due season you shall reap, if you faint not. " |
Cornelia y yo por poco nos desmayamos. | - Oh! Cornelia and I nearly fainted at the sight. |
Gordon... nos desmayamos? | Did you... Did we faint? |
"Los hombres fuertes se desmayan. | "Strong men faint. |
# Las hijas de Irzu se desmayan # # cuando piso su camino # | ♪ Irzu's daughters faint away ♪ ♪ when I step on their path ♪ |
A veces se desmayan (suspira). | And then sometimes they faint, [sigh]. |
A veces se desmayan. | Sometimes they faint. |
A veces, no se siente nada al principio... y luego se desmayan. | Sometimes, they feel nothing at first... and then they faint. |
"No recuerdo qué pasó después, pues me desmayé. | "I can't recall what happened next, as I fainted. |
- Antes de desmayarte. No me desmayé. | Before you fainted. |
- Bueno, si te hace sentir mejor yo me desmayé durante un capítulo de ·sons of anarchy". | Well, if it makes you feel better I fainted during an episode of sons of anarchy. |
- Me desmayé en la escuela... | - I fainted at school... |
- Me desmayé. No di sangre. | - I fainted, I didn't give blood. |
- Bueno, te di la mano, y te desmayaste. | - Well, I shook your hand, and then you fainted. |
- Me dijeron que hoy te desmayaste. | Not here. Hey, I hear you fainted today. |
- Mencioné a los bebés y te desmayaste. | I mentioned babies and you fainted. |
- No, te desmayaste - Lo siento | No, you fainted. |
- Parece que te desmayaste. | Looks like you fainted. |
"Los guardas mataron a su bebé delante de la madre "y después que ella se desmayó, también la mataron." | "The guards killed the baby in front of his mother and after she fainted, also murdered her. " |
- Creo que se desmayó. | - I think he may have fainted. |
- El se desmayó. | - He fainted. |
- Ella se desmayó. | - She fainted. |
Os desmayasteis en la puerta de la capilla. | You fainted in the doorway of the chapel. |
Cuando se agitó de un lado a otro, mi placer se intensificó... lánguido, y no siendo capaz de sostenerme en mis manos... debido al gran placer que sentía... mis brazos se desmayaron. | As he shook back and forth, my pleasure intensified... languid, and not being able to hold onto my hands... due to the great pleasure I felt... my arms fainted. |
Era tan brillante, que todas se desmayaron. | It was so bright, they all fainted. |
Las mujeres se desmayaron. | Women fainted. |
Los fans vieron a Elliot Richards y un par de mujeres se desmayaron. | [Jerry] Right from the get-go, the fans took a look at Elliot Richards... and a couple women fainted. |
Los vecinos comentaron, mis tías se desmayaron | The neighbors commented, aunts fainted |
"Qué bien, es fascinante... yo también me desmayaré como te pasó a ti." | I might say something, if I'm really annoyed... like, uh, "Oh, yeah. Well, that's just fascinating... and, uh, I probably will faint tonight, just as you did. " |
Si tengo que hacerlo otra vez, me desmayaré de verdad. | If I have to faint once more, I will faint. |
Sabes, cuando te muestre esto, problamente te desmayarás. | You know, when I show you this, you probably will faint. |
La gente se desmayará con esa voz saliendo de un burka | People will faint at that voice coming from a burqa |
Pero si usted demanda la paz en estos tiempos de euforia, la gente se desmayará del shock. | But if you bring up suing for peace in these invincible times, the people will faint from shock. |
Se desmayará y no sentirá nada. | If he's lucky, he will faint and feel nothing. |
Se desmayará. | She will faint. |
Señor, desmayarán si te ven. | Sir, they will faint if they see you. |
Y todas las mujeres se desmayarán... cuando vean entrar a estos dos cerdos juntos. | And all the women will faint... when they get an eyeful of those two pigs walking in together. |
Mi madre se desmayaría si oyese esto. | My mother would faint if she heard this. |
Pensé que se desmayaría sobre el teléfono. | I thought he would faint over the phone. |
Yo me desmayaría. | If it was me, I would faint. |
Pero si recibieran dinero de mi se desmayarían. | But if I send them some money, they would faint. |
- Lléveselo antes de que me desmaye. | - Yeah, get that out of here - Before she faints again. |
- No se desmaye. | - Try not to faint. |
- ¿Quérés que vea sangre y desmaye? | - I'd faint if I saw blood, Marta. |
-Quizá se desmaye o se ahogue. | Maybe he'll faint. Or drown. |
-Sé valiente, Diana. Ve. Resistiré hasta que regreses, aunque puede que me desmaye si me vence mi imaginación. | I shall endure till your return, although I may be forced to faint if my imagination gets the better of me. |
- Bueno, no te desmayes, porque voy a hacerte una oferta. | - I'd faint. - Well, don't faint, because I'm going to make you that offer. |
- No te desmayes, ¡por favor! | - Don't faint, please! |
- No te desmayes. | - Don't faint. |
- No, Max, no te desmayes. | - No, Max, don't faint, don't faint, don't faint. |
- Y por el amor de dios, no te desmayes. | - And, for god's sake, please don't faint. |
*Hace que los productores se desmayen y se colapsen* | Makes each producer faint and plotz |
Cuando se desmayen, los recogemos y ya está. | When they faint, we pick them up on stretchers and carry them away. - OK! |
Mamá, papá, por favor, no se desmayen pero cuando oigan esto, estaré camino a Estados Unidos. | Mummy, Papa, please don't faint, but by the time you hear this, I'll be on my way to America. |
No es raro que algunos miembros de esta clase se desmayen durante este procedimiento. | It's not unusual for some members of the freshman class... to feel a bit faint during this procedure. |
No se desmayen. | Don't faint. |
"cuando ellas se habían desmayado y como dos trapos usados, | "when they had fainted and like two used rags, |
- A dónde va? Este hombre se ha desmayado! | - This man has fainted! |
- Abre, que se ha desmayado. | Open up. He fainted. |
- Amanda? Te has desmayado! | You fainted. |
- Así que te has desmayado en... | - Uh, so you fainted at the-? |
Digo, el ruido era ensordecedor. Las calles eran un caos. Las chicas se apretaban y empujaban para atravesar la muchedumbre, y se andaban desmayando. | I mean, the noise was deafening, there was chaos in the street, girls were wriggling and pushing to get through the crowd, and they were fainting, and the ambulance men and police were just passing them over the crowds |
Me estoy desmayando... | I'm fainting... |
Se está desmayando. | She's fainting. |
¿Entonces sabe por qué se ha estado desmayando? | So you know why she's been fainting? |
¿Por qué dijiste que se estaba desmayando? | Why would you say she was fainting? |