Cuando trabajas encubierto, es fácil deshumanizar a un objetivo y verlo nada más como un monstruo al que intentas derrotar, pero a veces te pillan con la guardia baja mostrándote lo mucho que se preocupan por su causa e incluso lo mucho que se preocupan por ti. | When you're undercover, it's easy to dehumanize a target and see him as nothing more than a monster you're trying to take down, but sometimes they'll catch you off guard by showing you how much they care about their cause and even how much they care about you. |
La máscara pudo ser usada por el asesino para deshumanizar a la víctima... permitiendo que el que la decapitó pudiera distanciarse... de la horrible realidad de su muerte. | The mask could have been used by the killer to dehumanize the victim... allowing whoever decapitated her to distance himself... from the ugly reality of her death. |
Quizá el asesino no intentaba deshumanizar a la víctima. | So? So perhaps the killer wasn't trying to dehumanize his victim. |
¿Como deshumanizar a tu oponente? | Like how to dehumanize your opponent? |
Lo deshumanizas tanto como él te deshumaniza a ti. | You dehumanize him as much as he dehumanizes you. |
¿Así que los deshumanizas? | So you dehumanize them? |
De tanto hacernos creer que combatimos terroristas, deshumanizamos nuestros adversarios. | They make us think we're fighting terrorists This dehumanizes our enemy |
Nos copiamos y los deshumanizamos, entonces podemos explotarlos. | We copy ourselves and dehumanize them, so that we can exploit them. |
Ellos deshumanizan a sus víctimas. | They dehumanize their victims. |
Explota y deshumanizan a las mujeres. | They exploit and dehumanize women. |
He intentado criar a mi hija libre de prejuicios de género, libre de estereotipos que deshumanizan a la gente. | I've tried to raise my daughter free from gender bias, free from the stereotypes that dehumanize people. |
Intenté criar a mi hija libre de prejuicios de género libre de estereotipos que deshumanizan a las personas | I tried to raise my daughter free from gender bias, free from stereotypes that dehumanize people. |
Los asesinos sociópatas deshumanizan a sus presas. | Sociopathic murderers dehumanize their prey. |