"Siempre hay tiempo para curarse", dijo el doctor. | "There's always time to heal," the doctor told me. |
- Las córneas necesitan tiempo para curarse. | - Your corneas need time to heal. |
- Mi cuerpo estaba empezando a curarse. | My body was beginning to heal. |
- Tu cuerpo está intentando curarse. | - Your body is trying to heal. |
- ¿Cuánto tardará en curarse? | - How long will it take to heal? |
"Doctor, cúrate a..." | "Physician heal thy..." |
"Médico cúrate a ti mismo" | - "Physician heal thyself" |
"Médico, cúrate a ti mismo". | "Physician, heal thyself." |
"¡Médico, cúrate a ti mismo!" | Physician, heal thyself! |
- Médico, cúrate a ti mismo. | Physician, heal thyself. |
Doctor... cúrese usted. | Physician, heal thyself, |
Médico, cúrese a si mismo, amigo. | Physician, heal thyself, dude. |
¡ Médico, cúrese usted! | Physician, heal thyself! Daisy, Daisy, because I didn't tell you what I was doing, you may feel betrayed and hurt. |
¡Cúrese, Sr. Cobbs, cúrese! | Heal, Mr. Cobbs, heal! |
Nadie mejor para curaos que Él. | No better one to heal you than Him. |
! Sanó! iEstá curado! | He's healed! |
"Le da a mi fatigado y desesperado corazón... ..purificado por nuestros besos y eternamente curado." | "and gives my tired, desperate hope... " "purified by our kisses... "are eternally healed. " |
"Me llevaron a la ciudad, me trajeron de vuelta del borde de la muerte," curado. | I was taken to the city, brought back from the brink of death, healed. |
"Se ha curado. Mi paciente se ha curado. | "'My patient is healed. " |
'Porque una vez que se calme tu dolor una vez que se hayan curado tus heridas volveré para causarte nuevas heridas.' | Because once your pain is soothed once your wounds are healed I'll be back to inflict new wounds. |
Médico, curate a ti mismo. | Physician, heal thyself. |
- Está curándose de una fractura de tobillo... | He's healing from an ankle fracture but... |
- Está curándose. | It's healing. |
EI resentimiento entre ustedes es conocido pero las viejas heridas podrían estar curándose. | The damaged feelings between you are well-known but old wounds may be healing. |
El daño está curándose. | Damage healing. |
El pie del señor Templeton todavía está curándose. Por supuesto. | Mr. Templeton's foot is still healing. |