Que primero te aclimatas, luego sientas la base y después juzgas. | One is to acclimate, two is for foundation, and three is to judge. |
Te aclimatas... | You acclimate or... |
Al probar algo, la primera vez se aclimata el paladar... la segunda se establece la base y en la tercera puedes decidir. | When you're tasting anything, the first taste acclimates the palate... the second establishes a foundation, the third is to make your decision. |
Encontramos evidencian en su cada de que se aclimata bien a diferentes ambientes. | We found evidenceat his house that he acclimates well to different surroundings. |
Mientras Nadia se aclimata a esta vida, a su nueva familia... necesita apoyo... | As Nadia acclimates to this life, to her new family, she needs support, |
Querrás aumentar el flujo de oxígeno al 10% cada hora hasta que se aclimata. | You'll want to increase the oxygen flow by 10% every hour 'til he acclimates. |
La aclimatamos al agua corriente para que sobreviviera en Tokyo. | We acclimated it to fresh water so it could survive in Tokyo |
Tomémonos un momento antes de empezar, para aclimatamos. | So we would like to take a moment, before we start, to acclimate you. |
Parece que te aclimataste a la vida de fugitivo. | Looks like you're getting acclimated to life on the run. |
Señalaba que con el tiempo finalmente se aclimataron a su nuevo medio ambiente. | He noted that they eventually acclimated to their new environment. |
Se aclimatarán tan pronto establez-- | They will acclimate as soon as we establish-- |
Ahora que Joshua es un hombre, es hora que se aclimate al mundo real. | Now that Joshua is a young man, it's time he became acclimated to the real world. |
Creo que una vez se aclimate a su entorno va a empezar a hablar de nuevo. | I think that once he's reacclimated to his environment he'll start to talk again. |
Dale tiempo para que se aclimate. | Give the poor guy some time to get acclimated. |
Hacer que Joel se aclimate a BlueBell... va perfecto. | Get Joel acclimated to BlueBell-- going perfectly. |
Sólo hasta que se aclimate. | It's just till he acclimates. |
Solo un par de horas hasta que se aclimaten. | Just a couple of hours, till they get acclimated. |
Tienes que darle tiempo a tus sistemas corporales para que se aclimaten. | You need to give your body systems time to acclimate. |
Bueno, está aclimatado a una elevada altitud, bajas temperaturas. | Well, he's acclimated to a high altitude, low temperature. |
Había crecido de manera exponencial en una parábola durante estos años, me había aclimatado a esa presión y pensaba que era algo normal. | Because it had grown exponentially in a parabola over years, I had acclimated to that pressure and I just thought that's what a person's head feels like. |
Mejor, de hecho, por estar aclimatado. | Better, in fact, because he's acclimated. |
Mi cuerpo se ha aclimatado de alguna forma al sur de Italia | My body has somehow become acclimated to Southern Italy. |
No estaba totalmente aclimatado. | I wasn't completely acclimated to it. |
- Yo me estoy aclimatando. | - I'm acclimating. |
Empezó a experimentar... Lentamente, aclimatando el organismo de Cort a la disolución... | You started experimenting, slowly acclimating cort's body to the solution. |
Es la única forma de saber cómo se está aclimatando. | It's the only way to know how he's acclimating. |
Me estoy aclimatando. | I'm acclimating. |
Mira, me estoy aclimatando a algo más caluroso ¿de acuerdo? | Look, I acclimating to the warmer climate, all right? |