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Whip out (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: complete, make something in a quick fashion, pull something out with a, pull
you all
Present Simple
whip out
whip out
whips out
whip out
whip out
whip out
Future Simple
will whip out
will whip out
will whip out
will whip out
will whip out
will whip out
Past Simple
whipped out
whipped out
whipped out
whipped out
whipped out
whipped out
Conditional Simple
would whip out
would whip out
would whip out
would whip out
would whip out
would whip out
you all
Present Progressive
am whipping out
are whipping out
is whipping out
are whipping out
are whipping out
are whipping out
Future Progressive
will be whipping out
will be whipping out
will be whipping out
will be whipping out
will be whipping out
will be whipping out
Past Progressive
was whipping out
were whipping out
was whipping out
were whipping out
were whipping out
were whipping out
Conditional Progressive
would be whipping out
would be whipping out
would be whipping out
would be whipping out
would be whipping out
would be whipping out
you all
Present Perfect
have whipped out
have whipped out
has whipped out
have whipped out
have whipped out
have whipped out
Future Perfect
will have whipped out
will have whipped out
will have whipped out
will have whipped out
will have whipped out
will have whipped out
Past Perfect
had whipped out
had whipped out
had whipped out
had whipped out
had whipped out
had whipped out
Conditional Perfect
would have whipped out
would have whipped out
would have whipped out
would have whipped out
would have whipped out
would have whipped out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been whipping out
have been whipping out
has been whipping out
have been whipping out
have been whipping out
have been whipping out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been whipping out
will have been whipping out
will have been whipping out
will have been whipping out
will have been whipping out
will have been whipping out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been whipping out
had been whipping out
had been whipping out
had been whipping out
had been whipping out
had been whipping out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been whipping out
would have been whipping out
would have been whipping out
would have been whipping out
would have been whipping out
would have been whipping out

Examples of whip out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Put on some d'Angelo, then whip out my 'p'Angelo.'"
"Would you whip out my eyes, please, I really don't need them any more"?
'Cause I am willing to whip out my jeremy piven right now and give you what you need.
- Get your whip out, boy.
- No. You could follow at a discreet distance and if l have an idea, you could whip out a Biro for me.
"Put on some d'Angelo, then whip out my 'p'Angelo.'"
"Would you whip out my eyes, please, I really don't need them any more"?
'Cause I am willing to whip out my jeremy piven right now and give you what you need.
- Get your whip out, boy.
- No. You could follow at a discreet distance and if l have an idea, you could whip out a Biro for me.
*** he vote him out and whips out the idol,good-bye,ozzy.
And he whips out these clippings and shows me a mug shot of Jason,
And seconds later, a Ford sedan whips out of the parking lot.
Anyway, she whips out a shotgun... and blows his ass to kingdom come.
Because you need somebody to stand up in that courtroom and tell the jury the truth, before that four-eyed freak whips out some fake picture of you stashing a weapon in Mona's sock drawer.
*** he vote him out and whips out the idol,good-bye,ozzy.
And he whips out these clippings and shows me a mug shot of Jason,
And seconds later, a Ford sedan whips out of the parking lot.
Anyway, she whips out a shotgun... and blows his ass to kingdom come.
Because you need somebody to stand up in that courtroom and tell the jury the truth, before that four-eyed freak whips out some fake picture of you stashing a weapon in Mona's sock drawer.
"I whipped out my 7-Inch d-D-D--"
(Grunts) I'd wished you'd gone all Oprah before you whipped out that drill last... (Gunshot)
- Somebody had to pay, so you whipped out your big knife,
...the flirtation developed into something... more... and... then he just whipped out his...
According to him, this huge guy came right to the front door, called out Grigori, whipped out two 9mms and started blazing.
"If I'd known you was whipping out titties, I wouldn't have come upstairs.
And then come during the half-time activities I'm whipping out the weenie.
But when a grown man starts whipping out a compact and a powder-puff for dinner, - that's no good.
Every y$tered,? You start whipping out the charges.
He let us think he knows how to do all this Shinjitsu stuff, just so he could get you out here whipping out your milk-makers!
"I whipped out my 7-Inch d-D-D--"
(Grunts) I'd wished you'd gone all Oprah before you whipped out that drill last... (Gunshot)
- Somebody had to pay, so you whipped out your big knife,
...the flirtation developed into something... more... and... then he just whipped out his...
According to him, this huge guy came right to the front door, called out Grigori, whipped out two 9mms and started blazing.
"If I'd known you was whipping out titties, I wouldn't have come upstairs.
And then come during the half-time activities I'm whipping out the weenie.
But when a grown man starts whipping out a compact and a powder-puff for dinner, - that's no good.
Every y$tered,? You start whipping out the charges.
He let us think he knows how to do all this Shinjitsu stuff, just so he could get you out here whipping out your milk-makers!

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