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Stick up (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: be, rob, point upwards, act in defence, up, be prominent, maintain, maintain a commitment, defy, rob at gunpoint, stand up to, speak, confront

Conjugation of stick up

you all
Present Simple
stick up
stick up
sticks up
stick up
stick up
stick up
Future Simple
will stick up
will stick up
will stick up
will stick up
will stick up
will stick up
Past Simple
stuck up
stuck up
stuck up
stuck up
stuck up
stuck up
Conditional Simple
would stick up
would stick up
would stick up
would stick up
would stick up
would stick up
you all
Present Progressive
am sticking up
are sticking up
is sticking up
are sticking up
are sticking up
are sticking up
Future Progressive
will be sticking up
will be sticking up
will be sticking up
will be sticking up
will be sticking up
will be sticking up
Past Progressive
was sticking up
were sticking up
was sticking up
were sticking up
were sticking up
were sticking up
Conditional Progressive
would be sticking up
would be sticking up
would be sticking up
would be sticking up
would be sticking up
would be sticking up
you all
Present Perfect
have stuck up
have stuck up
has stuck up
have stuck up
have stuck up
have stuck up
Future Perfect
will have stuck up
will have stuck up
will have stuck up
will have stuck up
will have stuck up
will have stuck up
Past Perfect
had stuck up
had stuck up
had stuck up
had stuck up
had stuck up
had stuck up
Conditional Perfect
would have stuck up
would have stuck up
would have stuck up
would have stuck up
would have stuck up
would have stuck up
Present Perfect Progressive
have been sticking up
have been sticking up
has been sticking up
have been sticking up
have been sticking up
have been sticking up
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been sticking up
will have been sticking up
will have been sticking up
will have been sticking up
will have been sticking up
will have been sticking up
Past Perfect Progressive
had been sticking up
had been sticking up
had been sticking up
had been sticking up
had been sticking up
had been sticking up
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been sticking up
would have been sticking up
would have been sticking up
would have been sticking up
would have been sticking up
would have been sticking up

Examples of stick up

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Home of the stick up Leslie Knope's butt."
"Oh, Ray, you've got to stick up for me with your parents."
"What you gonna stick up?
"You've a massive stick up your hole about this one issue!
"and you're not there to save me my hands..." "will stick up out of my grave..." "and people will walk all over them."
"Home of the stick up Leslie Knope's butt."
"Oh, Ray, you've got to stick up for me with your parents."
"What you gonna stick up?
"You've a massive stick up your hole about this one issue!
"and you're not there to save me my hands..." "will stick up out of my grave..." "and people will walk all over them."
- He's righteous and he sticks up for you.
- Okay, sticks up, guys.
...meaning the line that sticks up from the base.
And in it, a great hero named Kevin Bacon, teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that dancing, well... It's the greatest thing there is.
And when you wake up, your hair, it sticks up like that.
- He's righteous and he sticks up for you.
- Okay, sticks up, guys.
...meaning the line that sticks up from the base.
And in it, a great hero named Kevin Bacon, teaches an entire city full of people with sticks up their butts that dancing, well... It's the greatest thing there is.
And when you wake up, your hair, it sticks up like that.
"Freddy Hayes was convicted in 1982 for sticking up a convenience store in Columbia Heights.
'That's true.' Why are you sticking up for her?
- Are you sticking up for Sam?
- Hair's sticking up.
- He's just sticking up versus...
"And Caesar, wherever you are, I hope the cops never find you, mate. "And I hope you remember the times I stuck up for you
"But when Sam told her how mashed potatoes "were stuck up Alex's nose,
"Doctor, I've a cricket ball stuck up my bum."
"Man, these bitches is stuck up, man.
"Which he immediately stuck up his infected..."
"Freddy Hayes was convicted in 1982 for sticking up a convenience store in Columbia Heights.
'That's true.' Why are you sticking up for her?
- Are you sticking up for Sam?
- Hair's sticking up.
- He's just sticking up versus...
"And Caesar, wherever you are, I hope the cops never find you, mate. "And I hope you remember the times I stuck up for you
"But when Sam told her how mashed potatoes "were stuck up Alex's nose,
"Doctor, I've a cricket ball stuck up my bum."
"Man, these bitches is stuck up, man.
"Which he immediately stuck up his infected..."

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