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Rock out (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: party to rock music, party
you all
Present Simple
rock out
rock out
rocks out
rock out
rock out
rock out
Future Simple
will rock out
will rock out
will rock out
will rock out
will rock out
will rock out
Past Simple
rocked out
rocked out
rocked out
rocked out
rocked out
rocked out
Conditional Simple
would rock out
would rock out
would rock out
would rock out
would rock out
would rock out
you all
Present Progressive
am rocking out
are rocking out
is rocking out
are rocking out
are rocking out
are rocking out
Future Progressive
will be rocking out
will be rocking out
will be rocking out
will be rocking out
will be rocking out
will be rocking out
Past Progressive
was rocking out
were rocking out
was rocking out
were rocking out
were rocking out
were rocking out
Conditional Progressive
would be rocking out
would be rocking out
would be rocking out
would be rocking out
would be rocking out
would be rocking out
you all
Present Perfect
have rocked out
have rocked out
has rocked out
have rocked out
have rocked out
have rocked out
Future Perfect
will have rocked out
will have rocked out
will have rocked out
will have rocked out
will have rocked out
will have rocked out
Past Perfect
had rocked out
had rocked out
had rocked out
had rocked out
had rocked out
had rocked out
Conditional Perfect
would have rocked out
would have rocked out
would have rocked out
would have rocked out
would have rocked out
would have rocked out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been rocking out
have been rocking out
has been rocking out
have been rocking out
have been rocking out
have been rocking out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been rocking out
will have been rocking out
will have been rocking out
will have been rocking out
will have been rocking out
will have been rocking out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been rocking out
had been rocking out
had been rocking out
had been rocking out
had been rocking out
had been rocking out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been rocking out
would have been rocking out
would have been rocking out
would have been rocking out
would have been rocking out
would have been rocking out

Examples of rock out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Melvin got my drink on with Alex. If you're done being a tool, you should come rock out with your co..." - Oh, my God.
# Everyone can rock out like a superstar
(chuckles) I can put on my old jeans from high school And rock out to enya if I want to.
* Then you rock out the show *
- We are gonna rock out.
"Melvin got my drink on with Alex. If you're done being a tool, you should come rock out with your co..." - Oh, my God.
# Everyone can rock out like a superstar
(chuckles) I can put on my old jeans from high school And rock out to enya if I want to.
* Then you rock out the show *
- We are gonna rock out.
- I was thinking a graphic designer, mid-thirties, with a cool Asian girlfriend who dresses awesome and rocks out on the bass guitar.
An Hispanic kid is strangled to death with a chain while a racist rocks out onstage?
And she rocks out a crippler!
But someone else could hurt themselves, and, and a small cut is a, is a death sentence in these times, so let's just, you know, let's... let's get these rocks out of here.
I saw some great rocks out back. Let's go get 'em!
- I was thinking a graphic designer, mid-thirties, with a cool Asian girlfriend who dresses awesome and rocks out on the bass guitar.
An Hispanic kid is strangled to death with a chain while a racist rocks out onstage?
And she rocks out a crippler!
But someone else could hurt themselves, and, and a small cut is a, is a death sentence in these times, so let's just, you know, let's... let's get these rocks out of here.
I saw some great rocks out back. Let's go get 'em!
Beethoven was deaf every day of his life. He rocked out.
I know you got rocked out there.
I rocked out that summer.
I wish you would have told me this music was gay before I rocked out to it.
Okay... then how come you rocked out with me?
"Wow, this is gonna be some crazy molestation trial, "because everybody here is, sort of, rocking out to Billie Jean. "
"Yesterday, I did a little rocking out at karaoke."
# Remember when the stage caved in while you were rocking out?
- Hey, he's not rocking out at all.
- Man, they're fucking rocking out there.
Beethoven was deaf every day of his life. He rocked out.
I know you got rocked out there.
I rocked out that summer.
I wish you would have told me this music was gay before I rocked out to it.
Okay... then how come you rocked out with me?
"Wow, this is gonna be some crazy molestation trial, "because everybody here is, sort of, rocking out to Billie Jean. "
"Yesterday, I did a little rocking out at karaoke."
# Remember when the stage caved in while you were rocking out?
- Hey, he's not rocking out at all.
- Man, they're fucking rocking out there.

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