## And there's nothing that I can do ## D.O.G.s in the hi-ouse! | |
'ouse owner. | |
(reporter) Packedh ouse tonight at the Council Bluff's City Council Meeting as hundreds protest the planned clinic which would offer abortions. | |
- That's good. - A night I keep the owl out of the'ouse. So he doesn't bother no one. | |
Ain't the most worrying thing about this, though, that it actually make you enjoy 'ouse music? | |
## And there's nothing that I can do ## D.O.G.s in the hi-ouse! | |
'ouse owner. | |
(reporter) Packedh ouse tonight at the Council Bluff's City Council Meeting as hundreds protest the planned clinic which would offer abortions. | |
- That's good. - A night I keep the owl out of the'ouse. So he doesn't bother no one. | |
Ain't the most worrying thing about this, though, that it actually make you enjoy 'ouse music? | |
Are you going to lie in there with the Va ouses? | |
What do the Va ouses have to do with us? | |
Are you going to lie in there with the Va ouses? | |
What do the Va ouses have to do with us? | |