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Mete out (to ) conjugation

36 examples
This verb can also mean the following: apportion, dole out, distribute, distribute something in portions
you all
Present Simple
mete out
mete out
metes out
mete out
mete out
mete out
Future Simple
will mete out
will mete out
will mete out
will mete out
will mete out
will mete out
Past Simple
meted out
meted out
meted out
meted out
meted out
meted out
Conditional Simple
would mete out
would mete out
would mete out
would mete out
would mete out
would mete out
you all
Present Progressive
am meting out
are meting out
is meting out
are meting out
are meting out
are meting out
Future Progressive
will be meting out
will be meting out
will be meting out
will be meting out
will be meting out
will be meting out
Past Progressive
was meting out
were meting out
was meting out
were meting out
were meting out
were meting out
Conditional Progressive
would be meting out
would be meting out
would be meting out
would be meting out
would be meting out
would be meting out
you all
Present Perfect
have meted out
have meted out
has meted out
have meted out
have meted out
have meted out
Future Perfect
will have meted out
will have meted out
will have meted out
will have meted out
will have meted out
will have meted out
Past Perfect
had meted out
had meted out
had meted out
had meted out
had meted out
had meted out
Conditional Perfect
would have meted out
would have meted out
would have meted out
would have meted out
would have meted out
would have meted out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been meting out
have been meting out
has been meting out
have been meting out
have been meting out
have been meting out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been meting out
will have been meting out
will have been meting out
will have been meting out
will have been meting out
will have been meting out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been meting out
had been meting out
had been meting out
had been meting out
had been meting out
had been meting out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been meting out
would have been meting out
would have been meting out
would have been meting out
would have been meting out
would have been meting out

Examples of mete out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- We'll mete out justice in public.
And it's not really a Blutbad thing to... mete out justice.
But I'm here to mete out justice to the best of my ability from the evidence presented.
But before departing, he has some things to do, some services to perform, some debts to pay and some justice to mete out.
Despite the fact that as vice principal, she's often called upon to mete out discipline and resolve disputes.
- We'll mete out justice in public.
And it's not really a Blutbad thing to... mete out justice.
But I'm here to mete out justice to the best of my ability from the evidence presented.
But before departing, he has some things to do, some services to perform, some debts to pay and some justice to mete out.
Despite the fact that as vice principal, she's often called upon to mete out discipline and resolve disputes.
He metes out his justice. That's normal?
If we let him walk, we're endorsing an armed populace that metes out justice as they see fit.
To learn of the joys society metes out to the fortunate. My only salvation is escaping reality.
He metes out his justice. That's normal?
If we let him walk, we're endorsing an armed populace that metes out justice as they see fit.
To learn of the joys society metes out to the fortunate. My only salvation is escaping reality.
'..that measure of fire and steel... 'which they have so often meted out to others... '..
- We suggest and hope... it's meted out parentally.
And at the far end, or apse - where Roman justice would be meted out - we now find the image of Christ, the ultimate law-giver, here, in a series of splendid mosaics telling the story of his early life.
And that this punishment may be meted out to me through all eternity.
But if the full penalty of the law is meted out to Bertram Cates, the faithful the whole world over, who are watching us here and listening to our every word, will rise up and call this courtroom blessed.
- her identity and meting out...
An African-American man assaults Baxter's wife. He starts meting out harsher sentences to blacks. But, look.
And they object to another country meting out that kind of justice.
By night, he patrols the campus meting out justice.
Every day they would hold even more lavish feasts for one another, Cleopatra constantly flattering him, meting out each day some fresh new delight, some enticing little way to charm him, releasing him neither night nor day.
'..that measure of fire and steel... 'which they have so often meted out to others... '..
- We suggest and hope... it's meted out parentally.
And at the far end, or apse - where Roman justice would be meted out - we now find the image of Christ, the ultimate law-giver, here, in a series of splendid mosaics telling the story of his early life.
And that this punishment may be meted out to me through all eternity.
But if the full penalty of the law is meted out to Bertram Cates, the faithful the whole world over, who are watching us here and listening to our every word, will rise up and call this courtroom blessed.
- her identity and meting out...
An African-American man assaults Baxter's wife. He starts meting out harsher sentences to blacks. But, look.
And they object to another country meting out that kind of justice.
By night, he patrols the campus meting out justice.
Every day they would hold even more lavish feasts for one another, Cleopatra constantly flattering him, meting out each day some fresh new delight, some enticing little way to charm him, releasing him neither night nor day.

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