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Make merry (to ) conjugation

36 examples
This verb can also mean the following: enjoy in a jolly, enjoy
you all
Present Simple
make merry
make merry
makes merry
make merry
make merry
make merry
Future Simple
will make merry
will make merry
will make merry
will make merry
will make merry
will make merry
Past Simple
made merry
made merry
made merry
made merry
made merry
made merry
Conditional Simple
would make merry
would make merry
would make merry
would make merry
would make merry
would make merry
you all
Present Progressive
am making merry
are making merry
is making merry
are making merry
are making merry
are making merry
Future Progressive
will be making merry
will be making merry
will be making merry
will be making merry
will be making merry
will be making merry
Past Progressive
was making merry
were making merry
was making merry
were making merry
were making merry
were making merry
Conditional Progressive
would be making merry
would be making merry
would be making merry
would be making merry
would be making merry
would be making merry
you all
Present Perfect
have made merry
have made merry
has made merry
have made merry
have made merry
have made merry
Future Perfect
will have made merry
will have made merry
will have made merry
will have made merry
will have made merry
will have made merry
Past Perfect
had made merry
had made merry
had made merry
had made merry
had made merry
had made merry
Conditional Perfect
would have made merry
would have made merry
would have made merry
would have made merry
would have made merry
would have made merry
Present Perfect Progressive
have been making merry
have been making merry
has been making merry
have been making merry
have been making merry
have been making merry
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been making merry
will have been making merry
will have been making merry
will have been making merry
will have been making merry
will have been making merry
Past Perfect Progressive
had been making merry
had been making merry
had been making merry
had been making merry
had been making merry
had been making merry
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been making merry
would have been making merry
would have been making merry
would have been making merry
would have been making merry
would have been making merry

Examples of make merry

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Dance and make merry for it is a holiday."
"Eat, drink, make merry!" Now stop it!
"Lose yourself, make merry..." "say to the one who provokes you..."
'Bring forth quickly the first robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and make merry.
'While his less exclusive countrymen make merry in the Casbah-flavoured city 'this latter day Arabian knight locks himself into his fortress 'to which only his most intimate associates have ever been invited. '
"Dance and make merry for it is a holiday."
"Eat, drink, make merry!" Now stop it!
"Lose yourself, make merry..." "say to the one who provokes you..."
'Bring forth quickly the first robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it, and let us eat and make merry.
'While his less exclusive countrymen make merry in the Casbah-flavoured city 'this latter day Arabian knight locks himself into his fortress 'to which only his most intimate associates have ever been invited. '
Eats, drinks and makes merry.
It makes me ecstatic and makes merry.
When the cock doth crow and wee jack Frost makes merry with his dance, I shall conjure thee from thy slumber.
Eats, drinks and makes merry.
It makes me ecstatic and makes merry.
When the cock doth crow and wee jack Frost makes merry with his dance, I shall conjure thee from thy slumber.
A pity you did not come sooner, Mr Heathcliff, you could have made merry at the celebrations.
CANNING: And they ate and drank and made merry.
I only wish to know that who amongst you made merry in your youth and whose live outcome stands in front of you!
Of course, he made merry when he was young. But you pay for everything.
Oh, we drank and made merry, and sang kolyadkas with lads.
- Been making merry, have we?
- The defense is drawing it out, but the judge is making merry sport of them, and, well, now the jury's looking at Fries like he's O.J... without the commanding performance in "Towering Inferno."
Absolutely dozens of them out there poking about in the woods, making merry havoc with all the pheasants.
And making merry with his new wife!
But while we were doing this, he was making merry with the paint.
A pity you did not come sooner, Mr Heathcliff, you could have made merry at the celebrations.
CANNING: And they ate and drank and made merry.
I only wish to know that who amongst you made merry in your youth and whose live outcome stands in front of you!
Of course, he made merry when he was young. But you pay for everything.
Oh, we drank and made merry, and sang kolyadkas with lads.
- Been making merry, have we?
- The defense is drawing it out, but the judge is making merry sport of them, and, well, now the jury's looking at Fries like he's O.J... without the commanding performance in "Towering Inferno."
Absolutely dozens of them out there poking about in the woods, making merry havoc with all the pheasants.
And making merry with his new wife!
But while we were doing this, he was making merry with the paint.

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