- He head-butted! -Oh, he head-butted! It's a head-butt! | |
- I head-butt him. | |
- Why did you head-butt me ? | |
- You just tried to head-butt me. | |
A head-butt, Doug! | |
- He head-butted! -Oh, he head-butted! It's a head-butt! | |
- I head-butt him. | |
- Why did you head-butt me ? | |
- You just tried to head-butt me. | |
A head-butt, Doug! | |
And Morales head-butts Leary! | |
It's all going so well, it's time to get physical with a few head-butts to her chest. | |
Maybe, but don't send me to interview someone who head-butts walls again. | |
And Morales head-butts Leary! | |
It's all going so well, it's time to get physical with a few head-butts to her chest. | |
Maybe, but don't send me to interview someone who head-butts walls again. | |
- He head-butted me. | |
- He head-butted! -Oh, he head-butted! It's a head-butt! | |
- That dude you head-butted? | |
- You head-butted her ? | |
- l head-butted her first. | |
/'ve been thinking a lot about the head-butting... and everything that went on between us. | |
Did a little head-butting. | |
He ended up getting 30 years for head-butting the bailiff, spitting on the clerk of the court, booting this ginger bird in the face and assaulting the judge. | |
He's head-butting me! | |
I mean, you're getting really good at head-butting. | |
- He head-butted me. | |
- He head-butted! -Oh, he head-butted! It's a head-butt! | |
- That dude you head-butted? | |
- You head-butted her ? | |
- l head-butted her first. | |
/'ve been thinking a lot about the head-butting... and everything that went on between us. | |
Did a little head-butting. | |
He ended up getting 30 years for head-butting the bailiff, spitting on the clerk of the court, booting this ginger bird in the face and assaulting the judge. | |
He's head-butting me! | |
I mean, you're getting really good at head-butting. | |