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Draw away (to ) conjugation

42 examples
This verb can also mean the following: move, move away
you all
Present Simple
draw away
draw away
draws away
draw away
draw away
draw away
Future Simple
will draw away
will draw away
will draw away
will draw away
will draw away
will draw away
Past Simple
drew away
drew away
drew away
drew away
drew away
drew away
Conditional Simple
would draw away
would draw away
would draw away
would draw away
would draw away
would draw away
you all
Present Progressive
am drawing away
are drawing away
is drawing away
are drawing away
are drawing away
are drawing away
Future Progressive
will be drawing away
will be drawing away
will be drawing away
will be drawing away
will be drawing away
will be drawing away
Past Progressive
was drawing away
were drawing away
was drawing away
were drawing away
were drawing away
were drawing away
Conditional Progressive
would be drawing away
would be drawing away
would be drawing away
would be drawing away
would be drawing away
would be drawing away
you all
Present Perfect
have drawn away
have drawn away
has drawn away
have drawn away
have drawn away
have drawn away
Future Perfect
will have drawn away
will have drawn away
will have drawn away
will have drawn away
will have drawn away
will have drawn away
Past Perfect
had drawn away
had drawn away
had drawn away
had drawn away
had drawn away
had drawn away
Conditional Perfect
would have drawn away
would have drawn away
would have drawn away
would have drawn away
would have drawn away
would have drawn away
Present Perfect Progressive
have been drawing away
have been drawing away
has been drawing away
have been drawing away
have been drawing away
have been drawing away
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been drawing away
will have been drawing away
will have been drawing away
will have been drawing away
will have been drawing away
will have been drawing away
Past Perfect Progressive
had been drawing away
had been drawing away
had been drawing away
had been drawing away
had been drawing away
had been drawing away
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been drawing away
would have been drawing away
would have been drawing away
would have been drawing away
would have been drawing away
would have been drawing away

Examples of draw away

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"If Rossi wants to do his little experiment let him not draw away revolutionaries!
- and beginning to draw away.
And I would play them in my earphones and draw away, and to hear that music come in and be, you know, drawn into this thing was, like, magical for me.
And then one night the moon will come From peaks through valleys And draw away laughing across this place
And when they get here, I'm going to ask you once more, neither by word, nor by action, nor by look, to make our guests feel unwelcome, or draw away from them, or act high-toned.
"If Rossi wants to do his little experiment let him not draw away revolutionaries!
- and beginning to draw away.
And I would play them in my earphones and draw away, and to hear that music come in and be, you know, drawn into this thing was, like, magical for me.
And then one night the moon will come From peaks through valleys And draw away laughing across this place
And when they get here, I'm going to ask you once more, neither by word, nor by action, nor by look, to make our guests feel unwelcome, or draw away from them, or act high-toned.
Boy cub draws away.
It draws away weakness to intensify your strength.
it's temporary.During a lunar eclipse the moon pool draws away your powers for twelve hours.
Boy cub draws away.
It draws away weakness to intensify your strength.
it's temporary.During a lunar eclipse the moon pool draws away your powers for twelve hours.
"The praetor drew away from me as though I were pollution...
I drew away from him.
how she was drew away from her family to a place in the east. How we sent her an angel called Gabriel who said: "I am a messenger from your God to announce the birth of a holy son to you"
"The praetor drew away from me as though I were pollution...
I drew away from him.
how she was drew away from her family to a place in the east. How we sent her an angel called Gabriel who said: "I am a messenger from your God to announce the birth of a holy son to you"
And Colin, he was always in his room, his head down, drawing away.
And then the first time we saw you, sat drawing away like you did, head-down we knew then that you were for us.
And you, oh my child, don't think that I haven't noticed that you too are slowly drawing away from your father.
As they round the first turn drawing away down to the backstretch.
But from the bail I get drawing away from her, he had to give up more than just money.
"Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away...
Ferrante is not easily drawn away from his delights.
It is gradually being drawn away from approaching Osaka's coastline.
My job is to stay at my post... not get drawn away.
Now, the Khalifa must be drawn away, by some sort of bluff, into the desert.
And Colin, he was always in his room, his head down, drawing away.
And then the first time we saw you, sat drawing away like you did, head-down we knew then that you were for us.
And you, oh my child, don't think that I haven't noticed that you too are slowly drawing away from your father.
As they round the first turn drawing away down to the backstretch.
But from the bail I get drawing away from her, he had to give up more than just money.
"Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away...
Ferrante is not easily drawn away from his delights.
It is gradually being drawn away from approaching Osaka's coastline.
My job is to stay at my post... not get drawn away.
Now, the Khalifa must be drawn away, by some sort of bluff, into the desert.

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