Books, manuals, directives, regulations... the geometries that circumscribe your waking life... drawn narrower and narrower until nothing fits inside them anymore. | |
Delilah, recognize and circumscribe this position by 1,500 square meters. | |
Given the resources, I could design, build and launch a rocket that would accurately circumscribe an orbit of the moon. | |
I propose to make it clear that we seek to circumscribe the rights of all those who will announce their disenfranchisement. | |
In any event, you can see why I find it necessary to circumscribe a razor-sharp cone of silence. | |
Books, manuals, directives, regulations... the geometries that circumscribe your waking life... drawn narrower and narrower until nothing fits inside them anymore. | |
Delilah, recognize and circumscribe this position by 1,500 square meters. | |
Given the resources, I could design, build and launch a rocket that would accurately circumscribe an orbit of the moon. | |
I propose to make it clear that we seek to circumscribe the rights of all those who will announce their disenfranchisement. | |
In any event, you can see why I find it necessary to circumscribe a razor-sharp cone of silence. | |
On the horizon... the earth circumscribes the water. | |
The distortion circumscribes a subspace zone that includes a type-G sun and three planets. | |
On the horizon... the earth circumscribes the water. | |
The distortion circumscribes a subspace zone that includes a type-G sun and three planets. | |
An affair so clearly circumscribed in time and space met my definition of total adventure. | |
And little by little, we learned about their lives. We learned about the suffering they encountered on a daily basis. We learned about the killing going on there, about the lives that were completely circumscribed by an occupation that they had no control over. | |
And therefore must his choice be circumscribed unto the voice and yielding of that body whereof he is the head. | |
And therefore must his choice be circumscribed unto the voice and yielding of that body whereof he is the head. | |
I live circumscribed and self-communing. | |
Did ye not hear me whole story circumscribing the folly of this whole enterprise? | |
Hard, narrow bands, probably metal, uniformly circumscribing both wrists. | |
An affair so clearly circumscribed in time and space met my definition of total adventure. | |
And little by little, we learned about their lives. We learned about the suffering they encountered on a daily basis. We learned about the killing going on there, about the lives that were completely circumscribed by an occupation that they had no control over. | |
And therefore must his choice be circumscribed unto the voice and yielding of that body whereof he is the head. | |
And therefore must his choice be circumscribed unto the voice and yielding of that body whereof he is the head. | |
I live circumscribed and self-communing. | |
Did ye not hear me whole story circumscribing the folly of this whole enterprise? | |
Hard, narrow bands, probably metal, uniformly circumscribing both wrists. | |