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Bring off (to ) conjugation

32 examples
This verb can also mean the following: bring by boat from a ship, bring, bring away from, succeed, liberate, succeed in doing something considered, show clearly, prove, demonstrate, rescue
you all
Present Simple
bring off
bring off
brings off
bring off
bring off
bring off
Future Simple
will bring off
will bring off
will bring off
will bring off
will bring off
will bring off
Past Simple
brought off
brought off
brought off
brought off
brought off
brought off
Conditional Simple
would bring off
would bring off
would bring off
would bring off
would bring off
would bring off
you all
Present Progressive
am bringing off
are bringing off
is bringing off
are bringing off
are bringing off
are bringing off
Future Progressive
will be bringing off
will be bringing off
will be bringing off
will be bringing off
will be bringing off
will be bringing off
Past Progressive
was bringing off
were bringing off
was bringing off
were bringing off
were bringing off
were bringing off
Conditional Progressive
would be bringing off
would be bringing off
would be bringing off
would be bringing off
would be bringing off
would be bringing off
you all
Present Perfect
have brought off
have brought off
has brought off
have brought off
have brought off
have brought off
Future Perfect
will have brought off
will have brought off
will have brought off
will have brought off
will have brought off
will have brought off
Past Perfect
had brought off
had brought off
had brought off
had brought off
had brought off
had brought off
Conditional Perfect
would have brought off
would have brought off
would have brought off
would have brought off
would have brought off
would have brought off
Present Perfect Progressive
have been bringing off
have been bringing off
has been bringing off
have been bringing off
have been bringing off
have been bringing off
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been bringing off
will have been bringing off
will have been bringing off
will have been bringing off
will have been bringing off
will have been bringing off
Past Perfect Progressive
had been bringing off
had been bringing off
had been bringing off
had been bringing off
had been bringing off
had been bringing off
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been bringing off
would have been bringing off
would have been bringing off
would have been bringing off
would have been bringing off
would have been bringing off

Examples of bring off

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"He put me onto something we could bring off beautiful.
(McDonald): When you go and ask him for your money, he usually like to bring off some bad boy style. 'Cause he has his thugs around him.
Everyone you see around me and behind me are participating in a criminal conspiracy to bring off the greatest theft of art since the Second World War.
I'm trying to bring off an alpaca into a tube.
"He put me onto something we could bring off beautiful.
(McDonald): When you go and ask him for your money, he usually like to bring off some bad boy style. 'Cause he has his thugs around him.
Everyone you see around me and behind me are participating in a criminal conspiracy to bring off the greatest theft of art since the Second World War.
I'm trying to bring off an alpaca into a tube.
If Grayson brings off his geomagnetic scheme, the Order's oil and petroleum holdings
Mike Baxter for outdoor man reminding you that winter hunting' brings off winter's best friend, hypothermia, so watch out.
You'll never be old Gemma, time only brings off your beauty.
If Grayson brings off his geomagnetic scheme, the Order's oil and petroleum holdings
Mike Baxter for outdoor man reminding you that winter hunting' brings off winter's best friend, hypothermia, so watch out.
You'll never be old Gemma, time only brings off your beauty.
All right, so how close are we to bringing off a sting operation?
Cassius Clay goes into the record book with Corbett, Tunney and Braddock, bringing off another great upset in heavyweight history.
It is him we will be bringing off from the light tonight.
It's all arranged about bringing off the swag?
Could she also be brought off the holodeck?
Davy... I mean, Lieutenant Davidson is just being brought off.
If l may remind you... the three of us have always brought off things very well together.
That's as far as we got when Gates was brought off the case.
They being of the opinion, like myself that more can be done glorious by leading from the front than can ever be brought off by prods up the arse from the rear.
All right, so how close are we to bringing off a sting operation?
Cassius Clay goes into the record book with Corbett, Tunney and Braddock, bringing off another great upset in heavyweight history.
It is him we will be bringing off from the light tonight.
It's all arranged about bringing off the swag?
Could she also be brought off the holodeck?
Davy... I mean, Lieutenant Davidson is just being brought off.
If l may remind you... the three of us have always brought off things very well together.
That's as far as we got when Gates was brought off the case.
They being of the opinion, like myself that more can be done glorious by leading from the front than can ever be brought off by prods up the arse from the rear.

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