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Blow out (to ) conjugation

50 examples
This verb can also mean the following: be, talk, extinguish something, talk violently, deflate quickly on being punctured, vapour, extinguish, do, dominate, exhaust, deflate, in a sporting contest, dominate and defeat an opposing team
you all
Present Simple
blow out
blow out
blows out
blow out
blow out
blow out
Future Simple
will blow out
will blow out
will blow out
will blow out
will blow out
will blow out
Past Simple
blew out
blew out
blew out
blew out
blew out
blew out
Conditional Simple
would blow out
would blow out
would blow out
would blow out
would blow out
would blow out
you all
Present Progressive
am blowing out
are blowing out
is blowing out
are blowing out
are blowing out
are blowing out
Future Progressive
will be blowing out
will be blowing out
will be blowing out
will be blowing out
will be blowing out
will be blowing out
Past Progressive
was blowing out
were blowing out
was blowing out
were blowing out
were blowing out
were blowing out
Conditional Progressive
would be blowing out
would be blowing out
would be blowing out
would be blowing out
would be blowing out
would be blowing out
you all
Present Perfect
have blown out
have blown out
has blown out
have blown out
have blown out
have blown out
Future Perfect
will have blown out
will have blown out
will have blown out
will have blown out
will have blown out
will have blown out
Past Perfect
had blown out
had blown out
had blown out
had blown out
had blown out
had blown out
Conditional Perfect
would have blown out
would have blown out
would have blown out
would have blown out
would have blown out
would have blown out
Present Perfect Progressive
have been blowing out
have been blowing out
has been blowing out
have been blowing out
have been blowing out
have been blowing out
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been blowing out
will have been blowing out
will have been blowing out
will have been blowing out
will have been blowing out
will have been blowing out
Past Perfect Progressive
had been blowing out
had been blowing out
had been blowing out
had been blowing out
had been blowing out
had been blowing out
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been blowing out
would have been blowing out
would have been blowing out
would have been blowing out
would have been blowing out
would have been blowing out

Examples of blow out

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"But as soon as I blow out these candles... "
"Karl, your hair will blow out one day."
"My intentions are to blow out the lights."
"we might as well blow out the..."
'Cause Truman was too much of a pussy wimp... to let MacArthur go in and blow out those commie bastards!
"But as soon as I blow out these candles... "
"Karl, your hair will blow out one day."
"My intentions are to blow out the lights."
"we might as well blow out the..."
'Cause Truman was too much of a pussy wimp... to let MacArthur go in and blow out those commie bastards!
# Refuel your mind before some turkey blows out your flame #
- [blows out sharply] - [groans] Neither do l.
And he blows out. Me, I stay, I get zonked out of my mind, I stumble out into the middle of the street and I see my fucking car's been stolen.
And his coattail blows out behind.
And the boy blows out the candle and replies,
# Refuel your mind before some turkey blows out your flame #
- [blows out sharply] - [groans] Neither do l.
And he blows out. Me, I stay, I get zonked out of my mind, I stumble out into the middle of the street and I see my fucking car's been stolen.
And his coattail blows out behind.
And the boy blows out the candle and replies,
(Cheering) And our challenger from Helio Records, and looking like something I just blew out of my nose, Battlin' Bobby Luntz!
(man) We know you blew out your knee.
- Gee, I blew out all the lights.
- I blew out a wall and three tiers. I concur.
- I just had a very minor "blew out my knee and it hurts like hell" incident.
(Cheering) And our challenger from Helio Records, and looking like something I just blew out of my nose, Battlin' Bobby Luntz!
(man) We know you blew out your knee.
- Gee, I blew out all the lights.
- I blew out a wall and three tiers. I concur.
- I just had a very minor "blew out my knee and it hurts like hell" incident.
'Course, Ziggy's blowing out microchips like they were popcorn.
* We do it all the time * * blowing out my mind *
- "For blowing out the candles.
- No. Any wishes you may have phrased badly, or while a child was blowing out a candle?
- Oh, blowing out the candles.
"And it's blown out of proportions"
"Landing craft blown out of the water.
"Why am I blown out of my senses...?"
'The top and one side was blown out 'but it had a sign on it - planets - and said Pluto Removals.'
(CHUCKLES) And your career was sidelined when your knee got blown out.
'Course, Ziggy's blowing out microchips like they were popcorn.
* We do it all the time * * blowing out my mind *
- "For blowing out the candles.
- No. Any wishes you may have phrased badly, or while a child was blowing out a candle?
- Oh, blowing out the candles.
"And it's blown out of proportions"
"Landing craft blown out of the water.
"Why am I blown out of my senses...?"
'The top and one side was blown out 'but it had a sign on it - planets - and said Pluto Removals.'
(CHUCKLES) And your career was sidelined when your knee got blown out.

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