I hope I get "bedash." Curtains bedashed with blood. | |
I hope I get "bedash." Curtains bedashed with blood. | |
I hope I get "bedash." Curtains bedashed with blood. | |
These eyes that never shed remorseful tear. No. When thy warlike father, like a child... told the sad story of my father's death... and 20 times made pause to sob and weep... that all the standers-by had wet their cheeks... like trees bedashed with rain - | |
Yet, when l heard the story of my father's death... ..And all the standers-by had wet their cheeks... ..Like trees bedashed with rain, in that sad time... ..My manly eyes did scorn a humble tear. | |
I hope I get "bedash." Curtains bedashed with blood. | |
These eyes that never shed remorseful tear. No. When thy warlike father, like a child... told the sad story of my father's death... and 20 times made pause to sob and weep... that all the standers-by had wet their cheeks... like trees bedashed with rain - | |
Yet, when l heard the story of my father's death... ..And all the standers-by had wet their cheeks... ..Like trees bedashed with rain, in that sad time... ..My manly eyes did scorn a humble tear. | |