"Las ma seletan, | Let me explain. |
"Ma seletan kõik"? | "I'll explain everything"? |
- Billy, kuula, seletan hiljem. | - Who's this? - Billy, listen, I'll explain later. |
- Hea küll. Kas sa seletad, miks sa end laibana mulle postitasid? | Wanna explain exactly why you got yourself all corpsified and mailed to me? |
- Ja kuidas sa seda seletad? | And how are you gonna explain that one? |
- Jah, kuidas sa seletad seda, et tema pilt oli peidetud mu isa laua sahtlisse. | - Yes, how do you explain his picture being hidden in my father's desk, huh? |
- Jah? Sa seletad seda turvameestele. | you're gonna explain to security. |
- Jimmy Bond? See seletab Kariibi ülesannet. | This explains the Caribbean assignment. |
- Mis seletab , kuid ei vabanda , oma jube maitse korvpalli võistkonda. | - Which explains, but does not excuse, your horrible taste in basketball teams. |
- Noh, see on hea, sest see seletab nii . | Well, that's good. Because that explains a lot. |
- Noh, see on hea, sest see seletab nii. | Because that explains a lot. |
Aaa... Lähme seletame talle, et ma ei teeks sellist asja kunagi. | Aw, we'll just explain to him that I'd never do a thing like that. |
Ei, me räägime temaga, seletame, mis toimub. | No, we talk to him, explain what's happening. |
"Millega te seda seletate?" | How do you explain that ? |
- Kuidas Te seda dokumenti siis seletate? | Not to my knowledge. How do you explain this document then? |
- Kuidas te seda seletate? | Well, how do you explain it? |
- Kuidas te siis seda teist seletate? | - Then how do you explain the other one? |
- Poisid seletavad sulle. | - Or else what? The boys will explain you. |
Kui nad on nii targad... Hoia. Siis las seletavad, miks Kiiev on kõikide vene linnade ema? | -If they are so clever, here, let them better explain why Kiev is "the mother of Russian cities"? |
Kui nad tagasi tulevad, siis nad seletavad. | - When they get back, they'll explain. |
- See ei seleta seda, kuidas Barr, keskpärane laskja, tulistaks halbades tingimustes. Ta ei ole iial mööda lasknud. | That would not explain how Barr, an average shooter firing in poor conditions, never missed. |
Aga see ei seleta, kuidas Leekie teab minu nime. | But it does not explain how Leekie knows my name. |
Aga see ei seleta... - Karburaatoril on turvalüliti. | - That does not explain so that… - There is a security mechanism stops… |
Ma ei seleta seda kuigi hästi, ega ju? | -I ´ m not explaining this very well, am l? -No. |
- Ja? Ma seletasin nii hästi kui oskasin... | I explained as best I could. |
- Ma ju seletasin. | - I already explained. |
- Madam Shagal, nagu ma juba seletasin, on hr Shagali keha hävitatud, kuid me saame päästa ta hinge - seda sisse torgates. | Madam Shagal, I have already explained the body of Mr. Shagal is destroyed, but one can save his soul by sticking it in. |
- Nagu ma juba seletasin, on teie tiik põhjavees. | - As l explained to Reverend Goodfellow, your pond is in the water-table. |
- Ära muretse, ma seletasin talle kõik ära. | It's okay. I explained everything to him. |
- Kas seletasid talle, et ma pole tegelikult tema tütar? | You explained I'm not really her daughter? |
Aga kui sa seletaksid samamoodi Billile, nagu sa mulle seletasid, viiks ta su kindlasti sinna. | But if you explained it to Bill the same way you just explained it to me, I'm sure he'd take you. |
Ja nad seletasid mulle midagi. | And they explained something to me. |
Aga doktor seletas, et tema sisemus on kaljune koht, kuhu mu seemnel ei ole kasvupinnast. | But the doctor explained that her insides were a rocky place where my seed could find no purchase. |
Aga doktor seletas, et tema sisemus on kaljune koht, kuhu mu seemnel mingit asja ei ole. | But the doctor explained that her insides were a rocky place where my seed could find no purchase. |
Albert Einstein, kes oli poolhaldjas, nagu sinagi, Sookie, seletas seda oma valemiga e võrdub mc ruudus. | Albert Einstein-- Who was a halfling just like you, Sookie. - -explained this to your kind with his E equals MC squared. |
Me seletasime seda enne meie laulu. | We explained that before our song. |
Me seletasime seda sulle. | - We explained that to you. |
Nagu me juba varem seletasime, tulime siia, et erinevatele i-dele punktid peale panna. | Like we explained earlier, we're mostly here to dot some I's on a different matter. |
- Mida te seletasite? | - I already explained. - What did you explain? |
Jah, seletasite kõik hästi, kuid teate mis? | I do understand the rights you've explained to me. |
Mulle seletati seda nii, et niikaua, kui see on minu nimel, on kõik korras. | The way it was explained to me, as long as it's in my name, it's all good. |
Aga isegi mõni väljamõeldud haigus ei seletaks su vastumeelsust arutada oma vastuolulisi tundeid isa suhtes. | But even some fictitious illness would not explain your reluctance to discuss your conflicted feelings towards your father. |
Aga isegi mõni väljamõeldud haigus ei seletaks su vastumeelsust... ...arutada oma vastuolulisi tundeid isa suhtes. | But even some fictitious illness would not explain your reluctance... ...to discuss your conflicted feelings towards your father. |
"Asi peab olema minu kasutavates sõnades, seega seleta sina". | "It must be the words I use, so you explain." |
"Kluver-bucy" ei seleta atakki ega tsütokiini tormi. | Kluver-Bucy wouldn't explain the seizure or the cytokine storm. |
- Mina ka. Kuulge geeniused, seletage mulle, miks ehitati 1826 aasta maja ümber puu? | Hey, geniuses, explain to me why a house built in 1826 was built around a tree. |
- Üldsegi mitte, seletage. | - I don't, explain. |
...seletage seda? | ...can you explain that? |
Härra Cogburn, palun seletage vandekohtule, miks hr Wharton leiti otse katla kõrvalt, käsivars tules? Varrukas ja käsi suitsemas? | Will you explain to this jury, Mr. Cogburn, why Mr. Wharton was found immediately by his wash pot, one arm in the fire, his sleeve and hand smoldering? |
- Ei kuulanud! Ma pean sulle igat nalja kolm korda seletama ja sa ei saa ikka aru! | I have to explain every joke to you three times and you still don't get it! |
- Kas ma pean kõike seletama? | - Do I have to explain everything? |
- Kas ma pean seletama? | You want me to explain? |
- Kas pean seletama? | -Shall I explain? |
! - Ma võin seletada. | - I can explain. |
" See pole kerge, vähemalt pole seda kerge seletada " " Lihtsalt jätame selle", ütles ta... " | "It's not simple, nor is it an easy matter to explain. "'Let's just leave it at that,' she says... |
" See pole kerge, vähemalt pole seda kerge seletada " | "It's not simple, nor is it an easy matter to explain. |
"Kas olete kogenud emotsioone, mida ei oska seletada? | "Do you ever have emotions that you can't explain? |
- Tinker Bell, kallike, kas keegi pole sulle seletanud? | - Tinker Bell, sweetheart, has no one explained? |
Aga ilmselgelt ei seletanud ma olukorda piisavalt hästi, sest see reaktsioon on küll liig. | But clearly, I haven't explained the situation well enough, Because this is a big overreaction. |
Kas seda kõike pole sulle tuhandeid kordi seletatud? | Hasrt this all been explained to you a thousand times? |
Kas teile pole seletatud, et härra Armand pole terve. | Has it not been explained to you? Monsieur Armand is not well. |
Seda on mulle seletatud. | It's been explained to me. |
Kuule, mees, olen seletanud sulle. | I have explained to you. |
- Ei, me oleme tüdinenud end seletamast. | No, we've grown weary explaining ourselves. |
Olgu, tänud seletamast. | Okay. I appreciate your explaining it to me. |
Tänan seletamast. | Thanks for explaining it. |
- Jah, see seletaks pommivarjendit. | Yeah, I mean that would explain the bomb shelter. |
- Just. See seletaks, miks ohvrite arv on tõusnud. | - Yeah which would explain why it's upping the body count. |
- See seletaks jõupurskeid. - Jõupursked? | That would explain the power surges. |
- See seletaks mälu lünkasid. | - That would explain the memory gaps. |