Promover (to promote) conjugation

84 examples

Conjugation of promover

Present tense
I promote
you promote
he/she promotes
we promote
you all promote
they promote
Present perfect tense
tenho promovido
I have promoted
tens promovido
you have promoted
tem promovido
he/she has promoted
temos promovido
we have promoted
tendes promovido
you all have promoted
têm promovido
they have promoted
Past preterite tense
I promoted
you promoted
he/she promoted
we promoted
you all promoted
they promoted
Future tense
I will promote
you will promote
he/she will promote
we will promote
you all will promote
they will promote
Conditional mood
I would promote
you would promote
he/she would promote
we would promote
you all would promote
they would promote
Past imperfect tense
I used to promote
you used to promote
he/she used to promote
we used to promote
you all used to promote
they used to promote
Past perfect tense
tinha promovido
I had promoted
tinhas promovido
you had promoted
tinha promovido
he/she had promoted
tínhamos promovido
we had promoted
tínheis promovido
you all had promoted
tinham promovido
they had promoted
Future perfect tense
terei promovido
I will have promoted
terás promovido
you will have promoted
terá promovido
he/she will have promoted
teremos promovido
we will have promoted
tereis promovido
you all will have promoted
terão promovido
they will have promoted
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha promovido
I have promoted
tenhas promovido
you have promoted
tenha promovido
he/she has promoted
tenhamos promovido
we have promoted
tenhais promovido
you all have promoted
tenham promovido
they have promoted
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have promoted
(if/so that) you will have promoted
(if/so that) he/she will have promoted
(if/so that) we will have promoted
(if/so that) you all will have promoted
(if/so that) they will have promoted
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver promovido
I will have promoted
tiveres promovido
you will have promoted
tiver promovido
he/she will have promoted
tivermos promovido
we will have promoted
tiverdes promovido
you all will have promoted
tiverem promovido
they will have promoted
Imperative mood
let's promote!
Imperative negative mood
não promovas
do not promote!
não promova
let him/her/it not promote!
não promovamos
let us not promote!
não promovais
do not promote!
não promovam
do not promote!

Examples of promover

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Eu acho que há uma data de problemas com a teoria da evolução e acredito que ela é usada para promover uma visão do mundo que é anti crença, que é ateia."I think there are a lot of problems with the theory of evolution and I do believe it is used to promote a world view that is anti-theist, that is atheist.
"Prevejo que o escritor J.D. Salinger vai finalmente publicar um novo romance e que irá a todos os talk-shows para o promover.""l foresee author JD Salinger finally publishing a new novel and hitting the talk-show circuit to promote it."
"com a intenção de promover apoio à causa.""intention to promote support for cause."
- Esse é o problema. É impossível promover algo que não existe.There's no way to promote something that doesn't exist.
- Não tens nada para promover?Do you even have anything to promote?
-Eu promovo os meus filmes.-I promote my movies.
Comandante Krill, promovo-o a capitão.Commander Krill, you're hereby promoted to captain.
Começam como obreiras. Depois, promovo-as a secretárias.They begin as workers, then I promote them to secretaries.
E, se estiver contente contigo, promovo-te a 1ª classe.If I'm pleased, I'll promote you to First Class.
Eu não só promovo completamente, mas também adoro ver o Tré ser o maior baterista do rockI fully promote and love watching Tré be the greatest rock drummer
De acordo com o teu ficheiro, tu promoves concertos, certo?According to your file, you promoted concerts, right?
Estas empresas que promoves... Fingem que qualquer rapariga pode ser uma beldade, desde que vistam as roupas certas e usem uma certa maquilhagem.These companies that you promote, they like to pretend that any girl can be a beauty queen so long as she has the right clothes and the right makeup.
Vens com mau humor, queixas-te, e promoves o teu livro ilustrado... e ainda por cima és mal-agradecido.You sulk, complain, and promote your comic book... and you really haven't been appreciative.
- O Jay é um fã. - Não, só estou a dizer que o sumo purificador que ela promove no site dela parece que funciona.- Nah, I'm just saying the juice cleanse that she promotes on her Web site kind of works.
A memória dá imortalidade aos momentos, mas o esquecimento promove uma mente saudável.Memory gives moments immortality, but forgetfulness promotes a healthy mind.
A nossa cultura promove padrões de beleza impossíveis.We should just admit that we live in a culture... that promotes impossible standards of beauty.
Acalma a angústia e promove o bem-estar psíquico.It soothes heartache and promotes psychic wellness.
Alguns dizem que o punk promove uma especie de violência. Digo...Some say punk promotes a message of violence.
- Sim, nós promovemos-te.-Ah, we promoted you.
Assim, promovemos melhor e com mais força o nosso concerto.That's how we get our show promoted better, harder, stronger.
Como quaisquer novos líderes... promovemos os que nos são leais.Like any new leaders, we... we promote those loyal to us.
Eu acho que te promovemos um bocado cedo demais, filho.I think we promoted you a little too soon, son.
Eu e o James fomos para a rua, promovemos o clube, fizemos festas e, quando demos conta, as filas davam a volta ao quarteirão e todas as noites o clube enchia até mais não.james and I hit the streets, promoted the club, held events and before you knew it there were lines going down the block, and every night we were packed to the rafters.
- ...fui promovido.-... I've been promoted.
- Ainda fui promovido.I still got promoted.
- Ari, foste promovidoAri, you've been promoted.
- Como acabou promovido a Capitão?So how'd you get promoted to Captain after that?
- Ele acabou a licenciatura, foi promovido a Subgerente, e comprámos esta casa.He finished his degree, got promoted to assistant manager, and bought this house.
"activando" os genes que combatem o cancro, e "desactivando" os genes que promovem o cancro. Desde que tenhamos um quantidade adequada de antineoplastos no nosso sistema, não deveremos desenvolver cancro, Mas se tivermos insuficiencia então poderemos desenvolver turning on the genes which fight cancer, and turning off the genes which promote cancer, as long as we have proper amount of Antineoplastons in our system we should not develop cancer, if we are deficient then we can develop cancer.
Ah, eles promovem oficiais de controlo jovens na Mossad.Ah, they promote control officers young in Mossad.
Atrocalivrederecursos naturais, intelectuais e biológicos promovem uma coexistência harmoniosa... - Proteção, caridade ...The free exchange of natural, intellectual, and biological assets promotes a harmonious coexistence with the espheni and its longstanding credo.
De cada vez que não promovem uma mulher, usam uma combinação das mesmas 16 palavras.Every time they don't promote a woman, they use some combination of the same 16 words.
E se te promovem a um cargo interno?What if they promote you to a desk job?
Corri um grande risco quando te promovi, Morgan.You know, I took a big risk when I promoted you, Morgan.
Então, promovi-oSo l promoted him.
Eu promovi Linda a assistente da gerência, para... poder fazer uma pausa, e... passar algum tempo com um fazendeiro enrugado e lindo.I promoted Linda to assistant manager so I can take a break and spend some time with a raggedly handsome farmer
Eu promovi-te, não foi?I promoted you, Didn't I?
Mas já promovi discotecas, trabalhei em bares, e a verdade é que precisamos de uma garrafa que seja fácil de agarrar e a nossa não o é.But I've promoted clubs and I've bartended And the simple fact is you need a bottle That's easy to grip and ours isn't that easy.
Dizem por aí que o tiraste das ruas, e o promoveste a comandante de vassouras e esfregões.All right, well, the story I hear is that you... kicked him off the streets and promoted him to Commander of Mops and Brooms.
Não foi por essa razão que a promoveste, a propósito?Well, isn't that tenacity the reason you promoted her in the first place?
- Ele promoveu-me a assistente.He promoted me to ASAC.
- Você promoveu-me.- You promoted me.
- Você promoveu-nos até Zenith.- You certainly promoted us into Zenith.
De todos os contratados pelo presidente Giuliani, você forçou-os a aposentarem-se ou promoveu-os a, serviços administrativos sem importância.I'm the last one. Everyone else hired under mayor giuliani you've either forced into retirement or promoted to powerless administrative jobs.
Depois, o Gavin promoveu-me, só para te picar.And then Gavin promoted me just to spite you.
- Eles promoveram-me.They promoted me.
- Eles promoveram-no? - Exacto.- Then they promoted you?
- Então por isso nunca te promoveram! - Estejam calados!That's why you've never been promoted.
- Marechal, promoveram-me.I've been promoted.
- Sim promoveram o Tyler.Yeah, they promoted Tyler.
Recupera o juízo, prometo-te que te promoverei a capataz.Retrieves the court, I promise you that you will promote the foreman.
Desculpe, o que o Comandante quer dizer... é que este programa promoverá a compreensão... entre a comunidade e a polícia... e tornará a comunidade mais activa na prevenção criminal.Excuse me, young lady, what the Commandant means... is that this program will promote understanding... between the community and the police... and make the community more active in crime prevention.
Vou fazer umas perguntas leves, que te darão bom aspecto, promoverão o teu programa e esperemos que venda algumas revistas minhas.I'II tell you what I want to do. I will begin with some easy questions. You will promote your program.
Eu promoveria o Auctus ou meia dúzia de homens no lugar dele.I would promote auctus or half a dozen men in his place.
Ari, promova-me ou vou-me embora!Ari, promote me or I'm leaving you!
Contra a 'Air Bus', a 'British Petroleum'... contra qualquer empresa que promova o capitalismo global... e destrua vidas e culturas para aumentar os seus lucros.Against Airbus, against British Petroleum. Against any company that promotes global capitalism and destroys lives and cultures in order to increase its profits.
Dê-me uma boa razão para que o promova.Give me a good reason why I should promote you
E eles querem que a rainha promova a nova água mineral este ano.And they want the queen to promote the new mineral water this year.
Então promova-o.Then promote him.
Estou a trabalhar o dobro, para que me promovas.Yep, I'm working extra hard so you'll promote me.
Apesar de teres tentado acabar comigo, a vingança não é uma ideia que promovamos no meu planeta.I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet. - Oh.
Mas sugiro que o promovamos.But I suggest we promote him instead.
Ouve, 3 clubes querem que nós promovamos festas.Listen, three clubs want us to promote parties.
Estão a acabar com as reuniões, as publicações, ou clubes que promovam o terrorismo.They are shutting down any gatherings, postings, or clubs that promote terrorism.
Não deixe que o promovam ou o transfiram... não deixe que façam nada que o tire da Ponte daquela nave... porque só estando lá, poderá fazer diferença.Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge, because while you're there, you can make a difference.
Procuramos estruturas que promovam humidade.We're looking for any structures that promote humidity.
Talvez promovam um de vocês.Maybe they're gonna promote one of you.
sistemas de crença e valores que sejam teimosos, irracionais, e que promovam o pensamento fechado.belief systems and values that are stubborn, irrational, and promote closed thinking.
"um amanhã melhor, promovendo e protegendo as crianças de hoje." Podíamos dar o nome de:In light of Amanda's difficult childhood, we thought our goal could be a better tomorrow by promoting and protecting the well-being of children today.
A Connie tem muito que fazer, promovendo a clínica em L.A...Well, Connie's busy. She-She does a lot of work promoting our clinic back in L.A., so-
Costumava estar neste negócio recompensando os meus funcionários, promovendo-os aumentando o seu salário, dando-lhes um período de férias mais longo.It used to be in this business you rewarded your employees by promoting them raising their salary, giving them a longer vacation.
Ela copia designers verdadeiros como a Millicent, e depois gasta todo o seu tempo e dinheiro promovendo ela própria, então a imprensa adora-a, e não prestam atenção a mais ninguém.She copies real designers like Millicent, and then she spends all her time and money promoting herself, so the press loves her, and they pay no attention to anybody else. Hmph!
Ele não gostou de eu ter ido a entrevistas, promovendo o livro.He didn't like me going on talk shows, promoting it.
Claro, conhecendo os publicistas, provavelmente contratam publicistas para promoverem o facto de eles terem girado a publicidade que eles contrataram os outros publicistas para girar.Of course, knowing publicists, they probably hire publicists to promote the fact that they spun the publicity that they hired the other publicists to spin.
Deve ter feito alguma coisa muito má para eles promoverem uma mulher 20 anos mais nova do que você.You must have done something pretty bad for them to promote a woman 20 years your junior over you.
Mas querem ver uma campanha muito bem planeada antes de promoverem a venda do produto.But they wanna see a fully realized campaign before they'll cross-promote the roll-out.
Sim, eles trazem gente de outras raças para a nossa escola para promoverem a diversidade cultural.You know, they bus in people from different races to our school to promote cultural diversity. Yeah.
Bem, se leste o regulamento, sabes que se promoveres um encontro não autorizado podes dizer adeus ao teu estatuto amador.Well, if you, uh, read the guidelines, then you know that if you promote an unsanctioned meet, you can kiss your amateur status good-bye.
Não te pagam para representar, mas para promoveres.They don't pay you to act. They pay you to promote.
Quem me garante a mim, João, que não te estás a aproveitar da Mariana, para te promoveres a ti próprio?Who tells me, João, that you're not taking advantage of Mariana so you can promote yourself?
Se eu passar o meu tempo da publicidade para promoveres o teu evento.I turn over my P.S.A. Time to you to promote your event.
E promovermos o concerto, mas melhor.And still get the show promoted, but better.
Ed, é como se diz, hoje em dia, temos de fazer de tudo para nos promovermos.Well, you know, Ed, the kids say you got to go viral to promote yourself these days.
Se o promovermos para professor júnior, poderá escolher qual campo de pesquisa que lhe agrade.If we promote you to junior professor, you'll be able to choose whatever field of research you'd like.

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