Poseer (to possess) conjugation

102 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to own, to hold, to sexually penetrate, sexually, to have

Conjugation of poseer

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I possess
you possess
he/she/it possesses
we possess
you all possess
they possess
Present perfect tense
he poseído
I have possessed
has poseído
you have possessed
ha poseído
he/she/it has possessed
hemos poseído
we have possessed
habéis poseído
you all have possessed
han poseído
they have possessed
Past preterite tense
I possessed
you possessed
he/she/it possessed
we possessed
you all possessed
they possessed
Future tense
I will possess
you will possess
he/she/it will possess
we will possess
you all will possess
they will possess
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would possess
you would possess
he/she/it would possess
we would possess
you all would possess
they would possess
Past imperfect tense
I used to possess
you used to possess
he/she/it used to possess
we used to possess
you all used to possess
they used to possess
Past perfect tense
había poseído
I had possessed
habías poseído
you had possessed
había poseído
he/she/it had possessed
habíamos poseído
we had possessed
habíais poseído
you all had possessed
habían poseído
they had possessed
Future perfect tense
habré poseído
I will have possessed
habrás poseído
you will have possessed
habrá poseído
he/she/it will have possessed
habremos poseído
we will have possessed
habréis poseído
you all will have possessed
habrán poseído
they will have possessed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I possess
(if/so that) you possess
(if/so that) he/she/it possess
(if/so that) we possess
(if/so that) you all possess
(if/so that) they possess
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya poseído
I have possessed
hayas poseído
you have possessed
haya poseído
he/she/it has possessed
hayamos poseído
we have possessed
hayáis poseído
you all have possessed
hayan poseído
they have possessed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have possessed
(if/so that) you have possessed
(if/so that) he/she/it have possessed
(if/so that) we have possessed
(if/so that) you all have possessed
(if/so that) they have possessed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have possessed
(if/so that) you have possessed
(if/so that) he/she/it have possessed
(if/so that) we have possessed
(if/so that) you all have possessed
(if/so that) they have possessed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera poseído
I had possessed
hubieras poseído
you had possessed
hubiera poseído
he/she/it had possessed
hubiéramos poseído
we had possessed
hubierais poseído
you all had possessed
hubieran poseído
they had possessed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese poseído
I had possessed
hubieses poseído
you had possessed
hubiese poseído
he/she/it had possessed
hubiésemos poseído
we had possessed
hubieseis poseído
you all had possessed
hubiesen poseído
they had possessed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have possessed
(if/so that) you will have possessed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have possessed
(if/so that) we will have possessed
(if/so that) you all will have possessed
(if/so that) they will have possessed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere poseído
I will have possessed
hubieres poseído
you will have possessed
hubiere poseído
he/she/it will have possessed
hubiéremos poseído
we will have possessed
hubiereis poseído
you all will have possessed
hubieren poseído
they will have possessed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's possess!
Imperative negative mood
no poseas
do not possess!
no posea
let him/her/it possess!
no poseamos
let us not possess!
no poseáis
do not possess!
no posean
do not possess!

Examples of poseer

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Dejo otra fotografía que a él le podría interesar poseer;"I leave another photograph which he might care to possess;
"Sí, mataría a su hermano para poseer sus tierras"."Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land."
"Una bruja maléfica, maldita en su propia dimensión aparece reflejada y tiene el poder de poseer...""An evil sorceress cursed into her own dimension, she appears in reflections and has the power to possess..."
- Creo que Radcliffe está tratando de poseer alguna manera.- I think Radcliffe's trying to possess you somehow.
A ellos les gusta poseer a animales de peluche mucho.Oh! They like to possess stuffed animals a lot.
"A mi querida Angeline le dejo todo lo que poseo para que disponga de ello como desee."To my dearest Angeline, I leave everything I possess, to be disposed of as she wishes.
"Con todo el amor que poseo sigo siendo suyo el caballero de su corazón.""With all the love I possess I remain yours the knight of your heart."
"Con todo el amor que poseo..."With all the love that I possess...
"Mi pequeña paloma, mi vida, la luz de mi vida, mi todo, todo cuanto poseo, mis castillos y campos, mis prados y viñedos."My little dove, my life, the light of my life, my all, my every possession, my castles and fields, my meadows and vineyards.
"Ahora que posees su corazón.""Now you possess her heart."
"El lado oscuro es lo más hermoso que posees Lo siento por tú pérdida"."Your dark side is the most beatiful thing you possess and it will always belong to me.
"Tú posees cada cualidad, mi amor...""You possess every quality, my love..."
- "si posees el mayor de los tesoros?"- "when you possess the greatest treasure?"
- El rumor lo dice, posees ciertas habilidades que requiero.Rumor has it you possess certain skills I require.
"... encontraron los dibujos más asombrosos y hermosos que posee Australia."...found the most beautiful and amazing rock paintings Australia possesses.
"El amor posee cada latido de mi corazón"Love possesses every heartbeat of mine
"El impulso a la rebelión ya posee nuestros corazones""The urge to rebel now possesses our hearts"
"El soberano del mundo posee la conciencia efectiva de lo que él es - el poder universal de la efectividad- en la violencia destructiva que ejerce contra el sí mismo de los sujetos que le hacen frente".The sovereign of the world possesses the effective... consciousness of what he is: -the universal power of effectivity- in the destructive violence that he exercises against... the Self of his subjects who form a contrast for him.
"Eres él que me posee en su alma y corazón""You are the one who possesses me in heart and soul"
...loequivocadosque estamos pensando que poseemos algo en la vida....howfoolishwearetothink that we ever possess anything in life.
A estas alturas se habrán dado cuenta de que poseemos un virus neumónico del tipo III.You'vereceivedourpackage and realized we're in possession of a type III pulmonary immuno virus.
Acéptennos y a los poderes que poseemos.Accept us and the powers we possess.
Ahora poseemos su Tierra. Sus minerales. Sus piedras preciosas.We now possess your land, your minerals, your precious stones.
Ahora sabemos que vivimos en un mundo en el cual si nosotros las poseemos, Rev., Nueva Sociedad Evangélica si cualquiera las posee, serán utilizadas.we now know that we live in a world in which, if we possession, if any one possesses, they will be used.
Gracias al incompetente de Giuliano estoy al tanto de que poseéis diez armas, y dado que las he observado, he deducido con simpleza su frecuencia cíclica de fuego.Thanks to Giuliano's bumbling, I was aware that you possessed ten guns, and given that I've observed them, I simply deduced their cyclic rate of fire.
Lo lamento Dr. Jackson, pero ni usted ni la Dra. Carter poseéis el entrenamiento o las cualificaciones para una misión como estaI'm sorry Dr Jackson. But neither you nor Dr Carter possess the training or qualifications for a mission like this.
No poseéis nada con un valor similar que valga la pena intercambiar.You do not possess anything of equal value worth trading for.
Porque cada uno de vosotros poseéis la inteligencia necesaria para convertiros en estrellas del rock.Because each one of you possesses the skills needed to become rock stars.
Tú y tu hermano poseéis 5 buques.You and your brother possess 5 vessels.
"Los desechos contaminados poseen,"The contaminated wastes possess,
"Qué basura!" Es un hecho! ¿Quién puede dejar de convertirse en Hitler, mientras que poseen tales poderesWho can stop you from becoming Hitler while you possess such powers
"Todo lo que poseen es en calidad de préstamo, todavía se ven hasta la fecha.""Everything they possess is on loan, still they look up to date."
"Todo lo que poseen l, se tú ...""Whatever l possess, is Yours..."
'Los demonios poseen una calidad especial.''But demons possess a special quality.'
Está en el psiquiátrico porque la poseí.She's in the psyche ward because I possessed her. Hey.
Excepto claro cuando lo poseí.Except of course when I possessed him.
La prudencia Francesco, es una cualidad que, por desgracia, yo nunca poseí.Wisdom, Francesco, is a quality I have unfortunately never possessed.
Puede ser difícil de suponerse ahora, ...pero hubo un tiempo que poseí si no belleza, la flor de la juventud.It may be hard to imagine now, but at one time I possessed if not beauty then a bloom of youth.
Solo esa vez en la que te poseí para impediros, a ti y a mi novio asesino, exorcizarme.Just that time I possessed you to stop you and my murderous fiancé from exorcising me.
Cuando poseíste al enfermero estabas sosteniendo un control remoto, él te lo dio.When you possessed the orderly, you were holding a remote -- He gave it to you.
Encuentra el enlace que recibiste cuanto le poseíste.Find the link you received when you possessed him.
poseíste esos lobos para ayudar a AidanYou possessed those werewolves to help Aidan.
"Hace mucho tiempo, una tribu de Tuganda poseyó las calaveras.""A long time ago, the Touganda tribe possessed the skulls.
"Johannes ha poseído mi alma. No me poseyó físicamente.""Teacher John possessed my soul, but not my body."
"¿Él ama la música?" ¿Qué te poseyó para decir eso?"He's musical?" What possessed you to even say that?
- Algo que la víctima poseyó.Something the victim once possessed.
- Eres la chica que poseyó el demonio.- You're the girl the demon possessed.
Los Guardianes una vez poseímos un poder increíble.The Guardians once possessed incredible power.
Cada día los aleja más de la humanidad que un día poseyeron.Each day removes them further from the humanity they once possessed.
Cuando cayeron los ángeles, la poseyeron.When the angels fell, she was possessed.
Donde Zee, Hera e Iris, poseyeron sus cuerpos humanos.Where Zee, Hera and Iris, possessed their human bodies.
En la Edad Media habrían dicho que me poseyeron los demonios.In the Middle Ages they'd just say I was possessed by demons.
Los demonios dejaron a la Madre Juana y poseyeron al Padre Joseph.The devils left Mother Joan and possessed Father Joseph
Te destruiré y entonces la poseeré a ella, a quien más amas y no hay nada en el mundo que puedas hacer para detenerme.I will destroy you... and then I will possess she whom you love the most... and there is not a single thing in the world you can do to stop me.
Y cuando acabe, no solo poseeré la flor, te poseeré a ti.And when I am through, I will not only possess the knot, I will possess you.
Y poseeré tu cuerpo.And I will possess your body.
Y cuando puedas acceder a todo eso poseerás un poder que nadie podrá igualar.And when you can access all that. You will possess a power no one can match.
"Esta mujer aquí representada poseerá marcas ocultas signos de que ella será la única, que llevará adelante mis trabajos representará el poder más grande, y también, la más árida desolación"."This woman here depicted will possess unseen marks. Signs that she will be the one to bring forth my works. At vulgar cost, this woman will render the greatest power unto utter desolation."
"Esta mujer aquí representada poseerá marcas ocultas signos de que ella será la única, que llevará adelante mis trabajos."This woman here depicted will possess unseen marks. Signs that she will be the one to bring forth my works."
El Demonio no tiene forma propia así que poseerá al recipiente humano más cercano.The Devil has no form of his own so will possess the nearest human vessel.
El libro dice que nuestro mayor rey poseerá la habilidad de ver más allá de la vista.The book says that our greatest King will possess the ability of sight beyond sight.
Porque el guerrero que decapite a Medusa poseerá la última ventaja en el campo de batalla.Because the warrior who beheads Medusa will possess the ultimate battlefield advantage.
De lo contrario te poseerán y te matarán.Otherwise they will possess and kill you.
Ellos te poseerán A no ser que cambies el número en el dialThey will possess you Unless you change that number on your dial
- ¿Qué ocurriría? - Corea del Norte poseería los medios para infligir bajas a gran escala sobre cualquier país a tiro de misil.- North Korea would possess the means to inflict large-scale casualties and mayhem on any country in missile range.
Al verlo por primera vez no pensé que me poseería tantoI didn't think at first sight that he would possess me so
Así que Surtr poseería a un hombre de Dios, un sacerdote, y se sacrificaría, para romper las puertas del Infierno.So Surtr would possess a man of God, a priest, and then sacrifice himself to shatter the gates of hell.
Dijiste que nadie más poseería esta tecnología en los próximos 20 años.You said nobody else would possess this technology for twenty years.
Los ancianos de mi mundo hablaban del Elegido de la Tierra que poseería el poder definitivo.The elders in my world spoke of the chosen one from Earth who would possess ultimate power.
Muerto sólo tú le poseerías.Dead... you alone would possess him.
¿Qué demonios la poseerían para poner esta foto?What on Earth would possess her to put up this picture?
"cualquiera que proteja, dé asilo o posea una rata,"anyone harboring, sheltering or possessing a rat in any way,
"¡Quienquiera que posea la gema sagrada deberá prepararse para recibir el poder de las bandas carmesí de Cyttorak!"Whosoever possesses the sacred gem "shall prepare himself to receive the power "of the crimson bands of Cyttorak!
A menos que posea un extraño poder mental que te haya atraído hasta mi mesa.Unless I possess a strange mental power that sucked you over to my table.
A partir de hoy, tú y yo somos socios de cada sala y obra teatral que posea:From this day on, you and I are partners in every theater and theatrical property I possess.
Aquel que posea el fuego, poseia la vida.He, who possessed fire, possessed life.
" Lo que más necesito eres tú" "Lo que más quiero es que me poseas"# The more that I need you, # # the more I become your possession. #
# Puede que poseas al mundo y todo su oro #You may possess the world and all of its gold
Ansí a Marcela poseas.And so possess Marcela.
Ante lo desconocido, tienes que armarte de todo el valor que poseas.When you face the unknown, you have to gather every ounce of courage you possess.
Asumiendo, por un momento que poseas el Katra de Surak. Él lleva muerto siglos.Assuming for the moment you possess Surak's katra... he's been dead for centuries.
No podemos contraatacar hasta que poseamos nuestra máxima fuerza.We can't retaliate until we possess our full strength.
Y cuando poseamos todas las piedras caminaremos sobre la tierra como dioses entre mortales.And when we possess all the stones, we shall walk on Earth as Gods among men.
"para que los ejecutéis, y viváis, y poseáis la tierra..."that ye may live and go in and possess the land...
"...sino que posean eterno gozo a través de nuestro Señor Jesucristo."but may possess everlasting joy through Christ our Lord.
"Preparad la matanza para sus hijos por el crimen de sus padres que no se levanten, ni posean la tierra ni la llenen de ciudades.Prepare slaughter for their children, for the iniquity of their fathers; that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world.
"Preparad sus hijos para el matadero por la maldad de sus padres no se levanten, ni posean la tierra ni llenen de ciudades la faz del mundo.""Prepare slaughter for his children "for the iniquity of their fathers, "that they do not rise, nor possess the land, nor fill the face of the world with cities."
AVISO: Todos los residentes de este distrito que posean armas deben dejarlas en el Ayuntamiento a las diez en punto de la mañana del domingo.All residents of this district possessing firearms must surrender them at the Town Hall by ten o'Clock Sunday morning.
Ahora que dudo que podamos separar el ADN Goa'uld del suyo, pero puede que podamos bloqueas esos conocimientos de su mente consciente y evitar que la poseanI doubt we can unmarry the Goa'uld DNA from hers, but we may be able to block the knowledge from her conscious mind. Stop it from possessing her.
"Eyghon, también llamado el sonámbulo, sólo puede existir en esta realidad poseyendo a alguien que no es consciente"."Eyghon, also called the sleepwalker, can only exist in this reality... ..by possessing an unconscious host."
- No lo está poseyendo, lo está drenando.It's not possessing him, it's draining him!
Aún poseyendo toda bendición...Yet possessing every blessing, If our God our Father be
Bridge... la razón de que sientas tu mente vacía durante el círculo de Wicca... es porque los fantasmas que aparecieron... te estaban poseyendo.Bridge, um... the reason you feel your mind empty during the Wicca circle... is because the ghosts that show up... they're possessing you.
De acuerdo, sí, estoy poseyendo a esta doncella durante un minuto...Okay, yes, so I'm possessing this maid for a hot minute. Sue me.
La cuál, por cierto, poseé extraordinariamente sutiles toques de regaliz y cereza cuando no esta contaminada con veneno.Which, by the way, possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry when not polluted with poison.
Verás, el Profesor Slughorn poseé algo que deseo muchísimo.You see, Professor Slughorn possesses something I desire very dearly.
Y este sujeto poseé la extraordinaria abilidad de detectar colores y dibujos con la punta de los dedos.And this subject possesses an extraordinary ability to detect colors and shapes with her fingertips.
! ¡Has poseído a Mako!You've possessed Mako!
"El profesor Johannes me ha poseído.""Teacher John possessed me."
"Era como si Tommy estuviera poseído o algo.'It was like Tommy was possessed or something.
"Estoy poseído por esta casa y nunca más podré dejarla"."I am possessed by this house, and can never leave it again."
"Estoy poseído."I am possessed.

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