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Disfrutar (to enjoy) conjugation

146 examples

Conjugation of disfrutar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I enjoy
you enjoy
he/she/it enjoys
we enjoy
you all enjoy
they enjoy
Present perfect tense
he disfrutado
I have enjoyed
has disfrutado
you have enjoyed
ha disfrutado
he/she/it has enjoyed
hemos disfrutado
we have enjoyed
habéis disfrutado
you all have enjoyed
han disfrutado
they have enjoyed
Past preterite tense
I enjoyed
you enjoyed
he/she/it enjoyed
we enjoyed
you all enjoyed
they enjoyed
Future tense
I will enjoy
you will enjoy
he/she/it will enjoy
we will enjoy
you all will enjoy
they will enjoy
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would enjoy
you would enjoy
he/she/it would enjoy
we would enjoy
you all would enjoy
they would enjoy
Past imperfect tense
I used to enjoy
you used to enjoy
he/she/it used to enjoy
we used to enjoy
you all used to enjoy
they used to enjoy
Past perfect tense
había disfrutado
I had enjoyed
habías disfrutado
you had enjoyed
había disfrutado
he/she/it had enjoyed
habíamos disfrutado
we had enjoyed
habíais disfrutado
you all had enjoyed
habían disfrutado
they had enjoyed
Future perfect tense
habré disfrutado
I will have enjoyed
habrás disfrutado
you will have enjoyed
habrá disfrutado
he/she/it will have enjoyed
habremos disfrutado
we will have enjoyed
habréis disfrutado
you all will have enjoyed
habrán disfrutado
they will have enjoyed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I enjoy
(if/so that) you enjoy
(if/so that) he/she/it enjoy
(if/so that) we enjoy
(if/so that) you all enjoy
(if/so that) they enjoy
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya disfrutado
I have enjoyed
hayas disfrutado
you have enjoyed
haya disfrutado
he/she/it has enjoyed
hayamos disfrutado
we have enjoyed
hayáis disfrutado
you all have enjoyed
hayan disfrutado
they have enjoyed
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have enjoyed
(if/so that) you have enjoyed
(if/so that) he/she/it have enjoyed
(if/so that) we have enjoyed
(if/so that) you all have enjoyed
(if/so that) they have enjoyed
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have enjoyed
(if/so that) you have enjoyed
(if/so that) he/she/it have enjoyed
(if/so that) we have enjoyed
(if/so that) you all have enjoyed
(if/so that) they have enjoyed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera disfrutado
I had enjoyed
hubieras disfrutado
you had enjoyed
hubiera disfrutado
he/she/it had enjoyed
hubiéramos disfrutado
we had enjoyed
hubierais disfrutado
you all had enjoyed
hubieran disfrutado
they had enjoyed
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese disfrutado
I had enjoyed
hubieses disfrutado
you had enjoyed
hubiese disfrutado
he/she/it had enjoyed
hubiésemos disfrutado
we had enjoyed
hubieseis disfrutado
you all had enjoyed
hubiesen disfrutado
they had enjoyed
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have enjoyed
(if/so that) you will have enjoyed
(if/so that) he/she/it will have enjoyed
(if/so that) we will have enjoyed
(if/so that) you all will have enjoyed
(if/so that) they will have enjoyed
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere disfrutado
I will have enjoyed
hubieres disfrutado
you will have enjoyed
hubiere disfrutado
he/she/it will have enjoyed
hubiéremos disfrutado
we will have enjoyed
hubiereis disfrutado
you all will have enjoyed
hubieren disfrutado
they will have enjoyed
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's enjoy!
Imperative negative mood
no disfrutes
do not enjoy!
no disfrute
let him/her/it enjoy!
no disfrutemos
let us not enjoy!
no disfrutéis
do not enjoy!
no disfruten
do not enjoy!

Examples of disfrutar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"A", mañana nos levantamos temprano e intentamos disfrutar de nuestra mutua compañía en este lugar tan precioso.We'll get an early start tomorrow morning and try to enjoy each other's company here in this beautiful place.
"Aguardo impaciente esos días, ya que es asombroso ser testigo... de la alegría de esas personas que no poseen absolutamente nada... pero saben cómo disfrutar del don de la vida.""I have come to await these days, because it is amazing to witness - the sheer joy of these people who own absolutely nothing - but know how to enjoy the gift of life."
"Aprendí a disfrutar de mi vida en el Fuerte Sedgewick."I have come to enjoy the patterns of my life at Fort Sedgewick.
"El pasado es pasado, el futuro está por venir, el presente es lo que ... es un regalo, envuelto para nosotros para disfrutar. ""the past is gone, the future yet to be, the present just that... a gift, wrapped for us to enjoy."
"Muchas personas se han dado cita para disfrutar del maratón de hoy .."'Many people have gathered to enjoy today's marathon..'
"... por la que de repente disfruto tanto la vida. "That I am enjoying my life like this.
"Así disfruto los veranos"" So I enjoyed my summers."
"El señor Hucklebuckle disfruto transmitiendo su mensaje a los niños de Nueva York."Mr Hucklebuckle enjoyed passing on your message to the children of New York.
"Que pasa si disfruto el trago?""What happens if I enjoy the drink?
"Buenas noches, Elizabeth, ¿disfrutas la obra?""Good evening, Elizabeth, are you enjoying the play?
"De manera que, ¿por qué no te relajas y disfrutas?""So why not just lay back and enjoy the ride?"
- Ahora sí que disfrutas, ¿no?- You are enjoying yourself, I take it?
- Desde que no los disfrutas, ¿te dan miedo los placeres?Do pleasures frighten you since you no longer enjoy them?
- El cigarrillo que más disfrutas.- The cigarette you enjoy most.
"A quien le encanta fumar, disfruta de un chiste"Who loves to smoke, enjoys a joke
"Daniel disfruta publicando y viene--""Daniel enjoys publishing and comes--"
"Despreocupada y afectuosa, disfruta de largas caminatas en la playa.""Easy-going and affectionate, enjoys long walks on the beach."
"El león disfruta de una dieta que incluye ñus, cebras y bufalos.""The lion enjoys a diet that includes wildebeest, zebras and buffalo."
"La honorable señora Frederick Mulgrew, cuyo marido, según hemos oído... está siendo valorado para la Embajada de Viena... disfruta del polo con el Capitán WM O'Donnell"."The honourable Mrs Frederick Mulgrew, whose husband, we hear, "is spoken of for the Vienna Embassy, "enjoys the polo with Captain WM O'Donnell."
"Estimado Sr. Harrelson, disfrutamos mucho"Dear Mr. Harrelson, we very much enjoyed
"Hemos venimos cada año a Florida y hemos hecho las cosas de turistas y todo, y las disfrutamos."We've come every year to Florida and we've done the tourist things and all and we enjoy those.
"Y por tanto le suplico, estimado señor, que en el nombre de la amistad que una vez disfrutamos, me diga que magia empleó para devolverle la flor de la vida a Su Señoría."And so I beg of you, dear sir, "for the sake of any friendship that once we enjoyed, "you tell me what magic you employed
' Aquí, mientras disfrutamos de la vista ,'Here, while I enjoyed the view,
(Ella cree que disfrutamos juntos.)(She thinks we are off to enjoy ourselves today)
- Veo que disfrutáis de la nueva W-I-I de Will.- I see you're enjoying Will's new W-I-I.
Así que, ¿disfrutáis de tener a vuestros padres de nuevo?So you guys enjoying having your dads back?
Bueno, ¿pues por qué no volvéis tú y tu culo ahí y disfrutáis de la jubilación de la reina?Well, why don't you take your ass back there and enjoy the Queen's jubilee.
Es obvio que los dos disfrutáis de la compañía del otro.You two obviously enjoy each other's company.
Esta noche disfrutáis de la generosidad del campo.Tonight, you are alive enjoying the fat of the land.
"Los Matsons disfrutan de su retiro en su casa de ensueño de Cape Cod"."The Matsons enjoy their retirement in their Cape Cod dream home."
"Mantenida" Los que lo tienen, lo disfrutan sin importar cómo lo consiguieron.Those who have it, enjoy it... no matter how they got it.
- Chicos, ¿disfrutan su fiestita?-You guys enjoy your slumber party?
- Ellos realmente disfrutan de la matanza.- They really enjoy the kill.
- Entonces somos dos que lo disfrutan.Then we are two who enjoy it.
"En general, disfruté de pasar el tiempo..."All in all, I enjoyed spending time...
"Lo disfruté mucho aunque nada rimara."I enjoyed it very much, even though nothing rhymed.
"Querido Ryan, disfruté tu libro."Dear Ryan, I enjoyed your book.
"Realmente disfruté ver que hay camiones de bomberos"."I really enjoyed seeing all the fire trucks there."
"Tetas del tenis" fue uno... de los muchos nombres que disfruté años después.Tennis Tits was one of the many names I enjoyed for several years afterwards.
- Ahora dime que lo disfrutaste.Now, tell me you enjoyed it. What?
- Entonces ¿disfrutaste, después de todo?I enjoyed it fine. But we need to stand up to them, you and I.
- Lo disfrutaste demasiado.- You enjoyed that way too much.
- Lo disfrutaste, ¿no?- You enjoyed that, didn't you?
"de que ella lo disfrutó tanto como yo.""she enjoyed it as much as I did."
# "Christine disfrutó su gran éxito♪ "Christine enjoyed a great success
- Cory lo disfrutó.- Well, Cory enjoyed it.
- Llegó justo antes de irnos y disfrutó viendo a Marigold, ¿verdad, mamá?- She came just before we left and she enjoyed seeing Marigold, didn't she, Mama?
- No, lo disfrutó inmensamente.- No, he enjoyed it immensely.
"Los más finos ejemplares de la raza humana" ciertamente lo disfrutaron."The finest examples of humanity" certainly enjoyed it.
"¿Crees que los granaderos de Federico el Grande "disfrutaron muriendo por su país?"Do you think Frederick the Great's grenadiers enjoyed dying for their country either?
, quizá disfrutaron de un placer vespertino.Maybe they, uh, enjoyed a little afternoon delight.
...mientras que sus compañeros disfrutaron del día.while their partners enjoyed the highlight.
A mí me parece que ambos lo disfrutaron.Well, it seemed to me like they both enjoyed it.
Ahora disfrutaré de estos.I will enjoy these now.
En ese caso, disfrutaré explotándote.In that case, I will enjoy exploiting you.
Gracias Mr.Haitch. veo que disfrutaré de la conversacion.(sighs) Oh, thank you, Mr. H. I can see I will enjoy our conversations.
La disfrutaré, pero ¿por qué me estás dando esto a mí?I will enjoy it, but why are you giving it to me?
La disfrutaré.I will enjoy it.
- Lo disfrutarás.- You will enjoy it.
Así, disfrutarás de tu amargura en la belleza.So you will enjoy your sorrow in beauty.
Creo que disfrutarás durante años burlándote de mí por eso.I think you will enjoy mocking me for it for years.
Creo que disfrutarás ésta.I think you will enjoy this.
Cásate conmigo y disfrutarás de una vida de lujos.Marry me, you will enjoy luxury life
"estoy segura que disfrutará tenerla en su clase.I know you will enjoy having her in your class.
- Alguien disfrutará el calor aquí.- Somebody will enjoy the heat in here.
- El caballero disfrutará una tranquila jubilación. - ¿Jubilación?- The gentleman will enjoy a peaceful retirement. - Retirement?
Ahumada lo disfrutará.Smokey will enjoy it.
Al menos alguien la disfrutará.At least someone will enjoy it.
"... disfrutaremos de la puesta del sol juntos. ""..we will enjoy the sunset together."
- Lo disfrutaremos.- We will enjoy them.
Cuando mis socios me llamen para decirme que la transacción ha sido un éxito, disfrutaremos del champán.When our associates call me to tell me their transaction has been successful, we will enjoy the champagne.
Estoy intentando que haga algo que tú y yo disfrutaremos viendo.I'm trying to get him to do something that you and I will enjoy watching.
La disfrutaremos.We will enjoy it.
A cambio de vuestra obediencia, disfrutaréis de mi generosa protección.ln return for your obedience you will enjoy my generous protection.
Creo que disfrutaréis escuchando mis aventuras de juventud.I think you will enjoy hearing about my youthful adventures.
"ahora todos los pueblos libres disfrutarán de la paz"now all the free people will enjoy peace - and so on and so on.
- Si. La tribu ganadora abandonará este lugar y será llevada a un hermoso manatial de agua y disfrutarán de un festín de chocolate.The winning tribe will leave here and be taken to a beautiful watering hole and you will enjoy a feast of chocolate.
Ahora todos los demonios quemándose en el infierno disfrutarán de su arte.Now all demons burning in hell will enjoy his art.
Ahora, otras disfrutarán de tus talentos.I have taught you well! Now the world will enjoy your talents.
Creo que disfrutarán también esta próxima.I believe you will enjoy this next one too.
"¿Quién disfrutaría algo así?", pensé."Who would enjoy that?" I thought.
- Keith disfrutaría de este juego.- Κeith would enjoy this pony game.
- No... no quería avisarte, porque disfruto... sé que disfrutaría verte sufriendo.I-I didn't want to warn you, 'cause, like, I enjoy--I knew I would enjoy you in pain.
- Yo disfrutaría de la boda.I would enjoy the wedding.
A cambio, disfrutaría de todos los privilegios de ser un lacayo, quizá incluso llegue a ser vampiro, aunque con algunos efectos ínfimos.In return, he would enjoy all the perks of ghouldom, maybe someday make vampire himself, all with only minor side effects.
-Pensé que disfrutarías verme."I thought you would enjoy seeing me.
Bueno, quizás disfrutarías mucho más si te relajaras y te tomaras tu tiempo y quizás ella disfrutaría también.Well, maybe you would enjoy it a whole lot more if you just slow down, take your time and maybe she'd enjoy it too, hmm?
Creo que disfrutarías de la naturaleza epistemológica - de su lengua...I think you would enjoy the epistemological nature of their language...
Creí que disfrutarías un toque de chica.I thought you would enjoy the girl's touch.
Hay muchos que disfrutarías.There's so many that you would enjoy doing.
Creo que no disfrutaríamos explicarle a OliviaI don't think either of us would enjoying explaining to Olivia
Sólo sabíamos que habíamos escrito unas canciones que nos encantaban, y que disfrutaríamos tocándolas cuando fuéramos mayores, que tendrían sentido.All we knew is that we wrote some songs that we really enjoyed and we loved. And we knew somewhere that we would enjoy playing these songs when we're older, that they would make sense.
Te aseguro, que disfrutaríamos la compañía mutua.I assure you, we would enjoy each other's company.
Dándoles algo, endulzándoles el trato además, sospecho, que el Almirante y la señora Presidente disfrutarían de algunos momentos de privacidad con su antiguo líderThrow in something, sweeten the pot. Beside, I suspect that the Admiral and madame President would enjoy some nice, quiet, private time with their former leader.
Muchos de mis clientes disfrutarían de tu lengua mordaz.Many of my clients would enjoy your acerbic tongue.
Pensamos que disfrutarían un lindo agasajo de aniversario.We just thought that you would enjoy a nice anniversary brunch.
Seguro que George y Frances disfrutarían otro día cavando su túnel hasta Francia.I'm sure George and Frances would enjoy another day digging their way through to France.
Sí, suena como que somos buenos amigos... Que disfrutarían pasando tiempo juntos en una isla desierta. No, Raja...Yes, it sounds like we are good friends who would enjoy spending time together on a desert island.
"...incluso consigue que el enemigo disfrute de la experiencia.""...and even makes the target enemy enjoy the experience."
"Busco un compañero que disfrute su libertad, ya que tengo una vida y no puedo estar con él todos los días a toda hora.""Looking for a soulmate who enjoys his freedom, as I have a life "and can't be with him 24/7."
"Dejar que el chaval disfrute""Hey, let the boy enjoy himself."
"Ella te quiere y anhela a quede contigo, venga y disfrute.""She likes you and yearns to stay with you, come and enjoy."
"Ella te quiere y anhela permanecer contigo, venga y disfrute.""She likes you and yearns to stay with you, come and enjoy."
"Es lindo que disfrutes tu trabajo, pero llegas tarde" Es...espera...You said your name is Ruth? Uh, listen! I'm glad you enjoy your job, but I think you're a little late.
"Jane, espero que disfrutes de tu violín"."Jane, I hope you are enjoying your violin.
"No hagas esto, haz esto, siéntate con las piernas cruzadas, "no duermas con cualquiera, si te casas, más vale que no lo disfrutes,"don't do this, do this, sit with your legs crossed, don't sleep around, and if you're married, we sure as hell shouldn't enjoy it.
"Querido James, espero que disfrutes conduciéndolo a tope."Dear James, hope you enjoy taking this to the max.
"Tiff, espero que disfrutes mis cartas."Tiff, I hope you enjoyed my letters.
"Vamos, cariño, disfrutemos la vida al límite""Come on beloved let's enjoy life to its fullest."
- Ahora disfrutemos la fiesta.- And now let's enjoy the party.
- Así que disfrutemos el día.So let's just enjoy the day. Okay.
- Así que tíralo y disfrutemos de lo que queda de fiesta.- so let's drop it and enjoy what's left of this party.
- Estoy de acuerdo y digo, tuve el tiempo para establecer una etapa en la que todos disfrutemos al menos un nivel mínimo de protección, tu sabes, sin importar quienes fueramos los involucrados en esto, tu sabes,I--I agree, and I mean, I had kind of time to set a stage where--we all enjoy at least a minimum level of protection, you know, no matter who we are, who's involved in this. You know, you're either a journalist... Right.
# Esperamos que disfrutéis del espectáculo #♪ We hope you will enjoy the show ♪
Así que esperamos que disfrutéis... de esa hermosa noche de luna llena.Once again, you can all expect to enjoy An exceptionally beautiful moonlit night on that evening.
Así que espero que lo disfrutéis.So I hope you'll enjoy it.
Así que quiero que disfrutéis de todo esto.So I want y'all to enjoy this stuff.
Así que... espero que disfrutéis esta canción del mejor compositor de Nashville...So... I hope you enjoy this song by the best songwriter in Nashville...
"! Damas y caballeros, disfruten de Sarajevo!""Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy Sarajevo !"
"...para que los hombres disfruten"♪ For the men to enjoy ♪
"Así que, disfruten verla.""So enjoy watching it.
"Doble Vértice" es un viaje excitante... y espero que todos ustedes lo disfruten una y otra vez.Double Vortex is a wild ride, and I'm hoping you all enjoy it again and again and again.
"Eso es todo por ahora, espero que disfruten esta garta navideña."Well, that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed this Christmas litter.
*Así que sentaros y disfrutad del programa*♪ so sit right down, enjoy the show ♪
- Ahora, por favor disfrutad.Now, please enjoy.
- Bueno, disfrutad de la comida.- Then, enjoy your meal.
- Bueno, escuchad, disfrutad de la fiesta.Well, listen, you guys enjoy the party.
- Chicas, disfrutad del día.- Girls, enjoy the rest of your day.
""Isabel Evans ha disfrutado el haber crecido en Roswell. Y aunque quiere mucho su ciudad... y lo ha demostrado con horas de trabajo comunitario..."IsabelEvanshasreally enjoyed growing up in Roswell, and as much as she loves her hometown and shows that love through hours of community service,
"Esperamos que haya disfrutado de su estadía."We hope you have enjoyed your stay "at O'Malley's Bed and Breakfast.
"Espero que la hermana Monica Joan haya disfrutado de la tarta tanto como yo"."I hope Sister Monica Joan enjoyed the cake as much as I did!
"He disfrutado una vida muy vivida.""I have enjoyed a life fully lived."
"Lo he disfrutado todo de ti..."I have enjoyed everything.
" Por el contrario, estoy disfrutando de esto."On the contrary, I'm enjoying this.
"...disfrutando y divirtiéndote moderadamente..."having a moderate amount of fun "and somewhat enjoying yourself,
"Anthea, estoy disfrutando mucho la novela que escondiste en mi equipaje.Anthea, I'm thoroughly enjoying the novel you hid in my luggage.
"El día del juicio final pierde fuelle... y los ciudadanos pasan una tarde agradable... disfrutando de uno de los mejores parques de Pawnee.""Doomsday prediction falls flat "as citizens spend pleasant evening enjoying one of Pawnee's finest parks."
"Espero que lo esté disfrutando..."Oh, I hope she's enjoying that.
Así que sentate, relajate y disfrutá la vista.So sit back, relax and enjoy the view.
No firmes nada que te deje pegado y disfrutá de la guita mientras dure.Don't sign anything and enjoy the money while it lasts.
Y disfrutá tu video.And enjoy your tape.
Bueno, no sé cómo estará pero metetelo en la boca y fingí que lo disfrutás.Well, I don't know how good 'll be, but just put it in your mouth and pretend you're enjoying it.
Hacé que disfrutás y que sos feliz.Pretend that you are enjoying this.
Parece que disfrutás insultándonos.You seem to enjoy degrading us.
Veo que todavía disfrutás de la compañía de criminales...¿Cómo andas Lance?You enjoy the company still criminals. Okay, Lance?
¿Pero por qué no disfrutás un poco?Why don't you just enjoy it?

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